Ausstellungen, Junge Kunst, Atelierbesuche, Sammlerinterviews, spannende Einblicke in den Kunstmarkt und vieles mehr - darum dreht es sich beim Kunstblick Podcast.
Wir, Sascha und Andreas, werfen für Dich einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Kunstwelt. Gemeinsam besuchen wir Kunstliebhaber, sprechen über deren Leidenschaft zur Kunst, die Anfänge ihrer Sammlungen und ihre spannendsten Entdeckungen. Wir stellen aber auch aufstrebende Künstlerinnen und Künstler vor, unterhalten uns mit Kuratoren und internationalen Expertinnen über ihre Arbeit, um so Einblicke in ihre spannenden Tätigkeiten zu geben, vom Rahmenbau über kreative Off-Spaces, bis hin zu Themen wie Kunstrecht, Kunstinvestment und Artist Management.
Falls Dich bestimmte Fragen interessieren, schreib uns gern! Wir freuen uns von Dir zu lesen.
Übrigens, nach dem tollen Erfolg unserer letzten Charity-Auktion, werden wir Anfang 2025 erneut eine Kunstauktion, zugunsten eines gemeinnützigen Projektes, durchführen. Mehr dazu erfährst Du natürlich im Podcast und auf unserer Webseite.
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Finding Focus is a podcast for photographers who are balancing parenthood with creative entrepreneurship, hosted by wedding and family photographer Lynn Shapiro. Join her as she interviews guests and discusses all things photography, parenthood, running a creative business and finding ways to navigate that elusive “balance” we all seek. -
The Artist’s Toolbox, hosted by art industry experts Imane Bouhlou and Francesca Budini Gattai, is the podcast dedicated to supporting emerging artists with advice on how to present their work and their images online.
This show provides comprehensive solutions to help artists achieve clarity in their artistic research, make the most of the available digital tools and introduce themselves in the art world.
This podcast provides regular content that will enable passionate emerging artists to up-skill and stay up to date with art marketing trends to navigate the art industry. You can also look forward to hearing interviews and insights from leading experts in the art business including International curators, gallerists, art dealers, art journalists and art marketers.
The aim of this show is to create an honest, fun, educational and inspirational space that delivers high-value advisory content to support talented artists navigating the art and digital worlds; providing professional insights that improves the listener’s knowledge helping them to successfully run their art business and get more exposure for their art.
Listen now to learn what you should be doing to grow your art career and receive guidance from the Image Curators Advisory as well as other leading industry experts. -
Der Podcast soll Musikern, Managern und Musikintenteressierten helfen, sich weiterzubilden, zu inspirieren und neue Ansätze für sich zu finden. Erfolgreiche Persönlichkeiten aus der Musikbranche erzählen über ihren Weg zum Erfolg, teilen wertvolle Erfahrungen und sprechen über ihr tägliches Geschäft. Es geht um Mindset, Psychologie, Kommunikation, Organisation, Teamführung in der Welt der Musik und des Entertainments.
In diesem Podcasts werden außergewöhnliche und spannende Restaurants, Cafés und Bars vorgestellt. Welche Geschichte haben die Gastronomen? Wie sind sie dort hingekommen, wo sie heute stehen? Wie hat sich ihr Konzept zu dem entwickelt, was es heute ist? Werte, die mir besonders am Herzen liegen sind die Wertschätzung des Personals, Nachhaltigkeit, Gastfreundlichkeit, Kreativität und Innovation. Komm mit mir auf eine Reise durch die Gastronomie, in der du spannende Köche und Restaurantbesitzer kennen lernst, Restaurantempfehlungen bekommst, erfährst was in der Gastro alles möglich ist und du Restaurantbesuche in Zukunft anders wahr nehmen wirst.
The Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast provides a look into the global diamond industry with leading analyst Paul Zimnisky. Each episode features a full-length interview with a special guest to discuss the diamond industry and related topics while sharing interesting observations, thoughts and analysis. A wide range of guests from around the world have joined the show from all segments of the diamond supply chain and beyond, including: exploration geologists, jewelry designers, marketing experts, journalists, novelists, economists, consultants, technology experts and artists, from India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, England, Canada and the U.S.
Life as a creative is different and so are the challenges – professionally and personally. Gain fresh insights from some of the most creative minds on the planet, people such as Seth Godin, John Lee Dumas, Drew Holcomb, Sleeping At Last & More! Hosted by Caleb Peavy. Produced by Unmutable.
Welcome to the Master Of One Network, where every week we bring you the latest in alternative pop culture. Our shows highlight the creatives behind the latest in great design across all platforms. Learn more about the show at and join the conversation with a community of over 300 artists on Slack (
In the Art Marketing Minute Podcast, you’ll learn how to sell your art, how to market your paintings, and everything else you need to know in order to have a successful art career. Each episode answers questions from artists by host Eric Rhoads, author of “Make More Money Selling Your Art,” publisher of several art magazines and newsletters, and author of
It’s time for introverts and creatives to stop saying “yes” to things that drain them. Join Rachel Cannon - interior designer, entrepreneur, and Loudmouth Introvert - as she carves out space for introverts and creatives in our extroverted world. Each week, Rachel shares business advice tailored to introverts and creatives that’s designed to help you make money, step up your professionalism, and implement the processes and strategies that will help you do both. Find out more at