
  • The Power of social media is unmatched in today's world. However, we know that you, as the CEO and business owner, can’t do it all while still operating at your highest level in your zone of genius. So, let us do the heavy lifting, and in the meantime, check out what could happen once you start to work with us….

    Here at Meraki Media Management we help our clients in so many ways.

    A few of our clients recently got noticed through their social media pages and have achieved the following opportunities:

    Our very first client EVER got approached to be on a TV segment launching this month on ABC, NBC, FOX & WPHL!

    Our long-term skincare client has been chosen over a major skincare brand (hint: it starts with a D) to be the SOLE skincare provider to a well-known esthetics school in California. Each student will be trained using our specialty products and become extremely familiar with our brand.

    Another amazing client of ours was approached for a brand opportunity to become a paid creator for a company she already uses, and will be launching a partnership in the near future.

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  • A gift I see a lot of HSPs (Highly Sensitive Persons) have is that we are able to see intention behind words - like a deeper intention. When I see my clients start to experience this, it is often very overwhelming. It's almost like a rush of information that our bodies were picking up on but that we hadn’t consciously registered until that moment. For this reason, many of us may choose to spend more time alone during this phase of the process, simply because it's easier to manage the energy we’re absorbing. I also believe most people naturally spend more time alone as they get older; however, this becomes necessary for HSPs in order to have the energy to interact and spend time with others.

    A perfect example of this is something that I saw on the recent @netflix show with @tylerhenrymedium show, where he talks about how channeling takes a toll on his body. He mentions in this show, when channeling certain lives, his body is actually feeling the sensations as he is tapping into their energy. Tyler’s gift is what I like to think of as a HSP at one of the deepest levels we as humans have ever experienced. He spends a lot of time resting due to the toll that channeling takes on his body, which makes complete sense to me. 

    He also talks about how after this channeling, it takes time for him to disconnect. Sometimes, he even said he “leaves a piece of himself” with these souls during a reading which again, makes a lot of sense to me. I love this example because many of us can relate to it. While Tyler channels from the other side, an HSP is essentially channeling an energetic exchange with the people right in front of them. As this gift grows, HSPs might even begin to sense other things as they become more attuned to this energy.

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  • When you look at your life, are you able to find areas of joy? Things that you’re so proud of making, developing, putting effort into? 

    Many business owners think that the more they pour into their business, the more they will naturally get out of it. However, when that is not the case, many of us are left frustrated, confused and even angry. It feels like we're working towards nothing - and sometimes, we wonder, what is the point? 

    In my own experience, when this happened, I was really pissed, drained and ready to throw in the towel. This moment, I have seen time and time again, is the exact tipping point that we all need in order to adjust our beliefs around acceptance and receiving.  This is when we can acknowledge that just because one aspect of our lives—like our business—isn’t working out as planned, it doesn’t mean nothing is. What did work out? What did you create already right in front of you that seems to be going well? 

    This gets us back into the state of understanding. This shift brings us back to the realization that something in your life that’s working perfectly now—whether it's your kids, your puppy, your current home, that cup of coffee, or your relationship with your significant other—might have once felt like it would never work out, or that it might drain you until you had nothing left to give. But you never gave up. You kept going and now you can see the beauty in these beautiful things that you have. It was all worth it, right? 

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  • Where are my nervous system nerds?! Since learning more about the nervous system, I find myself leaning more towards conversations on this podcast to help us harness this amazing system each of us has. 

    This week we are chatting with @jessicaraddeo! 

    “I am a nervous system coach for women. I've helped 100+ past and current clients heal their approach to the day to day and make room for ease, laughter and fun amongst all of the busyness. I am a founder of the program Nervous System Mastery and a training program for health and wellness professionals.

    I am excited to help you dramatically change how you experience day to day life and begin to add laughter and joy into the everyday. But most of all: it's time to discover that fun is for everyone, INCLUDING YOU.

    When I am not working with clients I am hanging with my three kiddos and husband, or potentially watching Bridgerton!” 

    Join us this week for more information on the nervous system! 

    Follow Jessica!

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  • In this crazy world of social media, we can find ourselves fixating on the amount of views, likes, followers, etc. So much so that some of us business owners get wrapped up in the incorrect goals. We think that - and I have thought this as well - once I go viral, then I will be….rich….have endless amount of clients….get the recognition from others that we believe we need to seem credible. 

    But how much of this thought process is actually true? As many of you have seen over the years, going viral can kind of be like a one-hit wonder. It’s really about what you have set up to capture leads prior to that and how you harness the growth and exposure from it.

    This week, we will dive into the mental and physical of what it takes to really be your own quiet power, giving yourself the stability to create and launch a brand. That way, when you do create an evergreen lead-generating system, that you're actually prepared for the outcome. 

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  • These next two weeks, we are diving into the topic of being yourself! What if someone told you that being YOU was all you needed to be successful? That you have everything you need right now to make it, and make it big? What would you do next? 

    This concept took me a few years of sitting with it, wondering, if they’re doing it, can’t I? I gave up my power, asking others for their “secrets,” trying to replicate exactly what they did, thinking that that would make me money. At first, I was so focused on money because that's what every coach said was the most important. But was it important to me? I wasn't sure yet. 

    The more I set financial goals, the more disconnected I felt from my work. I was so concentrated on money that I kind of lost myself in the process. When I did not reach those goals, I made myself feel terrible, drifting further away from who I truly was and who I am today. 

    Listen, I'm not saying that money in today’s society isn't important. We all know it is. But what I wasn't getting was why it felt so empty? I started this business to do it my own way. So why wasn't I doing just that? The more I tried their way, the more money I lost, and the more disconnected I felt from my company. So I tried something else….

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  • Why did you start your business? I am sure there are many reasons. One big one for me was dropping a rigid routine. I hated having to squeeze in the gym between 6-7am, showering, jumping in the car, and sitting in traffic on my way to work. 

    When I thought about creating a successful business, I thought a strict routine was needed - so much so that I had basically created myself exactly what I was looking to get away from. 

    This week, I am sharing how my Flowy Schedule has changed the game for me, and honestly, my whole business! This has allowed me to be more present, take care of myself as needed, and allow myself the freedom that I craved for so long.

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  • Here is the deal: I don't know about you, but I have met several people that run extremely successful businesses who strongly dislike social media. Some of them have started their companies without using social media at all and have created extremely high profit margins, which is amazing! Social media isn't for everyone, and when it comes to our marketing coaching, this is something we stress for our clients. Feeling pressured or pushed to show up online should be the last of their worries, especially when they’re just starting their companies. 

    Social media can support your business when it has a time and place in your company. Sometimes, it’s not the right time to start a social media campaign; others it’s important to consider social media promotion in order to have a successful launch. It is all dependent on your season of business, business development, the ideal clients etc! 

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  • As most of us know, social media can be highly addictive. Many business owners find ourselves comparing through these platforms, thinking we may even get an over night success and years later beating ourselves up for not making it yet. Sometimes social media can even draw us in to where we have completely forgotten what we need to be doing and dissociation - also not great especially when you’re a CEO. 

    A lot of my clients come to me thinking that their social media usage is way too high and they find themselves mindlessly scrolling for hours, getting little done and most of the time after scrolling in the scroll hole - they have little energy to accomplish whatever is necessary that day. Over simulation on these platforms need to be discussed more in my opinion and this week that is exactly what we are diving into. 

    Stay tuned for tips on how to disengage, what to do when your feed is overcrowded with people that arent your ideal clients, and how to stay focused and realign your energy as an HSP and business owner. 

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  • When you grab your phone to get on social media, do you ever stop to ask yourself, “Why am I reaching for this?” Better yet, “Why am I reaching for this specific platform?”

    When you are gathering information, you may reach for a platform like Pinterest. When you want to mindlessly scroll, you may be reaching for Instagram or TikTok. But most of the time, there is a conscious or subconscious reason why you are reaching for a certain platform. 

    The same is true for your clients! I hear people say all of the time, “Well my ideal client isn't on that platform.” However, is that really true? Most of our clients use all social media platforms, again for different reasons at different times. So, what if by not posting to all of the platforms you could be missing out on a critical touch point for a potential client? 

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  • The power of words has become extremely important to my marketing and to the journey of becoming a business owner over the past few years. 

    I have my minor in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication, and in college, I learned a lot about words and how they can yield certain energies,especially in marketing. The more I got into running my own business, the more I found this to be true. I am by no means perfect when it comes to using words, and I still find myself questioning and stumbling in certain areas today. However, I can say that the impact of creating safety with words and making my clients and team feel heard has been a valuable skill, allowing me to build a business that can hopefully make an impact for my team and my clients. 

    This week, I am looking forward to uncovering the power of words. So tell me, what is your

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  • When you think about outsourcing or hiring a team, what feelings come up for you? Maybe you have a team already, or you're working to get to a point where a team is necessary. for what you do.

    Either way, in my own experience hiring and expanding my team. brought up a lot for me. I thought about releasing control, finding the correct words to outsource, sharing more about me and my moments of imperfection, and owning them. It all seemed really scary and a bit far-fetched.
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  • Recently, I started reading a book called Zero Limits. Shout out to @aoifemindbodycoaching for sharing this book with me! 

    I was shocked at how much this book caused me to jump into action. I have been using the Ho'oponopono since she shared this tool with me a while back, but I hadn’t read about the power behind this tool since this book. @drjoevitale shares many different stories about this prayer’s power inside his book. This week on The End in Mind, I will be sharing a bit more about what I have learned so far. But let’s start out first by understanding the meaning of this prayer- what is the intention? 

    Ho'oponopono (Ho Oh Pono Pono), roughly translated as “to make right”, “to correct,” is an ancient transformational and healing technique originating in Hawaii. Its simple message of 100% responsibility, repentance, and gratitude has been changing the lives of all it touches.

    Pretty powerful right? 

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  • How is energetics playing a role in your business? 

    Do you ever feel like you are just gaining momentum and all of the sudden, something happens? Your energy is drained and you find yourself back in freeze mode? This is exactly how your energy may be impacting your consistency, your presence with your clients, and even throwing you into a situation where you are negatively driving your clients or potential clients away. 

    When we say everything is energy - it’s important to note that we are actually creating or utilizing energy in certain ways, which may be intentional or unintentional. 

    Join me today inside the @wearecocreated June 18th at 2 PM EST for our next Vulnerable Networking Meet up: Vulnerable Networking: Energetics and Conversions, where we ask if your energy repels you from reaching your goals.

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  • This week we are chatting with Mind Coach @guineveremartin. We discussed her journey from the solitude of isolation to developing her business. Many would assume that living a Monk’s lifestyle would be more challenging than launching a business; however, Guinevere shares the complete opposite actually on our upcoming podcast episode. She shares that starting a business was one of her biggest mirrors into areas of herself that she was overlooking. As most of us know now, when designing a brand, those areas need to be nurtured in order for us to reach our full potential. 

    What is one area of your business that you would like to nurture more? Is it a belief? A pattern? A thought loop, maybe? 

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  • This week, we are chatting with @life.coach.lawyer, owner of the @sunshinelawfirm and the @maddhippie11 brand! 

    Maddison and I met through the @badass_womeninbusiness group. From the second I met her, I knew I had to get to know her more! We hit it off immediately, and we decided to do a podcast interview together. Ironically, weeks leading up to our interview, Maddison’s Reel about Non-Compete Agreements went viral, getting over 1 Million views. 

    If you’re an esthetician, as I know many of you are, you are probably pretty aware of what a non-compete agreement is. Well, the news about this is shocking, and could totally change the game of esthetics.

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  • This week we are chatting all things energy with @justinechartier_! Sometimes we don't realize how much we are holding on to, and most of the time these are the things holding us back from becoming the people we want to be! 
    Justine is a nurse who has spent most of her life caring for others, and as she continued her work, she saw how much energetics could be playing into people's sickness or misaligned feelings. What if our thoughts sometimes aren't even our own? What if they’re inherited? What if some of these feelings weren’t from our lifetime but our ancestors’?
    About This Week's Guest:
    Justine started her battle with migraines around the age of 15 and struggled with them for over 18 years. When pregnant with her first child at the age of 19 she pursued a career in nursing. When her second daughter was 18 months old she was diagnosed with a rare disease - Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis. After 2 years of lots of doctor visits, tests and medications, she has been in remission and doing well. 
    However Justine's migraines and symptoms kept getting worse to the point of having attacks 2-3x/week along with visual changes, dizziness, heart palpitations, panic attacks and depression. She was introduced to the concept of trapped energy and trapped emotions from my friend and it just opened up this whole new way of looking at the world, her body, her connections to people and the way I can heal and help myself. She was finally able to break free from my migraine symptoms, speak the truths she could never before to those close to her and maintain her boundaries.
    She has become a huge advocate for patient safety in the hospitals and want to bring a change to the health care system.
    Justine's socials:
    Personal Facebook
    Facebook support group for those suffering from migraine, stress, anxiety
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  • Money is a topic most of us are focused on all of the time. I remember when I first started Meraki; money and the thought of it was all consuming. How could I make more of it? Was it possible to create an income I could rely on to fund my life? What about a better lifestyle? Was money hard to make? It felt like it back then, and that only made my thoughts and obsession worse. 

    Most information on money I see comes from social media. I see a lot of people posting fast cash methods and quick wins for money, because, let’s be honest, that’s what most of us want nowadays - a quick win right? 

    But when you actually think about your lifestyle and money, it’s really what lies beneath this. What does money provide you with that you’re desiring or feeling like you’re lacking right now? Security? Freedom? Safety? 
    On this week’s podcast, we are talking all things money bliss with @hannamoneybliss. You won’t want to miss it! Tell us what you think money would provide you with that maybe you’ve not acknowledged before? 

    Money Coach Hanna Bier works with ambitious women from around the world to recreate their relationship with money from the inside out and step into a world of financial overflow.
    Known as the founder of Money Bliss and author of her new book, Wealth From Within, Hanna has led tens of thousands of private and group sessions and has helped hundreds upon hundreds of clients join her in living blissfully and abundantly.
    She spent seven years trying to answer the question: Is it possible to create wealth without compromising our health, wellness and/or happiness. Can we actually create abundant lives while living a life of joy?
    Happily, the answer is a resounding YES. And this is the work she now does with clients.
    Hanna's clairvoyant abilities allow her to quickly discover the deepest money blocks in people's energy systems. Once these blocks are released through her proprietary methodology, abundance opens up in an entirely new, magical (and sometimes awe inspiring) way. Hanna’s clients soar… rising to new levels of success... seemingly overnight... and become the radiant leaders their communities deserve, while enjoying a new sense of overflow, lightness, ease, fulfillment and joy in every aspect of their lives. (Because abundance IS.)
    When she’s not performing her variety of magic, Hanna enjoys the balance of motherhood, living throughout Europe and spending time with her young daughter. Baking brings her joy. So does eating ;)

    Website: https://www.hannabier.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannamoneybliss/
    Free Gift: The Money Bliss Subliminal: https://www.hannabier.com/subliminal
    Hanna's new book: Wealth From Within: https://www.hannabier.com/book

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  • What if you’ve been working against your own energy in your business all along? Many of us know what it feels like to try and follow a business plan that someone else has given us, and it fails right? Well, it's mainly because these plans don't work with our unique energies, leaving us feeling drained, uninspired, irritated and maybe even considering quitting. But here's the deal: once you learn how to map out your own energy you will be able to adapt your business and marketing plan to work with who you are as you are, no questions asked. This will help you create more space, more income and live a more fulfilled life! If this is how you’re currently feeling, message Claire, @claire.campagna, or me today to learn more about our upcoming program!
    Learn more about the program and don't miss the flash sale ending today

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