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my name is anna archer, i'm 22 years old and i'm from the uk <3 welcome to our lil safe space, where i share my thoughts, feelings and reflections. i know what it feels like to struggle and i just want to be a helping hand to as many people as possible. there is no posting schedule (i release an episode when i can), as life is never linear and i'm trying to practice to not put too much pressure on myself xxx
@insideannasmind on instagram <3 (the best community)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
About Show
Grief is a Sneaky Bitch creator and host Lisa Keefauver is on a mission to reimagine grief, one conversation at a time.
Yes this is a podcast all about grief. She and her guests explore the expansiveness and pervasiveness of grief in our lives, because let’s face it, 100% of us experience grief, multiple times in our lives. Lisa witnessed it time and time again in her career as a social worker and in her personal life too with the most significant loss being her husband in 2011. More recently, she experienced ambiguous grief as she navigated breast cancer in 2024. And yet, individually, and collectively, we’re so grief-illiterate and that is causing us all harm. So, she's on a mission to reimagine grief, one conversation at a time. So glad you’re joining us.
She brings her deep curiosity, love of conversation, and knowledge of how language and culture shapes our experiences of ourselves and our world (including our grief) to each unscripted conversation. From thought leaders, CEO's and social workers to authors, educators, researchers, filmmakers and stay-at-home moms, her guests open up about the complexity, confusion, and even confidence they have gained by navigating a grief journey of their own.
About HostORDER her book, Grief is a Sneaky Bitch: An Uncensored Guide to Navigating LossWATCH her TEDx talk, Why Knowing More About Grief Can Make it Suck LessWATCH her Media Maker Profile to learn about her WHYLearn more about working with Lisa Keefauver by visiting and follow on social media @lisakeefauvermswIf you like this series, please make sure to leave a rating and write a review TODAY on Apple Podcasts.
If you've found the show helpful, consider becoming a GSB Podcast Supporter here
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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我們相信每一個人都有自己的生命課題要面對,不論你覺得自己是支離破碎,還是閃閃發光。歡迎你在每個禮拜一17:00來到靈魂拷問,和我們一起找出彼此自我覺察的盲點,陪伴你度過自我挖掘的不舒適感。心理學大師Rogers說:人最好的狀態是流動的。正因流動,喜歡不喜歡自己、認不認識自己,都充滿無限可能。 邀請你帶上自己的故事,和我們一起進行靈魂拷問。☕️小額贊助連結 關於主持人 🔎 Alan2001, ESTP, 牡羊#崇洋媚外#派對朋友王#熱衷幫朋友解決問題 🔎 Maggie 2000, ENFJ, 天秤 #五年日記愛好者 #自我覺察推廣中 #google map 八級在地嚮導 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
透過 Nana & 布姊這對曾經從“如膠似漆”到“冷戰2年”的真實分享
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Join best-selling author and relationship expert Dr. David Hawkins as he unveils the truth about the complicated and challenging aspects of love and war in relationships. He addresses issues that so many couples are struggling with but are not able to get effective help for, things like narcissism, emotional, spiritual and financial abuse, secondary abuse and the church, trauma, sex addiction, divorce, separation and more. Tune in now to gain insight and practical advice on how to bring health and healing to your relationship.
在你迷失困頓的時候,不妨聽聽Still with you,
本 podcast 由𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑌𝑜𝑔𝑎 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑜創辨人
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Doctors, nurses and allied health professionals are experiencing unprecedented levels of distress due to their work.
Join clinical psychologist Dr Paula Redmond as she talks to inspiring clinicians and thought leaders about the stories behind the mental health statistics, and how compassion, connection and creativity can offer hope when work hurts. -
The Apologies Podcast is an experiment in collective healing. It’s an acknowledgement that we all have moments when we fail to show up as our highest selves. And, it’s a way for us to transform shame into connection. Host Lindsey Whissel Fenton talks with guests from all walks of life about who and how they are before inviting them to share an apology for someone they’re no longer in contact with in the hopes that, through the power of podcasting, the healing words might actually reach their intended recipient.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Welcome to Jem's Coffee Shop! Feel free to take a seat and sip on your favourite beverage while I talk about anything and everything every Tuesday! Follow @jemscoffeeshop on IG to stay updated! Please email [email protected] for all business inquiries :)
NEW SEASON Dear Daughter: Stars. Namulanta is back with more letters from parents to their children - but this time with a celebrity guest list!Personal stories of family, love, and parenting in the spotlight from guests who are all ‘stars’ in their field.
How does Bollywood star Kalki Koechlin teach her daughter about body standards? Why did TikTokker Mama Seebz go from telling her children to stop scrolling to becoming a content creator herself? What can The Receipts podcaster Audrey Akande teach her daughter about friendship break-ups? And why exactly did Bridgerton actor Adjoa Andoh lurk around building sites while pregnant?
Dear Daughter is an award-winning podcast from the BBC World Service about love, life, family, and raising children. It is the brainchild of Namulanta Kombo, a mother on a quest to create a ‘handbook to life’ for her daughter, through the advice of parents from all over the world.
Each episode, a guest reads a letter they’ve written to their children (or their future children, or the children they never had) with the advice, life lessons, and personal stories they’d like to pass on.
Expect extraordinary true stories, inspirational advice for parents, and moving accounts of families, relationships and raising daughters.
Share your letter! What do you want to say to your kids? Or the next generation? Do you have thoughts on motherhood, fatherhood, or parenthood to share? Whether you are a mum or mom, dad or papa, grandparent, uncle, aunt, daughter, son or just want to write a letter, send us a Whatsapp message on +44 800 030 4404 or visit
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