
  • Go to https://ground.news/whatif to stay fully informed on every side of every story. Save 50% on unlimited access with their Vantage Plan through my link. It's their biggest sale of the year!

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews:    / @history102-qg5oj  
    Link to my Twitter-https://twitter.com/whatifalthist?ref...
    Link to my Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlyn...

    A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia by David Christian
    The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary
    Europe's Steppe Frontier 1500-1800 by McNeil
    Plagues and Peoples by McNeil
    Rise of the West by McNeil
    Genghis Khan and the making of the modern world by Jack Weatherford
    The Khan Trilogy by Khan Iggulden (fiction but is the best intro to Mongol history for lay people since the author does the research really well)
    A History of Warfare by John Keegan
    A History of Religious Ideas v 3 by Mircea Eliade
    War and Peace and War by Peter Turchin
    Fighting Techniques of the Oriental World by Rice
    War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat
    The Soul of China by Amaury de Riencourt
    Nomads and Crusaders by Archibald Lewis
    War! What is it Good for by Ian Morris
    The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quiggley
    Who We Are and How We Got Here by David Reich
    The Tree of Culture by Ralph Linton
    The Silk Road by Frankopan

  • Link to Black Forest Supplements and Turkestrone: https://blackforestsupplements.com/?s... More information here: https://blackforestsupplements.com/bl...

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews:    / @history102-qg5oj  
    Link to my Twitter-https://twitter.com/whatifalthist?ref...
    Link to my Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlyn...

    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod

    The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
    1984 by George Orwell
    On Grand Strategy by John Lewis Gaddis
    Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu
    Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell
    The Dictator's Handbook by Mesquita
    Woke Racism by John McWhorter
    Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis
    Origins of Woke by Richard Hananai
    The Unabomber's Manifesto
    The Total State by Auron Macintyre
    A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
    Seeing Like a State by James Scott
    Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn
    Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder
    Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley
    On Power by Bertrand de Jouvenal
    On Politics by Aristotle
    The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu
    The Origins of Ideology by Todd Immanuel
    Sex and Power in History by Amaury de riencourt
    Rise of the West by William McNeill

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  • Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews:    / @history102-qg5oj  
    Link to my Twitter-https://twitter.com/whatifalthist?ref...
    Link to my Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlyn...

    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod

    The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman
    Thus Spake Zarathustra by Nietzche
    Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler
    The Gulag Archipelago by Solzenitsyn
    Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker
    The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
    Humanity's Ascent by Charles Eisenstein
    The Unabomber's Manifesto
    Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung
    Das Kapital by Karl Marx
    Universe 65 by Calhoun
    Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt
    Nihilism by Seraphim Rose
    The Passion of the Western Mind by Tarnas
    A Secular Age by Charles Taylor
    Seeing like a State by James Scott
    The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis
    The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham
    The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist
    Atrocities by Matthew White
    The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
    The History of Philosophy by Will Durant
    The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Rusell
    The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent
    Envy by Helmut Schoeck
    The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt

  • Go to https://ground.news/whatif to stay fully informed on every side of every story. Save 50% on unlimited access with their Vantage Plan through my link. It's their biggest sale of the year!

    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod
    Link to HIstory 102: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NCSdGglnmdWg-qHALhu1w
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter - https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    Lost Connections by Johann Hari
    A Secular Age by Charles Taylor
    The Myth of Disenchantment by Storm
    A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
    The Master and His Emissary by McGhilChrist
    The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
    The Happiness Hypothesis by Jon Haidt
    Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson
    A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
    Envy by Helmut Schoeck
    Cynical Theories by James Lindsay
    Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell
    The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt
    How to Know a Person by David Brooks
    The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate
    The Elephant in the Brain by Kevin Simler
    Culture of Narcissism by Lasch
    The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
    The Body Keeps the Score by Van Der Kolk
    Dominion by Tom Holland

  • In this episode of Whatifalthist, host Rudyard is joined by Samo Burja, founder of Bismarck Analysis and Palladium Magazine. They engage in a wide-ranging discussion covering political dynamics, the impact of technology on society, and the historical parallels that can be drawn from current events. For full shownotes, visit highlight: https://highlightai.com/share/35528506-03e8-4ef2-84b2-5424f7f2fc7b

    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod

  • Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code WHATIFALTHIST at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: http://incogni.com/whatifalthist
    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod
    Link to HIstory 102: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NCSdGglnmdWg-qHALhu1w
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter - https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer
    Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin
    Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin
    The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul
    The Identity of France by Fernand Braudel
    The History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel
    The Mediterranean at the time of Philip 2nd by Fernand Braudel
    The Structures of Every day life by Fernand Braudel
    Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis
    The Global Crisis by Geoffrey Parker
    On Hero Worship by Thomas Carlyl
    Albion's Seed by David Hackett Fischer
    Long Cycles by Goldstein
    The Rise and Fall of Great Powers by Paul Kennedy
    Generations by Strauss and Howe
    Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
    The Coming Caesars by Amaury de riencourt
    Rise of the West by William McNeil
    The Pursuit of Power by William McNeil
    Tragedy and Hope by Caroll Quiggley
    The Great Leveler by Walter Schedule
    Capital by Thomas Picketty
    The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
    The Middle Ages by Sidney Painter
    The Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman

  • Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code WHATIFALTHIST at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: http://incogni.com/whatifalthist

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NCSdGglnmdWg-qHALhu1w

    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter - https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlyn...

    War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat
    War Before Civilization by Lawrence Keeley
    The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris
    The Elephant in the Brain by Simler
    Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fischer
    Ethhic America by Thomas Sowell
    The Leviathan and its Enemies by Sam Francis
    The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham
    Sex and Culture by JD Unwin
    Who we Are and How We Got Here by David Reich
    The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt
    The Blank Slate by Stephen Pinker
    Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson
    Humanity’s ascent by Eisenstein 
    Who Are We by Sam Huntingdon
    Seeing Like a State by James Scott
    The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist
    The Moral Animal by Robert Wright
    The Secret to Our Success by Joseph Heinrich
    The History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel 
    The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens 
    Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
    Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
    Forgotten Truth by Houston Smith
    War, Peace and War by Peter Turchin
    The Genetic Lottery by Kathryn Harden
    Behave by Sapolsky
    The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth
    Cynical Theories by James Lindsey
    The Cave by Plato
    The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
    A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
    Lineages of Modernity by Tom Emmanuel
    Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin
    The Growth Delusion by James Pilling
    Everyone Lies by Stephenowitz
    The World After Liberalism by Matthew Rose
    Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley
    The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray
    The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray
    Gateway Trilogy by Robert Monroe

  • PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at https://PDSDebt.com/WHATIFALTHIST

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NCSdGglnmdWg-qHALhu1w

    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter - https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlyn...

    The Ruling Classes by Gaetano Mosca
    The Rise of the West by McNeil
    The Story of the Americas by Leland Dewitt Baldwin
    Forgotten Continent by Michael Reid
    American Nations by Colin Woodard
    The WEIRDest people in the world by Joseph Heinrich
    Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu and Robinson
    War, Peace and War by Peter Turchin
    The Art of Not Being Governed by James Scott
    Seeing like a State by James Scott
    The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by Shirer
    The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russel
    Democracy the God that Failed by Herman Hoppes
    Atrocities by Matthew White
    The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama
    The Soul of France by Fernand Braudel
    A History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel
    The Best of Times and Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh
    After Liberalism by Paul Gottfried
    The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis 
    Politics by Aristotle
    The Pursuit of Power by McNeil
    Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley
    The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quiggley
    Enlightenment Now by Stephen Pinker
    The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant
    A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
    Envy by Helmut Schoeck
    Dominion by Tom Holland
    The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
    The Dictators by Richard Overy
    Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder
    Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
    The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary
    After Liberalism by Matthew Rose
    Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary
    The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist
    Japan and the Shackles of the Past by Taggert Murphy
    The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
    Shadow World by Chandler
    The Righteous Mind by Haidt
    The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray
    Islamo Leftism by Philippe Fabry
    Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington
    Political Order and Political Decay by Francis Fukuyama
    War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat

  • Compare news coverage. Spot media bias. Avoid algorithms. Try Ground News today and get 40% off your subscription by going to https://ground.news/whatif

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NCSdGglnmdWg-qHALhu1w

    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter - https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlyn...

    Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell
    The Vision of the Anointed by Thomas Sowell
    A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
    The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
    Dominion by Tom Holland
    Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington
    Strategy by Lawrence Freeman
    The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis
    The Unabomber’s Manifesto
    The Revolt of the Elites by Lasch
    The Total State by Auron Macintyre
    The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
    The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt
    Nihilism by Seraphim Rose
    Spiteful Mutants by Edward Dutton
    The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt
    Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt
    A History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
    Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fischer
    Assemblywoman by Aristophanes 
    The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman
    The Future is the Past Country by Edward Dutton
    Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West’s by Edward Dutton
    Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin
    Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin
    American Nations by Colin Woodard
    A Secular Age by Charles Taylor
    A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson
    The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
    The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent
    Behave by Sapolsky
    Seeing Like a State by James Scott
    Coming to Our Senses by Morris German
    Women Deserve Less by Myron Gaines
    A Secret History of the World by Mark Booth
    Foragers, Farmers and Fossil Fuels by Ian Morris
    Lineages of Modernity by Todd Immanuel
    Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose
    Curt Doolittle
    Yuri Bezmonov
    Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
    The Abolition of Man by CS Lewis
    The Storm before the Calm by George Friedman
    The Managerial Class by James Burnham
    The Ruling Class by Gaetano Mosca
    The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quiggley
    Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber
    Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson
    The Evolutionary Psychology behind Politics 
    The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn
    The Culture of Narcissism by Lasch
    After Liberalism by Paul Gottfried
    Shadow World by Robert Chandler
    Envy by Helmut Schoeck
    A History of Manners by Norbert Elias
    The Elephant in the Brain by Smiler
    The Story of Work by Lucassen 
    The Fate of Empires by Hubbard
    The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist
    The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray

  • PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at https://pdsdebt.com/free-debt-assessment/?ref=whatifalthist

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter- https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast

    The Lineages of Modernity by Todd Immanuel
    The Origins of Ideology by Todd Immanuel
    The Unabomber's Manifesto by Ted Kazcynski
    The Economics of Discontent by John Michel Paul
    Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin
    Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin
    The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer
    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Kuhn
    The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens
    Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley
    Religions of the World by Houston Smith
    The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
    Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson
    The Anxious Generation by Jon Haidt 
    The Coddling of the American Mind by Jon Haidt
    The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
    Woke Racism by John McWhorter
    The Leviathan and its Enemies by Sam Francis
    Nihilism by Seraphim Rose
    The Origins of Woke by Richard Hanania
    Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt
    Seeing like a State by James Scott
    The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman
    The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate
    The Elephant in the Brain by Simler
    A Hunter Gatherer's Guide to the 21st century by Bret Weinstein
    Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber
    How to Know a Person by David Brooks
    The Culture of Narcissism by Lasch
    Lost Connections by Johann Hari
    The Culture of Narcissism by Lasch
    The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist
    The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt

  • PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at https://pdsdebt.com/free-debt-assessment/?ref=whatifalthist

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter- https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast


    Curt Doolittle's work. Available on the Propertarian Website
    The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama 
    The Decay of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama 
    A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia by David Christian. 2 volumes
    The History of Russia by Orlando Figes
    Europe by Norman Davies
    The Isles by Norman Davies 
    Al Muqqahdimmah by Ibn Khaldun
    Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung
    The Elephant in the Brain by Simler
    The Rise of the West by McNeil
    Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder
    Atrocities by Matthew White
    The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
    Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt
    The Origins of Ideology by Immanuel Todd
    The Moral Animal by Robert Wright
    Sex and Culture by JD Unwin
    The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman
    Very Beautiful People by Ashley Mears
    Envy by Helmut Schoeck
    The Righteous Mind by John Haidt
    Seeing like a State by James Scott
    War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat
    Conquests and Cultures by Thomas Sowell
    War and Peace and War by Peter Turchin
    Why Nations Fail by Robinson and Acemoglu
    Dominion by Tom Holland
    The Ancient City by Foustel de Coulanges
    A History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel 
    War, What is it Good for by Ian Morris
    The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Samuel Francis
    A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
    The Great Leveler by Walter Scheidel

  • Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code WHATIFALTHIST at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: https://incogni.com/whatifalthist

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter- https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast

    The Unabomber’s Manifesto by Kaczynski
    The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
    A Hunter Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st century by Weinstein
    The History of Manners by Norbert Elias
    The Total State by Auron Macintyre
    Tyranny Inc by Ahmari
    The Revolt of the Elites by Lasch
    The Anxious Generation by John Haidt
    The Happiness Hypothesis by Jon Haidt
    The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt
    The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate
    The Elephant in the Brain by Simler
    Europe Emerges by Reynolds
    Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber
    Debt by David Graeber
    The Dictators by Richard Overy
    The Geography of Nowhere by Kunstler
    The Story of Work by Lucassen
    The Lonely Crowd by Riesman
    The Origins of Ideology by Imannuel Todd
    Lineages of Modernity by Immaneul Todd
    Ultrasociety by Peter Turchin
    Seeing like a State by James Scott
    Leviathan and its Enemies by Sam Francis
    The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
    After Liberalism by Gottfried
    A Secular Age by Charles Taylor
    The Decay of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama
    The WEIRDest people in the world by Joseph Heinrech
    The Story of Philosophy by Bertrand Russel
    The Founder Effect by Samo Burja

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    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter- https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast

    The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer
    Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley
    Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia
    The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt
    Europe by Norman Davies
    Atrocities by Matthew White 
    Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt
    Political Order and its Decay by Francis Fukuyama
    Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose
    The Perversion of Normality by Bolton
    The Coming Storm by Winston Churchill
    The First World War by John Keegan
    The Road to Serfdom by Hayek
    The Human Tide by Paul Morland
    Modern Times by Paul Johnson
    The Geography of Nowhere by Kunstley
    The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
    Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung

  • Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code WHATDEAL for an extra 4 months free at https://surfshark.deals/whatdeal

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter- https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
    The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
    Evil by Baumeister
    The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist
    The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
    The World after Liberalism by Matthew Rose
    Reason, Faith and the Struggle for Western Civilization by Samuel Gregg
    A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
    Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose
    The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray
    The Elephant in the Brain by Simler
    A Secular Society by Charles Taylor
    Dominion by Tom Holland
    War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat
    Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
    Caesar and Christ by Will Durant
    The Age of Faith by Will Durant
    Recapture the Rapture by Wheal
    Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington

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    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter- https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
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    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast


    The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul
    Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
    The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer
    Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin
    Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin
    Capital by Thomas Picketty
    Why Nations Fail by Robinson and Acemoglu
    False Economy by Alan Beattie
    Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber
    Crashed by Adam Tooze
    The Road to Serfdom by Hayek
    The Rise and Fall of Nations by Ruchir Sharma
    The Growth Delusion by David Pilling
    The Great Leveler by Walter Scheidel
    End Times by Peter Turchin
    The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis 
    The Origins of Woke by Richard Hanania 
    The Absent Superpower by Peter Zeihan
    Political Order and Political Decay by Francis Fukuyama
    The Storm before the Calm by George Friedman
    The Soul of France pt 1 by Fernand Braudel
    Lost Connections by Johann Hari
    The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist

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    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter- https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    RECOMMENDED PODCAST: History 102 with WhatifAltHist
    Every week, creator of WhatifAltHist Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg cover a major topic in history in depth -- in under an hour. This season will cover classical Greece, early America, the Vikings, medieval Islam, ancient China, the fall of the Roman Empire, and more.
    Subscribe on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36Kqo3BMMUBGTDo1IEYihm
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/history-102-with-whatifalthists-rudyard-lynch-and/id1730633913
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj
    The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth
    The Sacred History by Mark Booth
    The Conscious Universe by Dean Radin
    The Eye of Shiva by Amaury de Riencourt
    The Soul of India by Amaury de Riencourt
    The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt
    The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
    Hermeticism by Evola
    Forgotten Truth by Houston Smith
    Religions of the World by Houston Smith
    Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington
    The Secular Age by Charles Taylor
    The Secret Teachings of the Ages by Manly Hall
    Journeys out of the Body by Robert Monroe
    Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe
    Far Journeys by Robert Monroe
    Nihilism by Seraphim Rose
    Trump and a Post Truth World by Ken Wilbur
    Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung
    The Passion of the Western Mind by Tarnas
    Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
    The Great Divorce by CS Lewis
    The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
    Primitive Mythology by Joseph Camble
    Oriental Mythology by Joseph Camble
    A Short History of Myth by Karen Armstrong
    The Iliad by Homer
    The Immortality Key by Brian Muraresku
    How God Becomes Real by Luhrman
    The History of the Devil by Carus
    Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov
    The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist
    The Inner World of Trauma by Kalsched
    Trauma and the World by Kalsched
    The Ascent of Humanity by Eisenstein
    The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent
    The Alchemist by Paul Coelho
    Beyond Order by Jordan Peterson
    12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson
    The Tao te Ching by Lao Tau
    The Primer of Jungian Psychology by Hall
    The Oxford History of China by Ebrey
    The Age of Faith by Will Durant
    Caesar and Christ by Will Durant

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    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://hmplogxqz0y.typeform.com/to/JCkphVqj

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: / @history102-qg5oj  
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter-https://twitter.com/whatifalthist?ref...
    Link to my Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlyn...

    RECOMMENDED PODCAST: History 102 with WhatifAltHist
    Every week, creator of WhatifAltHist Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg cover a major topic in history in depth -- in under an hour. This season will cover classical Greece, early America, the Vikings, medieval Islam, ancient China, the fall of the Roman Empire, and more.
    Subscribe on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36Kqo3BMMUBGTDo1IEYihm
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/history-102-with-whatifalthists-rudyard-lynch-and/id1730633913
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj

    The Reluctant Super by Peter Zeihan
    Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan
    The End of the World is just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan
    The Next 100 Years by George Friedman
    The Storm before the Calm by George Friedman
    Flash Points by George Friedman
    Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin
    Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin
    End Times by Peter Turchin
    The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer
    Asian Waters by Humphrey Hawksley
    Asia's Cauldron by Kaplan
    Third World Century Charles Stewart Goodwin
    The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul
    Monsoon by Robert Kaplan
    The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray
    The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh
    Nothing is True and Everything is Possible by Pomerantz
    The Rise and Fall of Nations by Ruchir Shamir
    The New Map by Dan Yergen
    The World in Conflict by John Andrews
    Fragile Empire by Ben Judah

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    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://hmplogxqz0y.typeform.com/to/JCkphVqj

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NCSdGglnmdWg-qHALhu1w

    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter: https://x.com/whatifalthist?
    Link to my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    Japan and the Shackles of the Past by Taggart Murphy
    The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Ruth Benedict
    Oriental Ways of Thinking by Nakamura
    The Rice Economies by Francesca Bay
    A History of Japan by Mason
    The Japanese Mind by Roger Davies
    Lineages of Modernity by Emmanuel Todd
    The Origins of Ideology by Emmanuel Todd
    A History of Civilizations by Fernando Braudel
    The Culture Map by Erin Meyer
    Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant
    Inside Asia by John Gunther
    The Isles by Norman Davies
    Behave by Sapolsky
    Rise of the West by McNeil
    The Soul of China by Amaury de Riencourt
    Culture and Its Consequences by Geert Hofstader
    The Military Revolution by Geoffrey Parker
    The Global Crisis by Geoffrey Parker
    Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan
    A History of the Second World War by Liddell Hart
    Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley,

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    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://hmplogxqz0y.typeform.com/to/JCkphVqj

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NCSdGglnmdWg-qHALhu1w
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter: https://x.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    RECOMMENDED PODCAST: History 102 with WhatifAltHist
    Every week, creator of WhatifAltHist Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg cover a major topic in history in depth -- in under an hour. This season will cover classical Greece, early America, the Vikings, medieval Islam, ancient China, the fall of the Roman Empire, and more.
    Subscribe on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36Kqo3BMMUBGTDo1IEYihm
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/history-102-with-whatifalthists-rudyard-lynch-and/id1730633913
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj

    The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
    Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt
    Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley
    The Tree of Culture by Ralph Linton
    The Civilizing Process by Norbert Elias
    The Age of Faith by Will Durant
    Leviathan and Its Enemies by Samuel Francis
    Europe Emerges by Reynolds
    The Storm Before the Calm by Friedman
    Why Women Deserve Less by Myron Gaines
    The Nice Guy's Guide to Dating by David Hamilton
    Woke Racism by John McWhorter
    The Origins of Woke by Hanania
    The Unabomber's Manifesto

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    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://hmplogxqz0y.typeform.com/to/JCkphVqj

    Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NCSdGglnmdWg-qHALhu1w
    Link to my cancellation insurance: https://becomepluribus.com/creators/20
    Link to my Twitter: https://twitter.com/whatifalthist
    Link to my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en

    RECOMMENDED PODCAST: History 102 with WhatifAltHist
    Every week, creator of WhatifAltHist Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg cover a major topic in history in depth -- in under an hour. This season will cover classical Greece, early America, the Vikings, medieval Islam, ancient China, the fall of the Roman Empire, and more.
    Subscribe on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36Kqo3BMMUBGTDo1IEYihm
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/history-102-with-whatifalthists-rudyard-lynch-and/id1730633913
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj

    Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan
    The End of the World is Just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan
    Empty Planet by Ibbitson and Bricker
    Universe 25 by Calhoun
    The History of the Arabs by Sir John Glubb
    Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary
    The Life of Greece by Will Durant
    Caesar and Christ by Will Durant
    The Next 100 Years by George Friedman
    The Tree of Culture by Ralph Linton
    Who We Are and How we Got Here by David Reich
    Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin
    The Unabomber's Manifesto
    The Fate of Empires by Hubbard
    The Age of Faith by Will Durant
    The Renaissance by Will Durant
    Rome by Greg Woolfe
    The Human Tide by Paul Morland
    The Rise of the West by Oswald Spengler
    Cynical Theories by James Lindsay
    A Guide to Late Antiquity by Peter Brown
    Plagues and Peoples by McNeil