Kom helt tæt på reality-stjernen Sidney Lee, når hans nærmeste for første gang frem og fortæller om Sidneys vej til berømmelse og om faldet fra tinderne.
Podcast-serien går i fire afsnit bagom berømmelsen, bandanaen og den selvbrunede hud og fortæller historien om en mand, der oplevede store op- og nedture, en Peter Pan-figur, der aldrig ønskede at blive voksen.
Fortællerstemmen i podcasten er genereret af kunstig intelligens baseret på Sidney Lees stemme. Hans familie er sikker på, han ville have elsket det. Sidneys genskabte stemme er baseret på gennemgribende research, udtalelser fra personer helt tæt på ham og Sidneys egne ord, fra da han levede.
Se også TV-dokumentaren ’Sidney’ i 3 afsnit på TV 2 Play
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Glasgow & Barcelona based podcast, hosted by Sean McDonald. Sean interviews people from various segments of society, discussing serious topics with Scottish humour. From life stories, to social commentary and discussion on current topics, modern culture and more. Contact at [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Liz MacCuish and Jordan Mitchell are the founders of Good Culture, a company that specialises in integrated talent, partnership and cultural strategy. Each week, they talk to well-known guests about how they are showing up to make an impact on our culture.
Whether it’s change that’s big or small, these conversations will inspire and encourage you to start showing up in the most meaningful way.
This, is Good Culture.
@goodcultureinc -
Claudette is investigating the life and death of her father Courtney Laws, who was a leading member of Britain's black community and a pioneer of the Windrush Generation and yet, his story remains untold. This is a curious case of a missing legacy, offering a different perspective on modern Black British history and raising questions no daughter should have to ask.
Podcast series charting the #IPP prisoner scandal. Listen on #Acast #ApplePodcasts #Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.
Today there are nearly 3,000 people trapped in British prisons on the now abolished indeterminate IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection) sentence, many for minor crimes like stealing a mobile phone. None of them know when they are getting out, or whether their IPP sentence could mean life in prison. To date, 87 IPP serving prisoners, with a lack of certainty and losing hope, have taken their own lives. The IPP has been called a ‘stain on the British justice system’ and ‘psychological torture’. But most people have never heard of it…
In this ‘tragically brilliant’ and hard hitting multi-part podcast series, the investigative reporter Sam Asumadu is digging deep into the plight of prisoners serving IPPs, and their families, to find out what has gone wrong with this sentence and to shine a light into the dark corners of the IPP story.
Featuring contributions from prisoners serving IPP sentences, their families, campaigners, criminologists, psychologists, journalists, lawyers, retired judges, MPs and Peers.
Get in touch on X, TikTok and Instagram @Trapped_pod
Trapped Substack:
If you want to do something, you can tell a friend to listen to this series: knowledge is power and the more who know, the harder it is for injustice to take place.
If you want to do something more active, you can write to your MP and tell them to raise questions about prisoners serving IPPs in parliament.
Search the hashtag #IPPScandal on social media for more info.
For more information about the Campaign for IPP Justice: visit UNGRIPP | @UNGRIPP and IPP Committee in Action | @ActionIpp
Reporter: Samantha Asumadu @SamanthaAsumadu
Executive Producer: Melissa FitzGerald @melissafitzg
Producer: Steve Langridge @SMLANGERS
Consultant: Hank Rossi
A Zinc Media Group / Ear Worm production for The Institute of Now
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Batting the Breeze is a podcast for the infinitely curious. It's a place where we share stories, invite others to share stories and sometimes... just talk. Episodes are usually less than 25 minutes and could relate to absolutely anything; Quite often, they'll be subjects you've never thought about thinking about. We're always looking to be informative, amusing or thought-provoking and occasionally all three! Head over to for more information.
Listen to remarkable people talk about when the unforgettable happens, what happened next, and who helped them along the way. Often hilarious, always frank; wounded veterans talk us through the moment that changed their lives. Published every two weeks during each series. Available on all the usual podcast platforms.
Contact: [email protected] if you have a story to tell and a charity to highlight. -
Ce sont des gens ordinaires. Celles et ceux que vous croisez dans la rue, le métro. Vos voisins. Mais derrière cette banalité apparente se cache en chacun d'eux une histoire... extraordinaire.
Quentin Ceuppens est journaliste, reporter et auteur de podcasts. Sa passion dans la vie ? Être à l'affût des récits incroyables qui se cachent derrière les méandres du quotidien. Entre rencontre avec un ours, crash d'hélico, transplantation de poumons ou encore négociation de prisonniers, l'auteur dégote des histoires inouies de sa voisine, de son maraîcher, de son compagnon de cordée, ou encore d'une ancienne copine d'études... -
When is the right time to die?
Two friends try to answer that question. For one it’s theoretical, and for the other it’s all too real.
In this podcast, we follow Phil’s journey living with an incurable and life-ending illness, and unpack some of the key debates around assisted dying – with some help from experts and campaigners.
Phil always wanted the chance to have this discussion in UK courts. He never got that chance, but this is his story.
Follow Phil's journey on social media:
Special thanks to -
Phil Newby, podcast host and owner
Nyree Ambarchian, Jack & Grace (co-host and comms lead)
Rob Double, Access Studios (production and editing)
Jessica Nazaire, Jack & Grace (production and comms)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This podcast is about my dad, and me, and our relationship. It's also about death, old age, care, love, history, change, mental health, science, medicine, art, dementia and friendship. It brings together memoir, clips from over 10 years of recordings of my father, sound design, and interviews with experts. It takes you on a journey down to a sunless sea.
This podcast includes content funded by the British Podcast Awards Fund and the Wellcome Trust. -
A window into our world, through in-depth storytelling from the BBC. Investigating, reporting and uncovering true stories from everywhere. Award-winning journalism, unheard voices, amazing culture and global issues.
From Syria after Assad to rebuilding Ukraine, to how AI changed our lives, The Documentary investigates major global stories.
We delve into social media, take you into the minds of the world’s most creative people and explore personal approaches to spirituality. Every week, we also bring together people from around the globe to discuss how news stories are affecting their lives.
A new episode most days, all year round. From our BBC World Service teams at: Assignment, Heart and Soul, In the Studio, OS Conversations, The Fifth Floor and Trending.
The day’s top stories from BBC News. Keeping you informed on the important global events, including the latest on US politics and developments in Ukraine and Gaza. Delivered twice a day at weekends, daily at weekends. Follow or subscribe, so you never miss an episode.Also listen to The Happy Pod, every Saturday, for the happiest stories of the week.Get in touch: [email protected]