A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Bénédictions !
¡Bendiciones !
#blessings #bénédictions #bendiciones #tiznatural #takeyce
#theshindellas #teddyswims #msana #vitaa #elmah #savitasingh #raquel #generalimran #thedoors #bigsugar #ladaniva #sate #jullyblack #albanskenderaj #ledrivula #gims #randallramirez #khalia #seinabosey
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Beware of wrongful dismissal!
Attention au licenciement abusif !
¡ Cuidado con el despido improcedente!
#bewareofwrongfuldismissal #attentionaulicenciementabusif #cuidadoconeldespidoimprocedente #tiznatural #takeyce
#elceegweja #bandt #aquakulture #hug #ceu #luizdaquino #mimiwebb #aaronsevilla #massaniello #shawnmendes #tainy #zionlennox #elviscrespo #yaksta #shenseea #netoyuth
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
Saknas det avsnitt?
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
The Gift of Wishing!
Le don de souhaiter !
¡ El regalo de desear !
#thegiftofwishing #ledondesouhaiter #elregalodedesear #wishing #ellawheelerwilcox #tiznatural #takeyce
#dieg #fola #bellashmurda #lylah #gims #zaho #dadju #ne-yo #skustaclee #yuridope #aaronfrazer #zyodara #yasmina #clay&friends #pck&lfrankie #aidabossa #deborahcox #takeyce #terryfeeq #afrosound #thedubbeez#jadakiss #seanpaul #kybba #busysignal
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
A Smile !
Un sourire !
¡ Una sonrisa !
#asmile #unsourire #unasonrisa #tiznatural #takeyce
#mette #samgallaitry #lumidee #piapounds #nynovargos #blackrose #rosiloa #royalwood #pe'ertaso #takeyce #stepperz #raggaranks #steelepulse #randallramirez #indiamartinez #enesse #billyt #adiouza #nowun #arilennox
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Manipulation comes in many forms !
La manipulation prend de nombreuses formes!
¡ La manipulación toma muchas forma !
#manipulationcomesinmanyforms #lamanipulationprenddenombreuseforms #lamanipulacióntomamuchasforma #tiznatural #takeyce
#robbiewilliams #benininternationalmusical #thethirddegree #smoove #liamsi #calyysorose #manucho #bebe #clay&friends #sylo #dijahsb #luisfonsi #myketowers #mortimer #damianjrgongmarley
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Time Will Tell !
Le temps nous le dira!
¡ El tiempo lo dirá!
#timewilltell #letempsnousledira #eltiempolodira #tiznatural #takeyce
#ladavina #calema #gims #soprano #wesli #kestheband #problemchild #omegamighty #debbiejames #netoyuth #zaho #kabusaorientalchoir #aaronsevilla
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Gratitude Is a must!
La gratitude est essentielle !
¡ La gratitud es imprescindible!
#gratitudeisamust #lagratitudeestessentielle #lagratitudesimprescindible #tiznatural #takeyce
#adrianyonge #guh #mikelove #kairomclean #lukala #sasintlevant #ti-do #kali #habibkoite #oanaradu #evasimons
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
See It Through!
Voir à travers !
¡ Ver a través !
#seeitthrough #voiratravers #veratraves #edgarguest #tiznatural #takeyce
#eceseçkin #alban #albanskenderaj #jacotene #mrvegas #jayavid #turbulence #lartiste #kairomclean #elenifoureira #victorthompson #alaclairensemble #arresteddevelopment #peertasi #lizzen
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Know Your Value!
Connaissez Votre Valeur !
¡ Conoce Tu Valor !
#knowyourvalue #connaissezvotrevaleur #conocetuvalor #tiznatural #takeyce
#boluajibade #dystinct #dana #hourani #anas #nordo #gims #dadju #liamsi #blaizahfya #mrvegas #simi #nyaali #rosiedelmah # #melaniafiona #enesse #ayo #chrisstapleton
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Love Thyself!
Aime-toi !
¡ Ámate a ti mism@ !
#lovethyself #aimetoi #amateatimism@ #reynabiddy #tiznatural #takeyce
#fuzion #katiekadan #indiamartinez #maeeshab #yaksta #grampsmorgan #samoryi #ne-yo #goyo #luisterlavoz #mikehumble #thedubbeez #jullyblack #chelseastewart #letitbe
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
*** Sorry for the delay - away on Holidays ***
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Humility is a gift!
L'humilité est un don !
¡ La humildad es un regalo !
#humilityisagift #humiliteestundon #humilidadesunregalo #tiznatural #takeyce
#arilennox #lej #zaz #sobrangsolid #nexxfriday #thaila #suzannalubrano #bobbubazini #ouidad #mel #jymax #elyana #zyodara #yasmina #rotimi #mayorkin #nastyc #belinda brady #bustarhymes #aiza
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Insécurités !
Inseguridades !
#insecurities #insecurites #inseguridades #haley # #tiznatural #takeyce
#staceykent #jimtomlinson #alessiacara #tlc #ciara #rosamayalaba #afrikamamas #dumea #lebinx #ralphbeaubrun #verdance #samisland #zaya #h.u.g. #imenes #thegeorgiasatellites #mana
*For inspiration, educational and entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. SOCAN Registered CFRU 93.3 FM.
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Les Enfants !
Los Niños!
#children #lesenfants #losninos #everychildmatters #chaqueenfantcompte #cadaniñoquenta # #tiznatural #takeyce
#jafunk #triplehhorns #stefanmahendra #zyodara #yasmine #izzybizu #lidopimenta #ladavina #enyewfancho #ridsa #benininternationalmusical #yemialade #magicsystem #mohamedromadan #olgatanon #liakali #haviahmighty #omegamighty #steele #kipili #seanrii #jenieo #ozlam #shaffy #chrisseazy
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
La Famille !
La Familia !
#family #lafamille #lafamilia #afamilyislikeacircle #unefamilleestcommeuncercle #unafamiliaescomouncirculo #nicolemoneil #tiznatural #takeyce
#bibao #mzvee #evasimons #ralphbeaubrun #tiakola #sstedi #clay&friends #ruthb #stacyryan #sevdaliz #pablovitar #yseult #lizzen #sofitukker #amadou&miriam #adryanoshykk #ladaniva #mortimer #juniorgongmarley #rickhassani #eussah
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Listen to action, Not words!
Écoutez l'action, non les mots !
¡ Escuche la acción, no las palabras !
#listentoactionnotwords #ecoutezlactionnonlesmots #escuchelaaccionnolaspalabras #tiznatural #takeyce
#elenifoureira #chriseazy #shaffy #elementeleeeh #rosskana #brucemelodie #latoiyawilliams #aloeblacc #msdezy #belindabrady #aiza #haviahmighty #omegamighty #austin #trinidadcardona #myagi
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Don’t Fall!
Ne tombe pas!
¡ No te caigas !
#dontfall #netombepas #notecaigas #youwillneverseemefall #joycealcantara #tiznatural #takeyce
#aaronfrazer #cloe #ygmarley #goyo #luisterlavoz #ciara #adiouza #randallramirez #gims #chelseystewart #vandali #zonadeganja #ce'cile #ekishola #gantaro #verdance #samisland
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Let Patience be your Virtue!
Que la patience soit ta vertu!
¡ Deja que la paciencia sea tu virtud !
#letpatiencebeyourguide #quelapatiencesoittavertu #dejaquelapacienciaseatuvirtud #tiznatural #takeyce
#ridsa #gentedezona #gilbertogil #aaronfrazer #kehlani #flo #allisonrussell #ammar #izzybizu #oanaradu #treylorenz #kabusaorientalchoir #clay&friends #konshens #tinahoodcelebrity #fireboydml #alexcatherine
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Inspirational Quotes!
Citations inspirantes !
¡ Citas Inspiradoras !
#inspirationalquotes #citationsinspirantes #citasinspiradoras #mahatmaghandi #muhammedali #winstonchurchill #tiznatural #takeyce
#zaho #tayc #zahara #babeswodumo #mampintsha #judithhill #chic #chindinma #elenifoureira #darfuq #mzvee #yemialade #liakali #zonahganjah #steelepulse #kairomclean #aishasekhmet
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Manifest Great Things!
Manifeste de grandes choses !
¡ Manifiesto de grandes cosas !
#manifestgreatthings #manifestedesgrandeschoses #manifiestograndescosas #tiznatural #takeyce
#risingappalachia #hug #yngdripboy #youngset #nancyveiera #titoparis #chrisadjessy #jimtomlinson #dyani #kevinflorez #damianmarley #kingstonflorez #dhuratadora #ladaniva ##culturalprofetica #okaliuchis #protoje #jahsii #royalwood
A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec
on (www.cfru.ca), Guelph, CANADA
Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras:
Let it be!
Qu'il en soit ainsi !
¡ Que así sea!
#letitbe #quilensoitainsi #queasisea #tiznatural #takeyce
#dyke&theblazers #victorjsefo #angelinasefo #afrikamamas #aaronsevilla #massanielo #rammstein #brownsugar #crashtestdummies #ann&sonia #georgeveikoso #brucemelodie #shaggy #shaffy #chrisseazy #benininternationalmusical #yemialade #angeliquekidjo#elenifoureira #mcdaddy #awa
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