A Journey with Bernie
Österrike · Bernie Kelly
- Utbildning
- Samhälle och kultur
- Personliga dagböcker
- Självhjälp
A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE is so much more than an established, internationally recognised Podcast spanning 50 countries. It is an evolving way of life and you, dear friends, are invited to be adventurous explorers with us.
Despite constant media-driven advertisements defining ‘success’ as material acquisition and a life-centered around 40 years of incessant, often stressful, empire building work generating six figure bank accounts and million-dollar assets, Bernie K and co believe that there might just be another way. No, we are not budding Buddhas seeking liberation! To the contrary, our point-of-difference, lies in our role not as experts, but as simple people, who like you, are prospecting for actions, strategies, and routines that will inspire constant joy and an enhanced capacity to love self, life and all people. There lies the purpose of the podcast! It’s a purpose we share every Friday with well-chosen guests, some of whom are public figures once featured on the front page of your daily newspaper, while others are yet to be discovered by Google. Some are experts and others are the ‘person next door’. It doesn't matter, for it is through their life stories, that we as a community poke, prod, dig and discover answers to the one question we all ask … WHAT BRINGS REAL MEANING and VALUE TO OUR LIFE?
This podcast is fast becoming a global phenomena and is already making an immense difference to people’s lives and to the connectedness of all people across the globe.
One push of the SUBSCRIBER and FOLLOWER button will ensure that your life becomes enriched by every episode of A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE. Join the revolution !