理由很简单 The reasons can be very simple
大公司 super large companies
光明的前途 a bright future and great career
大企业 famous enterprise -
充满智慧 full of wisdom
在我们的地区 in my region
不可能的事儿 an impossible mission
建立淘宝 he was the founder of Taobao -
Saknas det avsnitt?
没兴趣 I got no interest at all
只关注自己 What I care more is about myself
考虑 I would think about it
搞明白 I would make it very clear in my mind -
一定是我自己 I must say it is me
许多建议 a lot of advice
徒劳 that means nothing to me
结果理想 the results would be better -
现在 at the moment
离得近 it's getting close to
五分钟在路上 spend like five minutes on the road
租金很高 the rent is too high -
收送礼物 sending or receiving gifts
考虑价格 thinking about the price all the time
一双鞋 a pair of shoes
关系匪浅 relationship between people are very different -
我家房子就在...my house is right located in
景色不错 it has a nice view
做运动 散步 do some exercise or go for a slow walk
绿地和草坪 green land and grass land -
以那样的方式 in that way before
傻傻的 too stupid
明智决定 a smart decision
崭新的 a brand new one -
老建筑 ancient buildings
设计和维护 it is designed and maintained
纯白色建筑 pure white
信号覆盖全楼 free wifi covers the whole building -
流行趋势 It has been a very fashionable trend
在周五的晚上 or on Friday evenings
另外一个流行的地方 another very popular place to fit in
在路上开车 drive on the road -
比预想的昂贵 extremely higher than they expected
公道的价格 it has a reasonable price
作为年轻人 as a young adult
合租室友 roommates or flat-mates -
两个好处 Two good points can be identified
好工作 a decent job
整个职业生涯 throughout your career
必须的 required -
不好找 tough to find a quiet place
购物中心 shopping mall
去户外 If you go to the open area
相当安静的地方 a rather quiet place -
完全不一样 They are totally different
男倾听者更安静 they are more silent
啥也不说 without a word
更话痨 more positive and talkative -
很重要的部分 it has been an essential part
处理工作 we are coping with our regular work
大公司 large international enterprise
文字信息 text message -
我喜欢的颜色 my favorite color
亮蓝色 candy blue
普通沉闷的颜色 ordinary colors
我喜欢 I'm really into -
在...背后 behind this topic
工作机会 working opportunities
教育资源 educational resources
顶尖学府 top university -
角落座位 just the seat in the corner
搞一杯咖啡 grab a cup of coffee
发呆 啥也不干 sitting there without doing anything
我的菜 my cup of tea - Visa fler