Архив радиоспектаклей и аудиокниг от Радиотеатра – настоящий сокровищница для любителей качественного аудио. В нём собраны лучшие выпуски этого культового проекта, который снискал популярность не только в России, но и за её пределами.
Но это не просто подборка знакомых звуков – это уникальная возможность познакомиться с творчеством легендарных режиссеров, звукорежиссёров и актёров. Благодаря многолетнему опыту работы, Радиотеатр создавал свои произведения с настоящим мастерством, умело передавая атмосферу и настроение произведений.
Мы перезапустили проект с нуля с новым партнером. Именно поэтому он и называется Новый Радиотеатр (New Radiotheater)
Используя наш архив, вы сможете пройти путь от классических произведений мировой литературы до современной фантастики и детективов. А заодно и открыть для себя новые грани звукового искусства.
Не упустите возможность стать обладателем этого уникального архива – он обязательно станет незаменимым элементом вашей библиотеки и отличным способом провести вечер в кругу друзей или с пользой для развития себя.
Для связи: WhatsApp: +79270128668
Поддержать проект (РФ): карта 2200 0118 4714 6124 или по ссылке:
Welcome to DEAR THERAPIST! I'm Jasmin Schott Carvalheiro, clinical psychologist, somatic therapist & Somatic Experiencing trauma therapist. This podcast is for those eager to learn about somatic therapy & holistic healing methods for individuals & couples. I will speak about my unique blend of science-based methods & shamanic healing techniques. In our new season, featuring episodes in both German and English, you'll find solo sessions, interviews, and deep conversations with fellow therapists. Let’s dive in together into these fascinating topics and explore how we can deeply heal and connect.
Psiholoģe un psihoterapijas speciāliste Ginta Ratniece dalās ar savām pārdomām un pieredzi... -
Join a global prayer for clarity and wellbeing.
This podcast dives into the wisdom of the Earth's wisest civilizations, guiding us towards deep transformation. Discover the silent wisdom within your heart and create lasting change in yourself and your community.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Reach out: [email protected] -
This podcast is for those interested in taxes, ideas on how to develop your business and you as a person. In conversations with leaders in their areas of expertise, we delve into the life principles on the path to their success and the view - how to make the world a better place. Subscribe so you don't miss anything important. -
Welcome to your source of inspiration to uplevel, take action, and transform your business!
Each week we will be giving you support through experts in sales and business about mindset, money, how to attract your dream clients, successfully close sales, and SO much more! Selling doesn’t have to be hard - you CAN have the confidence, and the clarity you need to create and grow your dream business.
I’m Nicole Cramer, your host of Healthy Steps with Nicole. If you have a business, there’s no getting around sales. I found a way to make selling FUN and EASY. And I want YOU to experience the same! Learn more at -
Kas īsti ir apzinātība, apzinātības prakses un kā es varu to iekļaut savā ikdienā - skrejošā, atbildīgā, aktīvā.
Lai kāda būtu Tava diena, es ticu tam, ka Tu vari atrast kaut piecas minūtes laika sev katru dienu. Jautājums tikai, ko Tu darīsi ar šīm svarīgajam piecam minūtēm! Idejas podcast'ā. -
A Podcast for Bar Exam Repeaters from Celebration Bar Review. We'll look at tips, techniques, and ways to improve your bar exam scores, plus interview successful bar exam takers for their insights. Our bar review expert coaches review student questions and offer insights and direction to Make the NEXT Bar Exam Your LAST Bar Exam!®
What lessons do African objects have for us in the twenty first century? What can we learn from them about Africa’s long relationship with Europe? What can they teach us about being and becoming human?This podcast expands the conversation around objects from Africa – in, about and beyond the museum.
This podcast is about exploring distinct worlds of photographers, their photography journeys and what we can learn from that.
Episodes are parts of interviews pulled from "PODCAST ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHY"
Photography is easy to learn but hard to master. What I am trying to do with this podcast is to provide tips and interesting information across all photography genres. Talking about street photography, landscape photography, film photography, history of photography and it's great masters. If you enjoy this podcast and think someone else might enjoy it as well, please take a screenshot and share it on you Instagram stories, with your friends or other people who might like it. This podcast is usually recorded live on YouTube where you can follow me. Subscribe to this channel if you want to be notified when I post a new podcast episode or other content about photography. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening. -
This is the Woman Leadership show.
Hi, I'm Janet Quek . For the past 20 years, I have been helping individuals to realise their leadership potential.
In recent years, I have trained, coached and engaged leaders across the Asia Pacific Region to build high-performance teams and improve individual engagement and motivation.
In this podcast, I will share tips and ways to realise your full potential and be a leader in your own way.
Join me on this journey to discover them. -
The Sanctuary of SHE podcast is the place, and lifestyle, to activate the 'you' you're ready to greet in the mirror...and build the life you came here to live. We are a podcast, an app and a community designed to support you in weekly activations - as well as daily action. Built upon the most powerful energetic principles of manifestation and the quantum field, this is the space you've been calling in to make it all happen. Building unshakeable identity from who you truly are, and discovering who you are in your most magnificent human experience. We're so happy to do life with you.