I tackle the misunderstanding that Nabors is a drilling company & I outline the deep value available at their current share price; under 600M market cap & earning 1B in EBIDTA
2.3B of debt or 2x EBIDTA
half a billion in cash.
REITS are cheap because they are insolvent.
Good luck and thanks for your time.
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Rule #1 to pumping garbage assets is to be kind, courteous, and friendly.
Precision Drilling surprised analysts with profits at the end of 2022, and in the first quarter of 2023 Precision will surpise everyone with losses, which will extend through at least the 2nd quarter of 2023
White Cap was the best play, now White Cap is over crowded, over indebted, over leveraged, & under hedged
High Arctic sold all their liabilities to Precision, with the completion of the sale in the 1st quarter of 2023 High Arctic should report a surprise Profit for Q1 of 2023, the first profit in over 3 years possibly 5 years
My most popular tweet was my most unpopular tweet
well over 2,000 years after Socrates & Plato claimed that the masses (crowds) would favor a candy vender over a doctor I have proven them correct.
Saknas det avsnitt?
The federal reserve will taper asset purchases & raise interst rates ending hedge funds surplus of cash & making variable interest debts such as mortgages & lines of credit unaffordable. Hedge funds will sell Crypto before Americans sell to keep their house & producing assets.Mis allocation of resources causes bubbles & prevents smart money from investing in productive assets, causing loss of production & further raises prices as commodities become scarcer while crypto goes higher. Leading me to conclude that Crypto is expanding due to money supplied by the federal reserve; Crypto does not grow by producing, it grows due to speculation done with an expansion of the money supply.Soon the money supply will end or should it continue commodities will catch up to cryptos purchasing power, leaving everyone the looser whether you own crypto or not.Buy oil & precious metal stocks.
Canada's industrial production index has been negative until April 2021, & it is returning to negative territory.
Alberta has the chance to Conquer Ottawa & Quebec without firing a shot while the East coasts supply lines are susceptible to attack.
Gold & Oil are the next commodities to rocket whether they are memed or not.
Albertas housing market is about to BOOM.
Alberta & Canada release their budgets. Alberta increases its debt to $118B & Canada directly attacks Alberta's oil Sector with their budget. Ottawa refuses to aid Carbon Negative Albertan industry they demand more subsidies for companies that depend primarily on fossil fuel for energy, such as airlines. While Eastern Airlines gorge on Federal Aid West Jet is robbed of it's chance to be the largest Airline in Canada.
In this episode i detail how Ottawa is inflating house prices on the east coast to unsustainable levels & the effects it will have on Albertans. Please copy & paste the links into your browser if they don't open.