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"Muujgai Mood podcast"-н танилцуулга интро дугаарыг хүргэж байна. Дууны чанар муу байгааг уучлаарай. Удахгүй сайжруулах болно оо🤗🤗🤗
Хорин хэдэн настай найзуудын дунд болдог энгийн, хөгжилтэй, сахилгагүй яриа байх болно. Сексийн тухай их ярих учраас 18-с дээш насныхан сонсоосой гэж хүсэж байна.
Мөн өөрт тохиолдсон секстэй холбоотой хөгжилтэй түүхээ доорх линкээр бичиж үлдээгээрэй.
Instagram: @muujgaimood
Meet Cute Presents: Cruise Ship. Bestselling author Sara Shepard (PRETTY LITTLE LIARS) takes Queen Beatrice to the high seas and hijinks. Our peppy cruise director, Corby, is determined to warm the waters between herself and Captain Karl. Other crew members find a way to form the perfect Bermuda love triangle between themselves and the celebrity chef on board. Then there are the cruisers…who are simply all at sea when it comes to love.
Comedians and Comedy shows from classic Old Time Radio. Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and Molly, Fred Allen, Groucho Marx, and more.
New episodes posted weekly. For FREE you can listen to and download all my OTR podcast at Feedback and comments welcome at my email: [email protected] or @duane.otr on Instagram.
- Thank you and enjoy. -
There can be only Juan!!!
A show where I talk about life, current events, esoterica, the occult, conspiracy theories, and other mysteries of the universe.New weekly episodes!
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Thanks for tuning in! -
Meet Cute Presents: A Mid-Semester Night’s Dream. A playful retelling of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, four graduate students’ love lives—and scholarly ambitions—are thrown into chaos after a mischievous TA uses an enchanted book to make them all fall in love with each other.
Meet Cute Presents: Sexiled. Can you fall in love after only one conversation? Ronan’s best friend, Sydney, thinks so. Ronan’s about to put it to the test, anyway: Sydney has kicked him out of their hotel room for her latest hook up, and Ronan’s decided to kill the time by wandering around Prague with a stranger.
Meet Cute Presents: Ain’t Love Super. How do you tell the World’s Mightiest Man that he’s the World’s Thirdest Wheel? Over two seasons, we follow Matriarch fight Dr. Payback for good, and maybe also...his heart? C-list supervillains The Mink and Robber Baron have a love story of their own, replete with playdates, as they journey into parenthood. You’ve seen heroes and villains battle it out, but now they’re meeting their (love) matches.
Τρία χρόνια στην Αγγλία και πραγματικά έχω πολλά να σχολιάσω και πολλές εμπειρίες να διηγηθώ, καλές και κακές. Σε αυτό το podcast θα τα πούμε όλα μαζί με φίλους που έχουν και αυτοί εμπειρίες να μοιραστούν. Αν και εσύ θα ήθελες μια μέρα να ζήσεις στην Αγγλία, αυτό το podcast θα σου δώσει τις απαντήσεις που ψάχνεις και θα σου μάθει τί πρέπει να προσέχεις όταν έρθεις εδώ.
Αν θες, μπορείς να μου στείλεις τις ερωτήσεις σου ή τα θέματα που θα ήθελες να παρουσιάσω στο instagram όπου θα με βρεις ως @greek_in_uk_podcast. -
Jason Nguyen is a filmmaker and comedian who will welcome his funny friends and guests to talk about the different lengths we go to stay positive, especially when working in a creative field. They'll talk shop, crack jokes, and hopefully at the end learn something about the benefits of positivity! The goal here is to break the ice when it comes to mental health. Seeking help is hard, and staying positive is even harder, but the fact of the matter is, we aren't here to tell people how to live their lives. We’re just curious about the upkeep.