
  • 📢 本期简介 | Episode Summary | エピソード概要


    Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese! 🎙️ In this episode, we talk about the differences between the Chinese and American school systems. In the U.S., schools typically start in late August and finish the first semester by mid-December. In contrast, Chinese schools begin in September and schedule winter break around the Lunar New Year. Chinese schools place more focus on exams, such as monthly tests, midterms, and mock exams for the college entrance exam, while the U.S. uses a more flexible evaluation system, sometimes replacing final exams with projects or class participation. What is the school system like in your country? Feel free to share with us! If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to subscribe and share! The support link can be found below in the description⬇️🔗

    「五分中文」の新しいエピソードへようこそ!🎙️ 今回は、中国とアメリカの学校システムの違いについて話します。アメリカの学校は通常、8月下旬に始まり、12月中旬に第1学期が終わります。一方、中国の学校は9月に始まり、春節に合わせて冬休みがあります。中国の学校では、月例テストや期末テスト、高校入試の模擬試験など、試験が重要視されており、アメリカでは評価方法がより柔軟で、期末試験の代わりにプロジェクトや授業参加が評価されることもあります。あなたの国の学校システムはどうですか? ぜひコメントで教えてください! このエピソードが気に入ったら、ぜひ登録、シェア、サポートをお願いします! 説明欄下⬇️にサポートリンク🔗があります.

    #中国考试 #中国学校#毕业季 #ChineseSchools #Graduation #中国の学校
    #中国の試験 #中国語 #卒業シーズン

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 📢 本期简介 | Episode Summary | エピソード概要



    Episode Summary:

    Hello, everyone! Welcome to the latest episode of 5-Minute Chinese! In this episode, I’ll be discussing Chinese park culture. Parks are places where people go to relax, but the atmosphere and activities in parks can vary by country. In China, many middle-aged and elderly people engage in various morning exercises and leisure activities like square dancing in parks. The people in Chinese parks seem not to care much about others’ opinions and actively participate in group activities. What about your park? What’s it like? Feel free to share in the comments. If you enjoy 5-Minute Chinese, thank you for subscribing and sharing! The link is in the description.



    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK #公园文化 #中国の公園 #ChineseParks #ParkCulture #ChinaLife #DailyChinese

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

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    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

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  • 📢 本期简介 | Episode Summary | エピソード概要


    In this episode of 5 Minute Chinese, I gave a brief introduction to "honorific language" in Chinese. I explained how Chinese expresses respect through word choices and tone, including using "您" (nín) instead of "你" (nǐ) and using respectful terms like "贵公司" (your honorable company) and "拜读" (to humbly read) in formal settings. I also shared how titles, expressions, and tone can show politeness and respect in daily conversations. Through this episode, I hope you'll gain a clearer understanding of how respect is expressed in Chinese.


    #中文学习 #中国文化 #学汉语 #语言文化 #中文听力 #中文播客 #五分钟中文 #Chinese #Mandarin #MandarinLearning #ChinesePodcast #ChineseCulture #LearnChinese #ChineseListening # #ChineseExpressions #中国語学習 #自然な中国語 #言語と文化 #敬語 #中国語リスニング

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

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    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 📢 本期简介 | Episode Summary | エピソード概要

    在英语世界里,“Have a nice day” 是常见的告别语,适用于各种场合。但在中文中,我们几乎不会直接说“祝你今天愉快”。为什么呢?这并不是因为中文不够友好,而是因为语言和文化习惯的不同。中国人更倾向于根据具体情境,使用更贴切的表达方式,比如“早点休息”、“一路平安”或“慢走”。本期节目,我们就来聊聊这些文化背后的逻辑,以及如何用地道的中文表达关心!

    In English, “Have a nice day” is a common farewell phrase used in many situations. But in Chinese, people rarely say, “Hope you have a great day.” Why is that? It’s not about being less friendly—it’s a matter of cultural and linguistic differences. Chinese speakers prefer context-specific farewells, such as “Get some rest,” “Safe travels,” or “Take care.” In this episode, we explore the cultural logic behind these expressions and how to express care in natural Chinese!

    英語では “Have a nice day” は日常的によく使われる別れの挨拶ですが、中国語では「今日は良い日を!」のような表現をあまり言いません。なぜでしょうか?それは非友好的だからではなく、言語や文化の違いによるものです。中国語では、より具体的な状況に応じて「早く休んでね」「道中気をつけて」「ゆっくり帰ってね」などの表現を使うのが一般的です。今回のエピソードでは、その文化的背景と、自然な中国語で気持ちを伝える方法についてお話しします!

    #中文学习 #中国文化 #学汉语 #语言文化 #中文播客 #五分钟中文 #MandarinLearning #ChinesePodcast #ChineseCulture #LearnChinese #ChineseExpressions #中国語学習 #自然な中国語 #言語と文化

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

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    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 📢 本期简介 | Episode Summary | エピソード概要



    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of 5 Minute Chinese, I take you through a typical day in my life—from my morning routine to my work at school, and then to how I spend my time after work. I share the little details that make up my day, and I’d love to hear how your daily schedule compares to mine. Hope you enjoy!


    今回の 5分間中国語 では、私の1日についてお話しします。朝の起床から学校での仕事、そして仕事後の過ごし方まで、日常生活の小さな習慣を紹介します。ぜひ、皆さんの1日も教えてください!私の生活と似ていますか?楽しんでいただけると嬉しいです!

    #中文学习 #生活中文 #日常中文 #中文听力 #中文口语 #AP中文 #实用中文 #中级中文 #高级中文 #LearnChinese #ChineseLifestyle #ChineseDailyRoutine #ChineseListening #SpokenChinese #APChinese #RealChinese #中国語学習 #中国語生活 #中国語日常 #自然中国語 #中国語リスニング #リアル中国語

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

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    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 📢 本期简介 | Episode Summary | エピソード概要

    本期播客:情人节、元宵节和七夕节的浪漫故事 💖


    This Episode: Romance in Valentine's Day, Lantern Festival & Qixi Festival 💖

    February 14 is Valentine's Day, but did you know that China has its own romantic festivals? In addition to the Western Valentine's Day, China has two love-related traditional celebrations: Lantern Festival and Qixi Festival. In ancient times, the Lantern Festival was not only a time for family reunions but also a rare chance for young people to meet and fall in love. Meanwhile, Qixi Festival—often called “Chinese Valentine’s Day”—is based on the touching legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. How do modern Chinese people celebrate these festivals? What are the popular gifts and date ideas today? Tune in to this episode as we explore these fascinating traditions!

    今回のエピソード:バレンタインデー、元宵節、七夕のロマンチックな話 💖

    2月14日はバレンタインデーですが、中国にも独自のロマンチックな祝日があることを知っていますか?西洋のバレンタインデーのほかに、中国では恋愛に関係する伝統的なお祭りが2つあります。それは 元宵節(ランタンフェスティバル)と七夕(チーシー)です。昔の中国では、元宵節は家族が集まるだけでなく、若者が出会う貴重な機会でもありました。また、七夕は「中国版バレンタインデー」とも呼ばれ、牛郎と織女の伝説に由来しています。現代の中国人はこれらの祝日をどう祝うのでしょうか?ロマンチックなプレゼントやデートのトレンドは?ぜひこのエピソードを聞いてみてください!

    #五分钟中文 #LearnChinese #ChinesePodcast #情人节 #七夕节 #元宵节 #传统节日 #中国文化 #ValentinesDay #QixiFestival #LanternFestival #ChineseCulture #MandarinChinese #LanguageLearning #中国語学習 #中国語ポッドキャスト

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 中文简介:


    English Description:

    Hi everyone! This weekend, I’m going to Charlotte to see aespa’s concert! In this episode, I’ll look back on last summer’s ITZY concert and share my experience of buying tickets for aespa’s concert. I’ll also talk about why people today are more willing to spend money on experiences rather than material things. If you enjoy this episode, please subscribe, like, share, and leave a comment. Thanks for listening, and see you next time!



    #aespa #Kpop #Concert #演唱会 #学习中文 #ChineseLearning #汉语学习 #中级中文 #高级中文 #realchinese #Chineselanguage #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast
    #日本語 #中国語学習 #中国語ポッドキャスト

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 中文本期简介:


    English Episode Summary:

    In this episode of 5-Minute Chinese, we discuss how overseas Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year, focusing on the differences compared to the celebrations in mainland China. Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China, symbolizing family reunions and the start of a new year. For many Chinese living abroad, even though they cannot celebrate with their families in person, they maintain connections through modern technology, participate in community events, and celebrate the festival together. While the atmosphere of fireworks and firecrackers may be missing, the true meaning of the holiday remains the same. Regardless of where we are, the most important thing is spending time with loved ones. Wishing everyone happiness and health in the Year of the Snake!



    #海外华人#春节 #蛇年 #春节习俗 #家庭团聚 #春节烟花 #华人社区 #海外春节 #中国传统 #中国文化 #中文学习 #中文听力 #蛇年 #农历新年 #中国新年 #中级中文 #高级中文 #汉语 #ChineseNewYear2025#YearOfTheSnake#LunarNewYear#OverseasChinese#SpringFestival#ChineseCulture #CulturalTraditions#AdvancedChinese #Intermediate Chinese #LearnChinese#ChineseLanguagePodcast #旧正月 #春節 #中華文化 #チャイニーズニューイヤー#春節 #海外華人 #年越し #家族団欒 #蛇年 #中国伝統 #花火

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • About the Subtitles on YouTube

    On YouTube, I’ve added live subtitles in simplified and traditional Chinese, as well as English for the latest episode. I also tried adding Japanese subtitles this time. My Japanese is not very good yet, so please forgive any mistakes in the subtitles. If you notice any issues or have suggestions, feel free to leave a comment or email me!







    Summary of This Episode:

    In this episode, we introduce an effective and fun way to learn Chinese: watching Chinese travel vlogs of Chinese travelers visiting your country. This approach helps improve listening comprehension and enhances understanding of cultural differences. By leveraging familiar scenes and cultural context, you'll find it easier to grasp the language and expressions. We'll share tips on how to get started with this method and recommend useful resources. Tune in to discover how travel vlogs can help you learn Chinese naturally!

    #LearnChinese #LearnMandarin #IntermediateMandarin #AdvancedMandarin #ChineseLanguageLearning #ChineseListening #ChineseTravelVlogs #ChineseVlog #中级中文 #高级中文 #中文学习 #中文听力 #ChinesePodcast #中文播客 #ChineseTravel

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 本期中文简介 Simplified Chinese Summary:

    大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》!今天我们聊聊TikTok难民和小红书。由于美国要求TikTok母公司字节跳动在2025年1月19日前出售美国业务,很多美国用户转向了小红书。最近,小红书在美国非常流行,甚至登上了App Store的榜首。



    本期英文简介 English Summary:

    Hello everyone, and welcome to a new episode of 5-Minute Chinese! Today, we're talking about TikTok refugees and Xiaohongshu. Due to the U.S. government’s requirement for TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, to sell its U.S. business by January 19, 2025, many American users have turned to Xiaohongshu. It’s become very popular in the U.S., even topping the App Store’s free app chart.

    Xiaohongshu is not only a social platform but also a powerful search engine. Before my trip to Japan, I found lots of travel info there. Even though the app is in Chinese, its lack of phone number restrictions has made it accessible to many Americans.

    Despite language barriers, translation tools help bridge communication, allowing for great cultural exchange. Have you tried Xiaohongshu? Feel free to share your experience in the comments! Thanks for listening, and see you next time!

    #TikTokBan #Xiaohongshu #LittleRedBook #SocialMedia #CulturalExchange #ChineseApps #AmericanTikTok #tiktokrefugee #LanguageLearning #learnchinese #学中文 #汉语 #中文听力

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 中文简介


    English Description

    In this episode of Five-Minute Chinese, we dive into the differences in heating systems between China and the U.S.! From centralized heating in Northern China to decentralized solutions in the South, and the highly personalized heating systems in America—what are the pros and cons? We also explore indoor temperature preferences, cost structures, and cultural nuances. Tune in to discover how different regions stay warm in winter! Don’t forget to share your own heating experiences in the comments!


    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。如需繁体中文录音稿,也请通过电子邮件联系我。祝您有美好的一天!

    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode. The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

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  • 本期中文简介 Chinese overview of This Episode


    本期英文简介 English Overview of This Episode

    In today’s episode, I discuss the changing landscape of New Year’s celebrations in China for 2025. I explore why many people feel this year’s festivities lack excitement, examining factors such as the cancellation of large-scale events, safety concerns, economic pressures, and shifting consumer behaviors. I also touch on the growing emphasis on traditional festivals like Spring Festival and reflect on the various ways people choose to celebrate, whether at home or in public spaces. The episode concludes with New Year wishes and an invitation for listeners to continue supporting the “Five Minutes Chinese” podcast in 2025.


    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。如需繁体中文录音稿,也请通过电子邮件联系我。祝您有美好的一天!

    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode. The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

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    If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 本集中文简介 (Chinese Summary of This Episode):


    本集英文简介 (English Summary of This Episode):

    In this episode of Five-Minute Chinese, we discuss how Chinese people celebrate January 1st, also known as “Yuandan,” the official term for New Year’s Day in the Gregorian calendar. While the Lunar New Year (Spring Festival) is China’s most important traditional holiday, more people, especially in cities, are embracing modern ways to celebrate Yuandan. Activities include fireworks shows, light displays, family dinners, parties with friends, and adopting Western customs like New Year’s resolutions. Shopping promotions also add to the festive atmosphere. Although Yuandan is less significant than the Spring Festival, it symbolizes hope, new beginnings, and cultural exchange. Thank you for listening, and Happy New Year!



    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。如需繁体中文录音稿,也请通过电子邮件联系我。祝您有美好的一天!

    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

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    If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。下面是网址:


    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。如需繁体中文录音稿,也请通过电子邮件联系我。祝您有美好的一天!

    This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!



    English Summary:
    Hi everyone! This weekend, from Friday to Monday, I’ll be in Baltimore visiting friends, so I won’t have updates this weekend—thanks for understanding!

    With Christmas around the corner, I wish everyone celebrating a Merry Christmas! Although it’s not traditionally celebrated in China, the festive atmosphere with gatherings and fun is really enjoyable. See you next week, and Merry Christmas!

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    If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。下面是网址:


    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。祝您有美好的一天!

    This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!


    English Summary:
    Hi, welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. Healthcare is a big and complicated issue in every country, and each has its own challenges. I do appreciate some aspects of the U.S. healthcare system, but in this episode, I focus on my positive experience in Chinese hospitals. I talk about how easy it is to make appointments through a mobile app, use self-service machines, and benefit from low medical costs. The efficiency, speed, and affordability of China’s healthcare system left a great impression on me. I’d love to hear about the healthcare experience in your country—feel free to share your thoughts! Thanks for your support, and don't forget to subscribe and share. See you next time!

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    If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。下面是网址:


    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。祝您有美好的一天!

    This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!

    Also, I'm excited to let you know that the real-life subtitles for my podcast are now available.


    2024年快结束了,这期播客我分享了Spotify Wrapped的热潮和我的播客总结。今年《五分钟中文》取得了一些成绩:




    English Summary

    As 2024 ends, I share the excitement of Spotify Wrapped and my podcast’s achievements this year:

    59% growth in followers;72% of listeners joined this year;Listeners from 85 countries, with many ranking it as a top podcast.

    I also talked about how this podcast started to share simple stories in Chinese to help with language learning. Recently, I learned how to add real-time subtitles, so now you can follow along with text while listening on Spotify or YouTube.

    Thank you for your support! Let’s continue this journey together next year!

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    If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。下面是网址:


    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。祝您有美好的一天!

    This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!



    English Summary:

    In this episode, I shared my experiences of studying Japanese for six months, exploring both the advantages and challenges for Chinese speakers. While kanji offers some familiarity and is an advantage in the beginning, differences in grammar, sentence structure, and pronunciation make the learning process challenging. I also mentioned the fast pace of Japanese speech, which is a major challenge for beginners. Despite some challenges, I emphasized the other side of language learning — it is not only a process requiring patience and persistence but also a great way to relax. Learning a language helps the brain rest and supports overall well-being. I encourage listeners to stay patient and persistent in their language learning journey, as effort will eventually lead to rewards, increased confidence, and a sense of accomplishment.

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    If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。下面是网址:


    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。祝您有美好的一天!

    This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166.

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!



    English Description

    In this episode of 5-Minute Chinese, we discuss gluten-free diets. What does it mean to go gluten-free, and why are more people adopting this lifestyle? I share my personal experience with gluten-free foods and some insights into its health implications. Additionally, I talk about the differences between gluten-free options in China and the U.S., as well as tips for choosing truly healthy gluten-free products.

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    If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。下面是网址:


    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。祝您有美好的一天!

    This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166.

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!

    Chinese Overview:


    English Overview:

    Hey everyone, welcome to the latest episode of 5-Minute Chinese. Today, I want to talk about China’s seasons and climate, especially the differences between the north and south during the winter and summer. China has a pretty varied climate. Northern winters are cold and dry, with heating systems that keep indoors nice and warm. In the south, winters are not as cold, but they’re very humid and most places don’t have heating, so they can actually feel colder. In the summer, northern summers are hot but dry, while southern summers are hot and humid. These climate differences are also influenced by geography, with the north and south having very different weather. After the episode, feel free to share your thoughts on China’s climate!

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    If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK

  • 这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。下面是网址:


    如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。祝您有美好的一天!

    This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166.

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!


    English Description:
    Hello, and welcome to the latest episode of "5 Minute Chinese." Today, I’d like to introduce the birthday traditions in China. From the traditional "zhuā zhōu" ceremony to longevity noodles and modern birthday parties, let’s take a look at how people in China celebrate this special day with blessings and joy.

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    If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️

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    Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.

    ❤️Podcast Website (Free Transcript Available) 📝

    Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!

    #五分钟中文 #中文播客 #ChinesePodcast #LearnChinese #ChineseListening #MandarinListening #中文听力 #中文听力练习 #中国語リスニング #中国語聴解 #中国語学習 #リスニング練習 #HSK