Welcome dreamers, seekers, healers and anyone on their healing journey. My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
In this episodeLean in for some serious wisdom on living a realized life, manifesting your dreams, and the importance of finding what you love and giving it away. In this episode I'm thrilled to share some serious inspiration and downright encouragement from two of my most treasured mentors; Gary Strauss and Tracy Griffiths. In this episode they share:
How they have sustained their healing arts careers in teaching and practicing Craniosacral and Polarity therapy among other things, over many decades (I have been following them around for over 20 years and I'm a newbie...so, like, yeah- you will want to listen up!)The one piece of advice they would give to their younger selves How working with the nervous system and specifically the vagus nerve is essential for living a healthy life in todays stressful environmentHow their upcoming trip to Olympia Washington to share these tools is going to be the best time ever- and you should absolutely come! (Even if you are finding this later... you should still check out our upcoming classes and programs)xoxo.
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about us!
Learn about all of our upcoming classes and programs. Check out Gary and Tracy's school: The Life Energy Institute Learn about the upcoming classes August 2024 in Polarity Autonomic Nervous System with Gary Strauss and TRE with Tracy GriffithsRead our current Astrology report with Emily TrinkausJoin the Hive Community Membership for free here.Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Music:Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
All other music from Music from #Uppbeat
Welcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community membership for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
In this episode I share:An interview with Dzhan Wiley, my best friend and co-creator of the Healer's Journey Dream Oracle deck about our soon-to-be-released deckInsight into our creative process around painting the 44 images that became the cards (22 paintings each)How we wrote the poetic guidance that accompanies each card using a method of "blind" synchronicity poetry that we made up when we were 16 years old (over 30 years ago!!???)Three card pull on the positive and negative pole of sharing the deck, and we even pull a card for you! (Go ahead and start pondering your question...)How the healer's journey is inspired by but totally different from the hero's journey and how this pertains to YOU!Pre-order your Healer's Journey Dream Oracle DeckInterested in purchasing prints of the cards? Email me at amandalux@elevationhive.com
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about the upcoming live online class: Free intro to Intentional Dreaming on zoom
Join us in person for a Free intro to Polarity One: Session FREE
FREE Polarity Somatic Yoga for the month of May (I will soon be offering this on zoom as well)https://www.elevationhive.com/polarity-somatic-yoga
Work with me: https://www.elevationhive.com/book-a-session
Learn more about upcoming classes: https://www.elevationhive.com/classes
Read the current astrology: https://www.elevationhive.com/astrology
Certificate Programs https://www.elevationhive.com/certificate-programs
Pre-order your Healer's Journey Dream Oracle Deck
Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!
Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Songs used in this episode:Alone/All One...
Saknas det avsnitt?
Welcome dreamers, seekers, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community membership for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
In this episode I share:A five minute somatic exercise/ guided body scan to create the space (Feel free to return to this anytime!)About my recent experience completing my 500 hour RYTT in Bali in a 300 hour Embodied Flow ™ training and break down some of the incredible ways this training explores yoga, somatics, body mind centering and more What Polarity Somatic Yoga is and specifically how it is for all bodies and abilities A super special interview with my Friend Marina who also attended the Embodied Flow training. Marina shares how somatic yoga healed her of kidney problems and how her father healed himself from cancer using very similar techniques!Resources mentioned:
Join my new recently re-opened online community with a dream sharing and energy medicine forum (it's FREE)Learn more about Polarity Somatic YogaI am now offering sessions online and in-person Learn more about Embodied Flow ™ Connect with Marina Polyakova, an Embodied Flow Inspired teacher near London, England at marinavp16@gmail.comLearn more about our AIRbnbLearn more about upcoming classes and certificate programs in Craniosacral and Polarity TherapyCertificate Programs https://www.elevationhive.com/certificate-programs
Pre-order your Healer's Journey Dream Oracle Deck
Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!
Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Music used in this episode:
Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: Z2WEUJ5TOMR0SANS
License code: 1KPMLBQD7MPSD9GI
License code: 1YOFEUO8PNSPWCRV
License code: JEMIJ0F7OKA2BNBV
License code:...
Yoga Nidra is an ancient yogic practice also known as the yoga of sleep. In this practice you are invited to tune into your heart and listen for your unique sankalpa- or your deepest most soul aligned desire for your life.
In this episode:Receive a 45 minute guided yoga Nidra meditation practice with gentle music throughout Learn how practicing Yoga Nidra helped me with my insomnia turning it from a dreaded challenge into a sacred giftlearn how a 30 minute Yoga Nidra practice can be more restorative than three hours of restful sleepHow setting intentions for your life in the form of a sankalpa(and planting them in the fertile soil of your body and mind through Yoga Nidra) can be an amazing way to create the life you were meant to liveDownload a workbook to help you create your own sankalpa!
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about our new 30 foot geodesic dome, retreat spaces and upcoming classes and programs.Download your FREE Sankalpa Workbook hereCome visit us in our new 30 foot dome in Olympia, WA or book your own creative or healing retreat at the Creative Cottage nowClick here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams and experiences. It is an honor to be in sacred community with you!
Music from #Uppbeat
True listening is more than just hearing what is being said. Listening can be an offering. It can be transformative. It can be the greatest gift we could ever offer ourselves or another.
In this episode I explore:How to listen to another person (or yourself) using polarity energetic principals How resonance is more than just matching another's vibration, as the process of reflecting effectively is actually amplifying How listening creates resonance and rapport How rapport creates a field for healing that is proven to be affective across all modalities both psychological and physiological Musical divination for your listening pleasure (as inspired by a dream I incubated for this episode)!
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about our classes and programs
Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams and experiences with the musical divination!
Enjoy an intimate, alive, and inspired conversation with myself and my partner Christopher Gerber who is an artist and exceptionally wise being, about the process of shedding old outdated behaviors and limiting beliefs, while taking courageous leaps towards becoming a new you.
In this episode Christopher shares how Dr. Joe Dispenza, famous speaker and author of many books including "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself", was his personal chiropractor back in the day... and how his invitation to "become somebody new" actually worked to not only cure his chronic low back pain, but transform his life.
How getting a haircut can help you call in the partner of your dreams
How to get your beliefs on board when manifesting or shifting your alignment
How to transform and release blocks- physical, mental or emotional using the Body Mind Bridge Hypnotherapy method (in a short guided exercises)
The elemental blueprint for personal transformation
SummaryWelcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community membership for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about the upcoming classes, teh developmet of our retreat center, and opportunities for yoga, dreamwork and more!
Learn about Sara Ann at the Beauty Temple where Christopher got his magical haircut
Learn about Shuna Morelli and the BodyMind Bridge method https://www.shunamorelli.com/
Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
(Ep. 6 the FINAL episode in the Soul-Care Series)
The earth element can help us to ground our energy, face our fears as we cultivate courage (which can be supportive when dealing with nightmares as well as difficulties in our waking life). The earth element can also be helpful for bringing energetic resolution to the traumas- both big and small that have taken up residency within our bodies.
In this episode you will:Learn how the earth element relates to fear and courage- and how to harness the grounding, balancing powers of the earth in order to face scary things in lifeLearn about the astrological and physiological correlations or the energy triad of earth and how to recognize when this element is in or out of balance in your body Experience a poem I wrote on facing fear called "when the hunted becomes the hunter"Enjoy a simple but powerful visualization for connecting to the earthLearn how to work with nightmares along with my favorite tip for re-entering them safely (which also applies to facing our fears in our waking life as well).
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about our conscious dream circles, and upcoming in-person classes in polarity and craniosacral therapy.
Check out my art at AmandaLux.comLearn more about your chakras and elements with the Soul-Care Workbook: https://www.amazon.com/Soul-Care-Workbook-Journey-through-Elements-ebook/dp/B08BYWCJFRread teh article quoted by Toko-pa Turner here: https://toko-pa.com/2012/10/04/dreamspeak-eating-your-shadow/Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
SummaryWelcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community membership for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
Songs used in this episode:Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
Light wind: by https://lesfm.net/
Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
Join me for the fifth episode in the Soul-Care Series for a ritual-like auditory journey through the water element.
In this episode Learn about the various qualities of water as they flow through our emotional body, our deep physical intuitive body, our creativity, and sensuality.Hear about the ways I call on the water element in private sessions to enhance my physical intuitionLearn about the astrological and physiological correlations or the energy triad of water and how to recognize when this element is in or out of balance in your body Experience a poem on water (at the very start of the episode) from my book which you can learn more about or purchase on Amazon here: The Soul-Care Workbook: A 33 Day Journey Through your Chakras and Elements Enjoy a simple but powerful visualization tool I call "get full of yourself" (which is really about filling up with your own energy so completely that you can't possibly take on anything that isn't yours). This is an excellent tool for empaths and anyone feeling energetically drained!
SummaryWelcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community membership for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to elevationhive.com to learn more about in-person classes in polarity therapy and our monthly in-person dream circleCheck out my art at AmandaLux.comBuy my book The Soul-Care Workbook: A 33 Day Journey Through your Chakras and Elements Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing, and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
(If the mail-to link above does not work for you... email me at be@elevationhive.com)
Songs used in this episode:Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
Join me for the forth episode in the Soul-Care Series for a ritual-like auditory journey through the fire element.
I took a few RISKS in this episode, as I embodied the fire through my creation process. I was honest, I was direct, and the last chunk of air time is dedicated to a somatic attunement to the fire itself. I invite you to light a candle on your altar with me before you listen...
and be prepared to DANCE.
In this episode of the Soul-Care Series you will:
Learn about the various qualities of fire as they ignite our anger, rage, personal power, and enthusiasm!Hear about my own challenges with fire and the ways I often "burn out" (and how I hold space for these patterns to move and express). Learn the polarity perspective on staying neutral, objective, curious, and yet related to the elements and the often difficult emotional qualities that show up as we explore what it means to be "spirit greatness having a human experience".Experience a poem on fire (at the very start of the episode) from my book which you can learn more about or purchase on Amazon here: The Soul-Care Workbook: A 33 Day Journey Through your Chakras and Elements Join me in a guided movement experience and receive a somatic attunement to FIRE Dance like nobodies watching.
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to elevationhive.com to learn more about in-person classes in polarity therapy and our monthly in-person dream circleCheck out my art at AmandaLux.comBuy my book The Soul-Care Workbook: A 33 Day Journey Through your Chakras and Elements Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing, and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
(email me at be@elevationhive.com or try the mail-to link above if you have g-mail. xoxo)
SummaryWelcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community membership for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
Songs used in this episode:Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
All other music from: #Uppbeat:
Join me for the third episode in the Soul-Care Series where I discuss the negative and positive attributes of the air element with astrologer and polarity teacher Shelley Bredeson.
With more than four decades of study and experience in the healing arts Shelley references her wealth of knowledge in structural bodywork, energy medicine, and astrology as we discuss the air element with all its gifts and challenges. (Especially the challenges within the gifts)!
In this episode of the Soul-Care Series Shelley and I discuss:
The negative pole qualities of the air element (heart chakra) including envy, anxiety, and overwhelm How Shelleys own air imbalance opened the doorway to her life's work and passion (because nothing else worked as well as energy healing and astrology!!!)Some super helpful tools to support anxiety, depression and overwhelmA poem from my book which you can learn more about or purchase on Amazon here: The Soul-Care Workbook: A 33 Day Journey Through your Chakras and Elements
SummaryWelcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path every new and full moon.
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about online and in person classes in polarity therapy and dreamwork.
Check out my art at AmandaLux.com
Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation! Learn more or purchase the Soul-Care Workbook on Amazon here: The Soul-Care Workbook: A 33 Day Journey Through your Chakras and Elements Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!I love to read them.
About Shelley BredesonWith more than 4 decades of study and experience in the healing arts, Shelley successfully blends her training and knowledge of structural bodywork, energy medicine, spirituality, creative arts, astrology and traditional medicine into her work and life. She is passionate about our connection with one another , the natural world, life energy and ways we can create and co-create greater wellness for ourselves and all we are related to. Her greatest joy is facilitating others in their own self-empowerment through cultivating their innate wellbeing-Body, Mind & Soul.
Follow Shelley Bredeson!
In this episode
Join me for the second episode in the Soul-Care Series where I chat with my dear friend Kelly Watkins about Grief. Kelly is a Board Certified Polarity Practitioner, a fellow polarity teacher (who happened to help me start the Hive!) and a grief expert who offers online sessions and mourning circles for anyone who has experience loss, trauma, or has endured the trials of being human. In this down-to-earth and intimate conversation Kelly shares about some of her own losses including her current walk with cancer, and offers some helpful ways to process and honor grief.
In this episode of the Soul-Care Series you will hear:
About the ether element (throat chakra) and its relationship to grief and blissAbout the importance of honoring grief and the whole continuum of our experienceHow grieving is both personal and universal Kellys amazing "wailing tub" exercise for allowing grief to leave your body and go down the drainA poem from my book which you can learn more about or purchase on Amazon here: The Soul-Care Workbook: A 33 Day Journey Through your Chakras and Elements
SummaryWelcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community membership for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about the upcoming classes in Polarity therapy and in-person and online dream circles
Learn more about Kelly Watkins and her Mourning circlesCheck out my art at AmandaLux.comPurchase the Soul-Care Workbook on Amazon here: The Soul-Care Workbook: A 33 Day Journey Through your Chakras and Elements
Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Songs used in this episode:Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
In this episode
Join me for the first episode in this new Soul-Care series as I build upon and dive even deeper into how we can tend to our body, energy and life with energy medicine. Soul-Care offers a multidimensional version of energetic self-care through action based exercises, practices, suggestions, and guided visualizations.
In this first episode of the new Soul-Care Series, I share:
A guided energy attunement to help you tap into your own energy and shift an actual issue that is currently presenting for you physically, mentally or emotionally (and ultimately energetically).How I went from skeptic to teacher of energy medicineHow bringing your energy into alignment (using only your imagination) can shift imbalances on any and all levels- and how everyone (even you) is born with this ability! An excerpt from my book which you can learn more about or purchase on Amazon here: The Soul-Care Workbook: A 33 Day Journey Through your Chakras and ElementsGo to Elevationhive.com to learn more about our upcoming classes in Polarity Therapy and Craniosacral Balancing
Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Songs used in this episode:Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
All other Music from Uppbeat
I just want to acknowledge the Western allopathic medical system for its wonderful contributions as well. I am grateful for all the medical workers who show up at all hours for all the hardest things, and for the amazing technological advances in medicine!
I do not think Energy Medicine should replace standard care. I do, however, believe that a broader definition for healing could be emphasized and I also believe this is coming, little by little. Perspectives are broadening. And thank goodness for that!
What exciting times we are living in.
In this episode
This is the sixth and final episode in this series where I am exploring how to cultivate alignment through each of the five elements.
In the completion of this elemental series, I share:
Various ways the earth element expresses through our root (sacral) chakra and how to balance themHow I was given a special dream which I share in story form as I explore the very earthly themes of completion, death, transformation, and the ultimate elemental embodiment of the earth itselfHow we can all tap into the wisdom of the Mother, Maiden and Crone to transmute fear into courage (regardless of our gender or orientation)How contemplating our death can help us feel more alive and engaged in our life
Resources mentioned in this episode:Learn more about your chakras and elements in my book: the Soul-Care Workbook available on Amazon.com
Learn more about our upcoming classes at: https://www.elevationhive.com/classes
Check out my art and learn about in-person and online healing sessions at AmandaLux.com
Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
About this PodcastWelcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community membership for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
Music used in this episode:Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
All Other Music from #Uppbeat:
In this episode
This is the fifth episode in a series of six where I am exploring how to cultivate alignment through each of the five elements.
In this episode I invited Elizabeth Betwixt, a Women’s Sexuality and Pelvic Care Specialist, a BirthKeeper and Somatic Movement Therapist & Teacher, onto the show to discus how we can work with and balance our water element. Elizabeth and I explore:
Various ways the water element expresses through our second (sacral) chakra and how to balance them How important it is for all people (especially women) to connect more to their sensuality, sexuality, creativity and PLEASURE Eco-somatics and the many ways our bodies (and our physical issues) are reflected in the earth and vice versaHow stagnation in the second chakra can lead to all kinds of dis-ease such as fibroids, fertility issues, pain during sex or menses, relational issues, creativity blocks (and other un-pleasurable things). How listening and trusting the wisdom of our tissues can unwind old traumas and restore our physical vitality and so much more!
About Elizabeth BetwixtElizabeth Betwixt guides women in the EcoSomatic Arts of Healing, Pleasure, Fertility, Birth, Ritual, and Movement. She is a lifelong student of pelvicology and the esoteric and physiologic nature of feminine lifeforce. She offers sessions and programs in her local community in Boulder, CO and on Zoom, such as Wild Womb : Wise Yoni bodywork sessions, Women's Sexual Soul Health groups, and Birth Prep and Postpartum Healing work for women and families.
Elizabeth Betwixt
Pleasure :: Fertility :: Birth :: Movement
WiseWomen Pelvic Care
Learn more about Elizabeths offerings at https://www.elevationhive.com/elizabeth-betwixt
Songs used in this episode:Music from #Uppbeat
Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
About This PodcastWelcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, art, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path. Learn more at elevationhive.com
Click here buy me a cup of coffee and show your support for this podcast. I really appreciate your appreciation!
Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your...
In this episode:
This is the fourth episode in a series of six where I am sharing stories, anecdotes, exercises and valuable tips on how to align your energy via the five elements which relate to the chakra system within Polarity Therapy.
As this episode is focused on the fire element, I invited Sharon brown- sacred Fire Keeper, Granicera and Curindera, to share some of her deep wisdom on how to align your energy through the Fire element.
Sharon has also been taking my Polarity classes, so this conversation became a lively and riveting comparison between these two lineages- philosophies and energetic principals of Polarity Therapy and those of the Nahua spiritual healing traditions of Mexico.
In this episode Sharon and I discuss:
How I reached out last minute to interview Sharon because of a dream (not that this is unusual- but still...)Sharons fascinating insights around the similarities and differences between Polarity therapy and the Nahua perspectives on energy, astrology, healing, the elements and more. How neutrality is one of the greatest common denominators between these two lineages.How to connect with Fire in a ceremonial context vs. an everyday context, and how doing so can open your heart, your mind and your energy in profound ways!Resources mentioned in this episode:
Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about upcoming classes in polarity therapy, cranial sacral therapy and online courses in dreamwork, energy work, soul work, astrology, and more.
Learn more about how to find Sacred Fire Keeper near you (or become one) here:Learn more about Sharons women's fires every new moon on Facebook here Read the current astrology report by Shelley BredesonClick here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Songs used in this episode:
Music from #Uppbeat
Alone All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
About This PodcastWelcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and...
In this episode:
This is the third episode in a series of six, where I am sharing stories, anecdotes, exercises and valuable tips on how to align your energy via the five elements which relate to the chakra system within Polarity Therapy. As this episode is focused on the air element or heart chakra, I am sharing a deeply heartfelt, vulnerable, and undoubtedly heart-warming conversation with myself and my daughter Ruby Roebuck.
Ruby is a 20 year old college student wise beyond their years, and an incredibly empathetic human being. Their studies in embodiment, social justice, outdoor education, and climate action have led them to a myriad of heart centered practices. Ruby's eloquent share is full of generosity, humility, and a spiritual maturity that may just bring you, the listener, straight into your own heart alignment.
In this episode Ruby and I discuss:The dangerous and painful emotions that can keep us from wanting to tune in to the heart and how to create safe space to do soRubys relationship to listening to their heart and how to move the immense grief that is there around climate change and social justice How playing piano (even if you don't know how), spending time in nature, crying freely, and being childlike, playful, and embodied can help us to align our energy through the heart Heart centered practices and perspectives to help cultivate discernment, connection, and how doing so leads us to the fullest most vivid and precious life we could ever live.
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about upcoming classes in polarity therapy, cranial sacral therapy and online courses in dreamwork, energy work, soul work, astrology, and more.
The books Ruby mentions: "Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation" and "Trust Kids: Stories on Youth Autonomy and Confronting Adult Supremacy"The free course I mentioned on listening to your intuition through connecting with your heart Check out and buy art at AmandaLux.comRead the current astrology report by Shelley BredesonClick here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Songs used in this episode:Music from Uppbeat
Welcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, art, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
Watch the visual art vlog that accompanies this episode on youtube here!
Episode Summary:This is the second episode in a series of six, where I am sharing valuable tips on how to align your energy via the five elements of polarity therapy. In todays episode I am focusing on the ether element or throat chakra and how you can transform your energy using simple techniques and practices.
After a series of profound dreams that continued after I woke up, I was able to dictate this episode (from a waking dream state). So ether!
In this "transmission" style episode I share:
The importance of creative expression for energetic alignmentWhat it feels like to align your energy via the ether element and what it's like when our ether or throat chakra is out of balanceHow sound or singing can be a profound way to align your energyThe power of cleansing your space (inside and out)How altar work is one of the best ways to tend your ether and align your energy in general How I personally used altar work to manifest one of my favorite jobs ever when I needed it most back in New York City in the 1990's. (Epic).Resources mentioned in this episode:
Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about upcoming classes in polarity therapy and online courses in dreamwork, energy work, soul work, astrology, and more.
Check out my art at and buy a painting (or an altar of your own) at AmandaLux.comClick here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation! Watch the vlog that accompanies this episode on Youtube where I create my own altar!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing, commenting, and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Songs used in this episode:
Music from #Uppbeat:
Welcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, art, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
Watch the visual art vlog that accompanies this episode on youtube here!
In this episodeIn this first episode in a series of six, I am sharing valuable tips on how to align your energy via the five elements of polarity therapy.
In this episode
How do we transform our energy using polarity principals based on the chakra system and five elements? In this episode I share:
How to deal with obstacles on our path (hint: sometimes it takes a chainsaw- and if you fail the first time, try, try again)!How to digest the energy of life and put better options on the menuAn overview of the five elements and how to know when to use each oneWhat energetic alignment feels like (and how to recognize when we have fallen out of alignment)Watch on youtube to view the art and backstory that goes along with this episode!
Resources mentioned in this episode:Go to Elevationhive.com to learn more about the upcoming classes and more
Check out my art at and buy a painting at AmandaLux.comClick here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Songs used in this episode:Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
My name is Amanda Lux and I am the creator of the Elevation Hive school and community for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast which I have made into a vlog, I am sharing my artistic process as I give valuable tips on how to interpret your dreams.
In this episode:
Why do small dreams matter? Learn how to interpret your dreams (based on a dream I had about teaching people to interpret their dreams). In this episode I also share:
My artistic process around the painting that went with this dream (or watch it here on youtube)Astrologer Rob Brezsnys dream teacher Gail Delaney and her wisdom on how to conduct a "dream interview" (even for yourself)An invitation to try my dream on as your own to gain insight and inspiration for your life How to do google divination to learn what your dreams meanSo many Synchronicities!!!!Resources mentioned:
Watch while you listen as I create the art for this episode on my YouTube ART VLOG here: https://youtu.be/ZUYsy5qTpVA(Please like and subscribe on YouTube it really helps me grow!)
Get your free dream guide here: https://www.elevationhive.com/a-dreamers-guide
Visit https://www.amandalux.com/art-gallery to view and buy art.
Read the current astrology for this moon cycle on my website here: https://www.elevationhive.com/moon-time-astrology
Learn more about the Awesome astrologer Rob Breszny here: https://freewillastrology.com/Learn more about Gail Delaney here: https://yoursleepinggenius.com/Click HERE to buy me a coffee or show your support for this podcast and vlog. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your support!Thank you for liking, subscribing and commenting!
Songs used in this episode:
Les free music- sadly
Music from Uppbeat
Alone/All One theme song by Amanda Lux
Welcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
In this episodeAn art vlog and podcast documenting my journey from painting realism (surrealism) to abstracts!
Having never painted in this style before, I created an entire series of abstract paintings and hung them in a solo show! The theme of this series was "embracing the dark" and finding the beauty in the dreary parts of life (and the hideous PNW grey, rainy weather). In this episode I talk about:
How I painted an entire series of abstract paintings having never painted in this style before (in less than a month).How I used Ritual Action to shift my energy and my life through paintingHow art helped me to change my relationship to the weather in PNW and my perfectionistic tendencies that used to keep me from starting and completing projects.
Resources mentioned in this episode:Watch this podcast as a vlog on youtube!!!!! (Like and subscribe please)Visit AmandaLux.com to view and buy art.Read the current astrology forecast hereGo to Elevationhive.com to learn more about everything elseClick here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
Songs used in this episode:Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
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