《他和她》是由前民政局婚姻登记处驻点家庭治疗师刘宇亮、资深公共关系顾问左修共同发起的一档情感电台节目。刘宇亮曾任民政局婚姻登记处驻点家庭治疗师,师从美国婚姻家庭治疗协会(AAMFT)认可督导王爱玲博士,拥有香港理工大学家庭本位实务及婚姻家庭治疗(Family-centre Practice and Family Therapy)硕士学位,擅长婚姻关系问题、亲子沟通问题、姻亲关系问题、个人情感与成长、情绪障碍及精神康复家庭支持领域,拥有超过900+小时的个案时数咨询经验。左修拥有超过10年的公共关系顾问经验,曾为前东德总理访华、缅甸能源危机公关、赞比亚国家烟草委员会以及众多财富500强公司、政府机构和非盈利组织提供战略公关顾问服务。两位人际关系的专家,通过对热点话题的畅谈,帮助你更好地理解婚姻、恋爱和两性关系,同时也希望帮助你更好地了解自己。
All the self-help extremes out there seem designed for perfect robots. But what if progress doesn’t require perfection? Welcome to your gentle self-development hub: About Progress, a podcast and community devoted to progress made practical. Join host and coach, Monica Packer, and her special guests to get the hug AND kick in the pants you need to do something and grow in ways that stick.
There is an underlying precept in our country’s healthcare system that medical professionals can only survive through increased participation in insurance programs. The Less Insurance Dependence podcast series exposes that misperception, shedding light on how Dentists can thrive by breaking out of the insurance-controlled business model.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Fitness Trainer, and Mindset coach that is passionate about helping women turn from chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, GI issues, heart disease, hormonal imbalance, and inflammation so they can turn to a life of flourishing health with bite sized nuggets of info that gives you permission to challenge what you know to and turn to into the woman you want to become.
If you are want to take the next steps towards your wellness check out to schedule your discovery call today.
Note: REBOOTED on 8/30/2023, new episodes with new format -
Welcome to Dream Power Radio, the show where we delve into the fascinating world of your inner mind with your host, Debbie Spector Weisman. Discover how your daytime and nighttime dreams are the key to unlocking your true passions and uncovering your ultimate purpose. With analysis and interpretation from expert guests, I’ll guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, exploring the depths of your subconscious mind. Tune in to hear exclusive interviews with renowned experts and individuals who have experienced life-changing breakthroughs and will share advice on how you can too. And for a chance to take the first step towards realizing your dreams, simply email [email protected] to claim your free Dream Power breakthrough session! Don't miss a single episode of the show that will empower and inspire you to live your dream life, here on Dream Power Radio.
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感谢你和我来到这个强大的爱的冥想练习,吸引你的灵魂伴侣,把可以带给你幸福的人吸引进你的生活和生命。让这些肯定句帮助你吸引那个对的人,那个你所期待的人,那个能够给你幸福的人。这些强大的肯定句可以帮助你,让你的能量磁场和他更加匹配。另外,爱情冥想练习还可以帮助你建立自信,赶走焦虑和忧郁。即使你们已经在一起了。也请继续使用这些肯定句。 每天聆听这些肯定句,持续至少28天,让这些肯定句改写你的潜意识。你可以让这些肯定句伴你入眠,也可以把它作为背景音乐。
(温馨提示:千万不要对自己不确定的人尝试) -