Motivation For Moms is a personal development show to help moms get out of a rut, dream bigger, design a better life for themselves and their families, and make each day as productive, easy, organized, and well-planned as possible. Hosted by certified life coach and fellow mama, Sara Muender, who believes that moms must adopt a leadership mindset in their family. Connect with Sara at
Nurse Papa is a podcast from the heart and mind of a pediatric oncology nurse and father. In each episode, I take a deep dive into a story of parenthood OR I answer a letter from a loyal parent listener about their most pressing parenting problems, in a segment called Dear Nurse Papa. In either case, I hope to come out on the other side with a greater understanding of what makes kids AND their parents tick.
Motherhood is a Journey! Michelle Jerson, the "Passport Mommy" joins you on your greatest adventure! Each week she chats with experts in the fields of parenting, health, recreation, education, finance and travel. Enjoy engaging conversations that will keep you laughing and learning!
From the national organization Reach Out and Read comes a brand new podcast centered around the belief that children’s books build better brains, better family relationships, and happier, healthy children and societies. Join us as host Dr Dipesh Navsaria, a pediatrician with a children’s librarianship degree, dives into a wealth of varied early childhood health and literacy topics with expert guests examining the many facets of supporting the parent-child relationship as key to early success.
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Welcome to a podcast series from Diabetes UK Northern Ireland.
In this series we will be joined by healthcare professionals, the Diabetes UK NI team and people living with diabetes throughout Northern Ireland.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
丁思雅醫師,兒童外科,服務座標位於林口長庚醫院與台中大里仁愛醫院,專精兒童先天泌尿系統異常的治療與兒童泌尿達文西機械手臂手術,開刀手法細膩精密,而犀利的手術刀底下則藏著一顆豆腐心。「丁醫師不好意思剛剛在門診忘了問…」下診後常常收到來自家屬這樣的訊息,爸媽總有一籮筐的問題來不及在診間一次回答,我也好苦惱…我最親愛的爸爸媽媽們,那些在門診來不及問的、來不及回答的、沒有能力回答的,在這邊通通送給你們了。沒有人生下來就會當爸媽,我們都有好多疑惑,沒有關係,誰不是在摸索中跌撞成長?那些剛剛忘了問的,我們在這裡慢慢聊。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
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🎤 婊酱BitchUp - 男喘,不只是喘:做女性向情欲音频的博主Chad来了
🎤 Shout out sex Ep.72 - 用我的聲音為妳編織到高潮的捷徑
🎤 Sex Chat 談性說愛 #89 親吻、打屁股、射精都自己來,聲音A片怎麼做? 到底什麼是「女性向」?
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