If there was a WAY Before the 90 Days show, Kelly and Steve would qualify.
After getting engaged after only spending two weeks together and living an ocean apart for the months before their wedding, this couple, married for 25 years, is well qualified to discuss and provide analysis of the couples featured on the TLC show 90 Day Fiancé.
Shows also covered:
All Bravo Real Housewives (Beverly Hills, Orange County, Atlanta, Potomac, New Jersey, New York and Dubai)
Life/Love After Lockup
Sister Wives
Seeking Sister Wives
60 Days In
Inmate to Roommate
Welcome to Plathville
The Family Chantel
Coupled with Chaos can be reached as listed below:
Premium Content including Additional 90 Day Fiancé episodes, Upcoming The Real Housewives Content and the personal podcast are available for subscription at…
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