Featuring interviews and roundtable discussions with leading clinical investigators and practicing oncologists, this series bridges the gap between research and patient care by providing medical oncologists and gastroenterologists specializing in liver disease with access to the latest research developments and expert perspectives on up-to-date management strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Are you obsessed with self growth? In this no-frills show, our host -Almog. talks with people who've gone through radical self growth, experts who facilitate such growth in others and shares lessons from his life.
Even if you're all about personal development, stagnation happens. You find yourself stuck in a plateau, not growing, not living up to your own potential. It happens. Listening to people who've achieved what you want can go a long way to help in your journey. In Unstagnate, we focus on inspiring personal zero-to-hero stories and unconventional self growth ideas, strategies and tactics. -
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*Firstory/Spotify/Google/Apple/SoundOn/KKBox 搜尋"蒼藍鴿的醫學通識"!
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La gigantesque accumulation, c'est le podcast des économistes atterrés sur Spectre.
C'est aussi, selon Marx, la forme que prend la richesse sous le capitalisme. Le capitalisme ne veut voir du monde qu'accumulation et marché.
Les atterrés déconstruisent cette vision du monde, parce que d'autres politiques économiques sont possibles, plus justes et plus émancipatrices. -