Fascinating People, Fascinating stories.
If you're like me, you love to find out how people got to where they are in life, what makes them tick, some of their hurdles, and what made them think they could do it.
If so, then join me every Monday as I 'take a walk down Fascination Street' and get to know the stories behind people from every walk of life. "Streetwalkers" include: actors, authors, directors, musicians, pop culture icons, social activists, athletes, screenwriters, comedians, artists, podcasters, CEO's, and even an astronaut!
New episodes every Monday, and sometimes a bonus one too! -
This improvised podcast is intended to be the spiritual successor of Alchemy This. While the lives of the core cast of that show got a bit to busy to commit to the weekly show, this show has a rotating cast of improvisers. If you were a fan of Alchemy This, you will hear many familiar voices. At the same time, the improvisers you meet along the way will capture your hearts as they make you laugh.
Welcome to the London Toast Theatre Podcast!
It seems about the right time for us to make a podcast about the story of London Toast Theatre because this year we are producing our 40th Crazy Christmas show.
We produced our first Crazy Christmas show in a tiny 50 seat theatre in the center of Copenhagen. We then moved from theatre to theatre over the years until we finally arrived at the splendid Glassalen theatre in the Tivoli Gardens where we have been playing every winter for the last 31 years. This has given us the chance to continue to produce bigger and better shows over the years with a team of top professional technicians, designers and of course performers.
So it has been an incredible journey over the last 40 years - and to hear more about it - tune in to this podcast!
Produced by -
True horror stories written by those who made it out alive. First-person accounts narrated and produced by Andy Tate in an anthology of terror and suspense. To hear your story on the show, send it to [email protected]
The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology (and, now, ancient history of the Mediterranean) told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
NB! Vi har fået ny kanal --> (den hedder "Kendisraketten" og ikke længere "Kendisraketten's Podcast"- ret nemt at huske.) da vi har indgået samarbejde med Aarhus Studenterradio. Hop derover og find summerdition, festivalreportager og Sæson 2 !
Kender du den dér fornemmelse af, at du formentlig ville være en stor stjerne, en berømthed, en god gammeldags kendis, hvis bare verden forstod hvor genial/talentfuld/fantastisk/dygtig/dedikeret, du egentlig er? Men at det samtidig kan være lidt svært rent faktisk at få komponeret den sang, skrevet den roman, skabt det kunstværk, trænet til de 100 meter bryst, som helt sikkert vil bringe dig det sidste stykke? Jo du gør så, indrøm det bare.” -
Riki Lindhome talks to people in the entertainment industry and asks them how they got their careers. There's no road map for show business and everyone's story is different, so Riki interviews people about how they started, how they've kept it going and what they've learned along the way.
Den 4. Væg er en podcast om dansk scenekunst. Vi taler om teater og med teater. Hver anden uger udgiver vi en podcast, der både indeholder anmeldelser, reportager fra det danske scenekunstliv og interviews med relevante personligheder. Vores mål er at kunne åbne scenekunstens magiske verden op for endnu flere – og særligt unge! Gennem vores anmeldelser håber vi at kunne fungere som guider for, hvor det er allerfedest at smide sine måske sparsomme kroner henne.
Bawdy Storytelling – dubbed 'The Moth for pervs' by the LA Weekly – is the nation’s original sex and storytelling series. Founded, emcee’ed and curated by sexual folklorist Dixie De La Tour, Bawdy Storytelling features real people and rockstars sharing their bona fide sexual exploits. Bawdy Storytelling’s one-of-a-kind approach to sex-positive personal narrative has coaxed liberating tales out of everyday people, creating unforgettable experiences for performers and audiences alike. These stories aren't memorized. Storytellers aren't reading from cue cards. This is honest-to-badness story time with true sexcapades and poignant, hilarious, transformational tales at each and every show.
Træd med ind i troldmandens hule til en uformel snak om tryllekunst i selskab med Nicolaj Christensen, Anders Lilleøre og Mads Fencker.
Mønterne er palmerede, kortene lagt i stack og tryllestaven er skruet op på 100%
Igennem diskussioner, lege og kreative øvelser bliver tryllekunsten i det 21-århundrede taget til et kærligt eftersyn. -
QueenPod: The Queen Podcast is your official one-stop shop for everything related to the world's greatest rock band. Joined by comedians and Queen superfans John Robins and Sooz Kempner, host Rohan Acharya and Queen archivist and documentarian Simon Lupton will take you through all of Queen, track by track, album by album, listening along to the tunes and analyzing them (well, at least talking about how awesome they are). We'll also have news and stories about the band, fan questions and queries, and some very special guests!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Roma Army Podcast
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