
  • Our beliefs about our kids matter, and we can be one of the greatest influences of their lives. Intentional parenting can set us up to help support our kids through any challenge and instill them with beliefs that will help them achieve true success (not just the type of success that we’re socialized to believe matters most).

    In this episode:

    Dropping my oldest off at college and all the mixed emotions (and how it brought up this topic over the weekend)What manifestation has to do with parenting (and the spiritual principles of it)What you value most and how to instill those values into your kids through manifestationHow to find out if shame is blocking belief work (in any area of your life, but I share a parenting example that you’ll likely relate to).Join my $5 live coaching event HERE and I will do more than teach you these principles, I’ll SHOW you, and we’ll get there together (live on zoom, and recordings sent out to you…. Bring a friend!)

    New shame-free parenting coaching program coming up for parents of elementary-aged kids… get on the waitlist HERE for more information.

  • Neurodivergent kids need to be supported both in the home and in the classroom to thrive and grow. ADHD and anxiety seem to be on the rise, but schools aren’t always creating the most effective environment for the growth to happen. In this episode I am joined by Dr Emily in a conversation around supporting learning in the classroom for neurodivergent kids, and how this support can help all kids too.

    In this episode:

    We talk about how to support ADHD and anxiety in our kids and youth Why anxiety may be on the rise, and the power of play Our current curriculum not aligning with child development How play-based education is supportive for young kids (not pushing academics early will help them with future learning)How we can advocate for our kids mental health in the classroom, and when to know if changing schools is needed

    Join Parent School HERE

    Connect with Dr Emily below:

    Website: https://www.learnwithdremily.com/

    Substack Blog: https://learnwithdremily.substack.com/

    Podcast: Learn with Dr. Emily

    Instagram: @emilywkingphd

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  • What we believe we become. Have you ever taken an inventory on what beliefs you hold for your kids? And how they are becoming exactly what you believe? If you want to parent intentionally and breathe amazing beliefs into your kids… tune in to this tender episode where I share my own parenting struggles, and what my plan is to turn them around (it works).

    In today’s episode:

    How I came across my children’s beliefs, and the shock that came as I recognized my own beliefs in them How our beliefs of our children (what we think and say about them) manifest in themHow to be the gardener who cultivates the garden, instead of controlling it How to manifest belief in our children who then become calm, confident humans that we love to be around (even if it doesn’t seem true yet)


    Join the women’s re-parenting retreat waitlist HEREGet on the waitlist for Parent School HERECoach with Crystal HERE
  • “Children learn best when they like their teacher, and they think their teacher likes them”. What are you trying to teach your children? Do you know how learning happens? Naturally. It comes naturally, with a few specific ingredients, ones that may not seem so necessary, but truly are.

    A Recipe for Learning was first published in the July 2024 monthly bundle of the Wild + Free magazine.

    Today you’ll hear:

    my story of frustration and tantrums (from both me and my young son) when we first started our homeschooling journeyhow unlearning about learning was the path to deeper and more natural learning in our homeschool, for me too. relationships matter most, how learning comes naturally from creating the environment for it to happen the ingredients to a messy and imperfect relationship, but one that is full of joy, confidence, connection and growth


    Ainsley Arment on IG HERE and Wild + Free on IG HEREWild + Free book HEREWild + Free bundle (magazine) HERE3-day Women’s Re-Parenting Retreat HERE “The Inward Journey”1:1 coaching, limited spots HEREThe Creation Room (my magical group program full of intuition, energetic shifts and deep connection) HERE
  • Children should be seen and not heard. Big money makes you evil. Negative emotions should be avoided at all costs. I make others mad, sad or happy with me. I should shove down my ideas and intuition and listen to others that are older, wiser and more experienced than me.

    Don’t believe these anymore? Yup, me neither. But that doesn’t mean that my subconscious isn’t bringing these beliefs along and affecting me and my current reality.

    In this episode we cover:

    what beliefs you may still have, that you don’t notice on a conscious levelwhat questions to ask yourself to uncover your deeper beliefs practices to help you move through and shift beliefs how growth is stagnant when we stick with resistance, versus being open (switching from “this is not showing up for me” to “how is this showing up for me?”)


    3-day Women’s Re-Parenting Retreat HERE “The Inward Journey”1:1 coaching, limited spots HEREThe Creation Room (my magical group program full of intuition, energetic shifts and deep connection) HERE
  • We don’t build muscles, without first breaking them down… and the breaking down feels very uncomfortable. This is the same theme for all growth in life, it’s uncomfortable to break down. It doesn’t feel good to dig inward and notice where our resistance is, but on the other side of resistance is the most magical growth and life that we could imagine.

    In this episode:

    growth and resistance, and how they are intrinsically connected (breaking down our muscles) where we are feeling resistance in our life, and what’s behind it (some of the BEST journal prompts here for your growth). what’s on the other side of resistance (changing my parenting, changing my business and my life)where is resistance popping up in small ways? And how can I be more radically honest and vulnerable with myself?On being “un-coach-able” and sticking in our concrete box of resistance (the no-growth path)


    Join the women’s re-parenting retreat HEREGet on the waitlist for Parent School HERE
  • Emotions are messages, and we aren’t often open to listening to them- they feel too big, too much, or never ending. in the process of ignoring and suppressing these messages from our body, we may feel tension, pain, discomfort, illness or disease. In this episode we go over hypnotic visualizations, somatic practices and inner child work to help us allow, accept and welcome all big emotions. It is in the welcoming of them, that they lessen and open us up to experience life in a fuller way and help others with their emotions too.

    In this episode:

    Welcome back and thanks for listening! I can’t wait for this season… it’s going to be rad! You can work with me in at my inner child healing retreat HERE, 1:1 coaching HERE or join the Creation Room (only open throughout the month of August) HERE. What beliefs we have about emotions that came from our own childhood, and how our subconscious can hold on to them Emotions as messages from our brain to our body, and how to listen to them Inner child exercises, somatic practises and hypnosis to move through big emotions (and why that, in turn, helps us co-regulate with others)If you’re wanting to become a more calm, confident parent, and parent your kids in the way that you wished you were parented- Join the waitlist for Parent School HERE!


    Workout Witch on IG click HERERecording of the somatic workshop to move emotions HERE
  • Receiving comes from the root word take-back… are we taking in what is ours? All the love, connection, opportunities, wealth and abundance around us? Self-worth can block us from receiving all there is for us, and this episode and meditation will open us up for more. This is the last of season 8, look for more in 6 weeks, after a lovely summer break.

    In this episode:

    how well do we receive compliments, connection and love from others? is our self-worth blocking us from receiving, and how can we open up ourselves to more? 3 practices to help ourselves to receive more (including a short and supportive meditation)


    Join me for this same work at our next retreat. 3 days of rest, receiving and change, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

  • Language matters- are we creating inclusive spaces in our homes, schools and communities? Or are we pushing away those who need accommodations the most? We can listen to our children, and to our own inner wisdom, and figure out what our kids truly need and help them to feel more connected and included.

    Join Siris Raquel Rivas-Verdejo and I as we talk all about how to advocate for our families and help our children find their unique gifts. Siris is the owner of Empowering Light Language LLC and works with busy individuals and families virtually to improve their communication and self-care facilitated by a greater connection with their bodies and powered by a greater awareness of how their language impacts their lives.

    On today’s episode you’ll hear:

    How children’s behaviour is communication and how we can figure out what our kids are really saying to us.How to create inclusivity at home and school through connection. Creating a healthy environment where all children feel thought of, accepted and wanted. Working with our children’s strengths and interests to help them see their unique magic and create connection within the entire familyHow to tune into our “yes” and “no” and help our kids do the same (ie. what is your body telling you?)

    To Connect with Siris Raquel Rivas-Verdejo:
    Website: empoweringlightlanguage.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Podcast: https://bit.ly/CaDFwSpodcast
    IG: @empoweringlightlanguage


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you aways have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth. emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mind connection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your individual family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • Sometimes the best prize of all isn’t a trophy. In a culture where outcome production and tangible results are celebrated, how do we teach our kids to accept all parts of themselves- mistakes, bumps in the road, big emotions, and all? Join this conversation with Chasta Hamilton and me, as we discuss this topic and her new children’s book “The Trophy Trap”.

    Orphaned as a child, Chasta found comfort in the creativity, play, and catharsis of the performing arts. This led to a life as an arts entrepreneur, where she believes that everyone has the power to reach their fullest potential and disrupt the status quo in an empowering and inspiring way. She’s a founder and CEO as well as a bestselling author (Trash the Trophies and Handle the Horrible) and speaker (TEDx: “You Weren’t Built to Break”).

    Today you’ll hear:

    How we often teach growth mindset (and other socioemotional skills) in performative and ineffective ways, and how we can change things.Less talk about the “outcome” and more about the process (ie. Allowing failure and discussing it, without the shame). How to create a culture of leaders and changemakers through allowing more vulnerability, authenticity, and celebrating of our children’s inner voice. Growing self-awareness in our kids (and letting the next generation of youth change the world for the better).

    Connect with Chasta:
    Website: https://www.chastahamilton.com/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/chastahamilton
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chastahamilton/


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you aways have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth. emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mind connection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • Dads can connect to their kids in an amazing way- and teach, lead and guide through that connection. Join Tal Eyre and I on the podcast this week as we talk about his new book (Dad Mode), self-connection, connection with kids and more.

    In December 2011, Anita and Tal welcomed their daughter, Annina, into their family, and Dad Mode was officially activated. Tal went on to earn a Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) degree at the University of Pennsylvania and then applied his learnings with his family and as a Swiss-based leader in global business development. Through it all, Tal’s highest priority has remained his family and Dad Mode reveals some of his key learnings along the way. Tal and his family live in the Swiss Alps.

    Today you’ll hear:

    Self-connection and shadow work, and how they are at the center of increasing our connection with kids The 4 parenting styles, and how connection helps you maintain healthy relationships Teaching our children through our own failures and imperfections (not through never messing up)Crystal defines what connection-based parenting means to her, and why it’s so important Dropping permissiveness, yelling and coercion and parenting with love, while maintaining boundaries

    Get the book HERE!!
    Website: taleyre.com
    IG: HERE


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you aways have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth. emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mind connection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your individual family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • Suicide has deeply impacted my family circle over the years, as it has so many of you around the world. Today I share some ways we can work on preventing suicide in our homes and communities though talking more openly about mental health in clear and frank ways- and become willing to open ourselves up to potentially awkward (but SO important) conversations.

    Note: be tender with yourself if this episode is triggering for you, come back to it later if you need to... and KNOW that if someone in your circle has passed away due to suicide that it was NEVER your fault, and when we talk about prevention it’s not for situations in the past, but how we can support others in the future.

    Suicide Hotline US & Canada dial 988


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you aways have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth. emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mind connection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • Do your kids struggle to eat the food you prepare at the dinner table each night? If you have a picky eater, you probably already know that dinner can become a stressful, high-pressure, and sometimes highly contentious time. If you want dinner to be fun, engaging and connecting instead, tune into this conversation with Shawna Hughes for ideas on how to help reverse picky eating.

    Shawna Hughes is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and mother of 2 girls. She specializes in eliminating picky eating using a positive, child-centered approach that the whole family enjoys. She sees adventurous eating as a learned skill and shows parents how to create an ideal learning environment and easily teach children how to go from picky to foodie.

    In this episode:

    We talk about ADHD behaviours and how regulation and mood are connected to the foods we eat What foods to implement with our ADHD kids (and all kids) to help support nutrition How do deal with hangry kids (and why it’s happening) Picky eaters and how we can do our part as parents to help grow adventurous eaters Making dinner time fun again

    Connect with Shawna-

    Shawna has a background in Psychology and specializes in providing individualized Nutrition support for children with ADHD. You can contact her at [email protected] or find her online at www.shawnahughesnutrition.com


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you aways have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth. emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mind connection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your individual family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • Does sex get often put on the backburner in your relationship? Maybe after parenting, work and balancing life and motherhood (or fatherhood) … sex just becomes something to cross off the never-ending to-do-list. Tune into this conversation as we talk about what blocks sexual desire, what stops us from receiving pleasure and what is dampening our sexual relationships.

    Not only will this episode help with your sex life, but it bridges the gap between all areas of life- and shows how healing one area of life- can affect so many others. Carlie Palmer-Webb joins me in this episode. Carlie is a gender and sexuality researcher, data-nerd, enthusiastic Jesus-lover, new mama, and The Christian Sex Educator. She has made it her life mission to provide shame-free sex education for Christians in every life stage.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    How low-desire partners can start tuning into their sexuality and pleasure How to help your low-desire partner (and how low-desire men might feel in partnerships) Tapping into desire in all areas of your life (and why it’s not selfish) Un-shaming sexual beliefs to help increase pleasure in your sexual relationship

    Connect with Carlie at thechristiansexeducator.com or on IG at @thechristiansexeducator “Shame-free sex education for Christians in every life stage.” Want the Learning to Orgasm Guide?



    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you aways have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth. emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mind connection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your individual family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • One of my favourite episodes by far, is this honest and tender-hearted conversation that I have with my husband on the podcast. We open up about the tough moments of parenting, managing neurodiverse challenges, and our own personal change and growth over the years. Meet JD Haitsma, my hubby (who is very much NOT a parenting coach).

    In this conversation, we get into:

    JD’s perspective on parenting years ago when I first learned about connection and attachment. The difference between living from the belief “Why wouldn’t this happen to me?” versus “This shouldn’t be happening to me”. Modifying behaviour (like is so often done with animals) vs helping our children to BECOME.What changes have happened as we’ve parented differently, and what to do if those around you disagree with you.How children are natural learners and are innately good… and why this belief creates changes.

    Connect with JD through his website.
    Website: https://www.thecoachsupport.com
    Learn About Kajabi: https://www.thecoachsupport.com/blog/kajabi-pricing


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children who leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you always have, and you always will. Isn’t that what we all want deep down? That is my goal for me and for you… and for the future generation of children, we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth. emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mind connection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • Are you parenting a child with ADHD, or struggling to parent as an adult with ADHD? Maybe you have been wanting to learn more about ADHD to further support yourself or those around you in a healthy way. You will love this conversation with Kristen Carder today, an ADHD expert, top podcast host, and internationally-recognized life coach for adults with ADHD.

    Kristen’s life’s purpose is to help adults with ADHD accept themselves and move from Point A to Point B. She does this through the I Have ADHD Podcast and her group coaching program, FOCUSED.

    Today you’ll hear:

    Kristen’s background with ADHD and how it affected her lifeHow Kristen noticed a huge gap missing in ADHD education and support years ago, and helped to fill in what was missing The difference between “character flaws” and ADHD symptoms (this is a BIG one!)How to support ourselves and those we love (and what signs to look for when it comes to ADHD). Parenting an ADHD child (both the struggles that come with it and how we can do better)

    Kristen’s FOCUSED program HERE.
    Connect with Kristen on IG HERE.


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you always have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth. emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mind connection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your individual family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • Do you feel like parenting certain kids seems harder than others? I have a few spicy children and parenting them has been one of the biggest challenges of my life (and also SO rewarding). Join Mary Van Geffen and I as we chat all about spicy ones, both in how to parent them, and how to parent as one.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    Parenting spicy ones can differ from typical parenting struggles, and we talk all about tips to help you parent them in a way that fosters their sparkle.What we can learn from spicy ones (and other difficult relationships).How to NOT get on the same page as your partner, and parent super effectively anyways.How to bring in some FIRM to the “gentle parenting” (and why our kids need it).We also dig into how to help dads who may not “get” connection-based parenting, and how to decide what kind of parent-child relationship we want in the future, and what we can about it now to get there.

    Mary Van Geffen is the international parenting coach for moms of Spicy Ones TM️. She helps people who are highly competent in life but overwhelmed by motherhood to lean into the spiritual discipline of staying calm and cultivating warmth and tenderness all while trying to wrangle fiery future CEOs. Often this requires serious skill-building and the balm of self-compassion.

    Mary is a certified Simplicity Parenting Counselor® and Professional Co-Active Coach, but her greatest achievement is cultivating a calm, kind and firm relationship with her Spicy go-getter daughter (now 18), mild child son (16) and un-Enneagramable hubby.

    Connect with Mary on IG: HERE
    Join her FIRM class: HERE


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you aways have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth.emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mindconnection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your individual family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • Did you feel entirely unprepared for new-mom-hood with your first child? Or maybe you’re currently prepping for that experience and looking for support? Dr. Erin Appleton, MD IBCLC FABM, joins me on the podcast today to discuss the BIG things: breastfeeding (and infant feeding in general), postpartum anxiety and depression, and the trauma that mothers deal with when delivery and postpartum are so vastly different than “the plan”.

    Dr. Appleton discovered her passion for breastfeeding after enrolling in specialized courses in breastfeeding support while completing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. In 2012, she began her breastfeeding medicine training, eventually co-founding the Nurture Family Feeding Clinic, and in 2014 became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), then in 2018, she became one of only a few hundred MDs in the world with a Fellowship in the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (FABM).

    While she’s proud of her education, training, and experience, she believes that some of her most valuable lessons have been firsthand, with her struggles with feeding her children, and with helping the thousands of new families that she’s seen over the past decade of her career (including me!).

    In this conversation, we cover:

    Common breastfeeding issues and how to prepare yourself beforehandPostpartum depression and anxiety signs, and how to know if you need helpThe gap between what we “plan” for in birth and postpartum and what actually happens (and how painful that can be)Social media and the rise of anxiety (seeking connection and not finding it)Dr. Appleton’s journey with her babies and nursing (and how we met!)

    Connect with her below:
    Latching logic: www.breastfeedingmd.com
    Breastfeeding support: Www.nurturefeeding.com
    IG: @breastfeeding.md
    FB: Nurture Family Feeding Clinic and Dr Erin Appleton, MD IBCLC FABM


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you always have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth.emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mindconnection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your individual family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • We are wrapping up our 8-month international Worldschooling journey. We have been travelling since the end of September with our 4 kiddos, making it around the world and back again. I thought I would share some practical tips on travelling with kids, and what I’ve learned- but what came out of this episode was much deeper than that- how I have fundamentally changed as a human- and the life lessons that have come to me.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    How flexibility is the key to travelling effectively, and how inflexible I found out I really wasDropping control and ego and living into intuition, even when it comes to travel planning, and how I saved myself dozens of hours of travel planningSeeing the lives of people around the world, and sharing that with my children has changed us forever (for the better), and expanded my compassionMy role as a parent has changed, or rather, I see it in a new way… what my responsibility is in helping my kids access their WisdomTriggers, glimmers, and radical honesty: how life is changing me, always (and the lesson from Boddhisatva’s)

    **Inner child healing is the work we need to do to parent in the way that we want to, and the benefits for us are huge, the ripples last for generations. It is also THE thing that changed my children’s behaviour for the better- more than anything else. Join me for today’s powerful episode, and integrate this work with me as your mentor- through Parent School and my women’s retreats.


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you always have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth.emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mindconnection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your individual family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.

  • A childhood full of fun, confidence, peace, safety, rest and SO much play, is not only healthy for our children now- but can have an amazing impact on them in adulthood. Tune into this episode where we tackle the intersection of inner child healing, parenting in a way that feels good to our souls and protecting our children’s childhood.

    Inner child healing is the work we need to do to parent in the way that we want to- and the benefits for us are huge- the ripples last for generations. It is also THE thing that changed my children’s behaviour for the better- more than anything else. Join me for today’s powerful episode, and integrate this work with me as your mentor- through Parent School and my women’s retreats.

    On this episode we dig into:

    What my childhood looked like (and yours might have to)The benefits of play, rest, and safety in childhood Inner child healing and its efficacy from a securely attached spaceWhat blocks our children from childhood in our current world (tech, screens, busy schedules and more) and what we can do about itLet’s band together and create a change in our world by choosing intentionally what we want our children’s childhood to include, and what we want to opt out of


    Join the re-parenting movement, at my next retreat, The Inward Journey: www.coachcrystal.ca/the-retreat

    Parent School: Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you always have, and you always will. Isn’t that we all want deep down? That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. To be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. That is The Work. I am here for it. Welcome.

    Join me for the LAST LIVE round of Parent School:

    shame resiliency: how to feel shame and move through it, what triggers us and why, and how to move through heaviness and use it for growth. emotional regulation: what co-regulation is and how to support our children from our energy- not our words (not scripts and mantras, this work is much deeper than that), how to support ourselves and our kids through big emotions.the power of our thoughts and beliefs: how to separate who we are from what we think, how to create the exact relationship we want through the power of our mind connection-based parenting: why it’s the way of the future, how to parent in a relationship-first manner, developing deep and lasting connections that last a lifetime.6 modules covering all these topics, and more. 2 group coaching calls to get support in your individual family situations. (add-on available for your partner to join).

    Find all the information HERE.
    Contact me via email: [email protected]
    Audio/text message me on Voxer HERE.