慧光尊者, 馬來西亞華裔比丘.一九九一年於泰國法宗派座下授持比丘戒。泰國修行八年後回馬來西亞創辦法光禪修林並任主持至今。慧光尊者致力提倡原始佛教,身體力行地鼓勵人們依照佛陀的原始教法修行。現流通的開示錄音集有《清淨自在》系列.法光禪修林歡迎所有志跟隨佛陀足跡的人仕前來共修,費用全免。
法光禪修林地址:Lot 3106 Parit HJ. Omar (Parit 3), Api-Api 82000, Pontian, Johor, Malaysia
電話:(+60) 07-6952693
Venerable Jutipanño Mahāthero is a Malaysian Buddhist monk. He received his higher ordination (Upasampada) in 1991 at Wat Bhodhisampan, Narkleur, Chonburi, Thailand. His Preceptor is Phraku Pañña Pathanaporn. He trained under Arcariya Phraku Somchat Dhamma Joto for a period of six years and stayed in Thailand for a duration of eight years.