
  • Welcome to this episode inside of our Ask Me Anything Series on the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast! Today, I’m answering questions submitted by our Funnel of the Month Club members.

    In this episode I’m answering a BIG question from Tracy Hoth! Tracy helps coaches and online business owners organize and systemize their businesses to save time and money and feel more confident. You can learn more about Tracy here.

    Tracy wants to know how she should approach the actual project management of her email funnel, from creation to scheduling to calendaring for each step, and how she should go about implementing her funnel.

    In my response, I share what steps I believe she should take first, how she should go about scheduling time to create her actual emails, videos, and funnel, and some practical “to-do’s” to help her minimize having to re-do or refocus on certain tasks.


    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Join the Funnel of the Month Club! (+ use code CLUB to snag a 20% discount on your enrollment!)

    Snag a seat in Allison's Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep (or, ‘ya know…live your actual life!)


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • I made a goal in my business that by the end of 2024 I would grow my email list to 10,000 subscribers. Instead, I reached this goal in 8 months!

    Early in 2024 I realized that the tipping point in my business was my email list size. That if my email list grow, my sales would increase. So I made my only goal in 2024 to grow my email list.

    In this week's podcast episode I'm sharing how I accomplished this goal, what I had to do to make it happen, and the shift I realized as I was working towards this goal.

    Find a proven system that works. Two things that I know have worked to grow my email list Meta Ads and collaborations. So instead of trying something new, I decided to expand on what's already working. Keep the main thing, the main thing. Once you find your system that’s working, the question becomes how can I change it, maybe even just slightly, to reach my goals and get more results. Sometimes business is nothing more than a numbers game. When I realized this, it made things so much more simple. RESOURCES:

    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Snag a seat in Allison's Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep (or, ‘ya know…live your actual life!)


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

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  • We all have a love-hate relationship with our phones, especially if you have a business.

    There is so much noise about screen addiction, how our phones are causing our attention spans to decrease, and the harm it causes to our brains.

    And while this may be true, I think that our phones can be amazing devices to support us, and that if we set our phones up in the right way, we can change the story we have around our phones and how we are connected to them.

    In this episode, I want to share with you some strategies I've implemented to switch my perspective to my phone is a "necessary evil" to a device that supports me and my goals.

    Sending text messages when you get a sale. I love getting texts that come through that I have made a sale when I’m not working. For my life and my brand, this is awesome and a huge motivator. Your business should sell for you while you’re living your life and getting these text messages reiterate what is possible. Knowing our limits with our devices. You can set limits on your phone for how long you want to be on certain apps. I set limits on my phone to align with how I want to show up. Turn off notifications. I do not get any notifications because they distract me. When I am working at my desk, I put my phone on airplane mode so I don’t get distracted. This helps with my productivity and helps me to stay focused. Using apps that support your business and life. I like to use apps for my health and time management that help me set goals and use my time wisely. One app I love is toggl which tracks my time on certain tasks which helps me when blocking time for business tasks. RESOURCES:

    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Snag a seat in Allison's Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep (or, ‘ya know…live your actual life!)


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Heather Sager is a speaking coach and business mentor, helping you turn your voice into your best marketing asset for growing your business.

    She is a former consulting executive turned global speaker and trainer, host of the Hint of Hustle podcast, and creator of the Speaker Society. She's also a mom of 3 boys and lives with her family in beautiful Bend, OR.


    How do you know if you are a good communicator? Notice if people are talking back to you. When you are recording videos and asking people to take action, are they actually doing what you tell them to do? If no one is downloading your freebie or taking action, your communication skills are not effective. You might be fun or entertaining, but if you can’t get a person to take action, your communication might not be effective. Become a better communicator by instituting a daily ramble. Simply ask yourself questions people might ask you and figure out how you can best get to your response. When you practice and know your topics and ideas, you will ramble less and you will resonate with more people.When your communication is effective you don’t care about what other people think, so you become less stressed about your business. This allows you to focus on how you can make people feel better in your presence. We are so sometimes too focused on outcomes and results and need to focus on the feeling and experience people have with us. RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Grab Heather’s 19 Simple Phrases That Convert Cheatsheet

    Visit Heather on her website

    Listen to the Hint of Hustle Podcast

    Snag a seat in Allison's Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep (or, ‘ya know…live your actual life!)


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Welcome to a very special series on the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast called Launch Like a Pro!

    In this series, I'm joined by Facebook Ads expert Kwadwo Sampany-Kessie and pre-launch specialist Brenna McGowan. We're chatting through how to create a profitable launch.

    In this episode, we tackle topics like the mid-launch lull, how to manage your thoughts during an open cart period, and why shorter open cart periods can increase sales.


    Learn the 7 Biggest Facebook Ad Mistakes from Kwadwo

    Snag Brenna's Pre-Launch Plan Cheat Sheet

    Get access to Allison's $80,000 Email Template


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Welcome to a very special series on the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast called Launch Like a Pro!

    In this series I'm joined by Facebook Ads expert Kwadwo Sampany-Kessie, and pre-launch specialist Brenna McGowan, and we're chatting through how to create a profitable launch.

    In this episode, we explore why launching like a pro doesn't necessarily mean you have to have a huge team and what that might look like for a solopreneur.


    Learn the 7 Biggest Facebook Ad Mistakes from Kwadwo

    Snag Brenna's Pre-Launch Plan Cheat Sheet

    Get access to Allison's $80,000 Email Template


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Welcome to a very special series on the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast called Launch Like a Pro!

    In this series I'm joined by Facebook Ads expert Kwadwo Sampany-Kessie, and pre-launch specialist Brenna McGowan, and we're chatting through how to create a profitable launch.

    In this episode we're digging into one of the most overlooked parts of a launch, the pre-launch phase.


    Learn the 7 Biggest Facebook Ad Mistakes from Kwadwo

    Snag Brenna's Pre-Launch Plan Cheat Sheet

    Get access to Allison's $80,000 Email Template


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Y’ALL, I’M 40! Woah, what a milestone!

    This week’s episode is a bit different for a variety of reasons, but the biggest one you need to know is that I recorded this episode on the day it went live, which is NOT my normal recording schedule.

    (Usually I'm a 4 weeks in advance, kinda girl.)


    Because I finally granted myself permission to not create the best podcast episode I’ve ever recorded.

    Instead, I challenged myself to record this episode in one take with minimal notes.

    In this episode, I reflect on turning 40, what that means for my business, what I’d do differently if I could start my business again, and why I don’t believe in mistakes.


    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep!


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Welcome to this episode inside of our Ask Me Anything Series on the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast! I this episode, I’m answering questions submitted by our Funnel of the Month Club members.

    The first series of questions were submitted by Tina Lopez. Tina helps online entrepreneurs scale their content, traffic, and income in 5 minutes per week through her newsletter. You can join it here.

    Tina has a variety of questions that stem around funnel details. In my answer we dig into the data, statistics, averages, and ways to increase conversion rates.

    The second question was submitted by Jennifer Needham, also known as the Party Teacher. Jennifer helps you to DIY the party of your dreams! You can learn more about Jennifer and her business here.

    Jennifer has a question about what to do with unengaged folks on her email list. In my response, I give her a few options, and let her decide what feels best for her business.


    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Check out episode 389 that Allison mentions in the episode about reverse engineering your goals here

    Join the Funnel of the Month Club!


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Linda Perry is a mindset coach and business strategist who works with individuals, business owners, and their teams to become more self-driven and move toward 7-figure success.

    So many people get stuck on a plateau and don’t know how to move forward! Linda uses a mindset-first approach to support individuals and their teams to tap into their core motivations and strengths, and frees them from their blocks so they can soar past 7-figures.

    She is also a recovering attorney and copywriter and uses her skills of persuasion to show business owners how to make the impact they desire. Linda works with clients through private coaching, group courses and workshops. She is also the lead business instructor at Levin Life Coach Academy where she teaches new coaches how to build a thriving coaching practice.

    Look at your decisions. For example, did you decide to take a client because of money? You might be afraid that there will not be another client next, so you might miss red flags and rationalize your decision. Separate fact from fiction. Fear is often wrapped in a story from something in the past that is what ifs and shoulds. Reduce resistance. The truth is we stick to what we fear the most. Accept where you are and surrender one thing. We tend to expect the worst, and we all have a negative bias. We are wired to think of the worst-case scenario, but what is equally possible is that something great is waiting for us around the corner.RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Follow Linda on LinkedIn

    Hang out with Linda on Instagram

    Visit Linda on her website

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep (or, ‘ya know…while you live your actual life!)


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • I have had an online business for about 10 years now and have been in many virtual mentoring groups. I recently wanted some more in-person connections and decided to join a local group. I thought that joining a more local group would be worlds different from my online business, but what I found was that the conversations were exactly the same, and the really interesting part was that I was getting to see the same problem(s) from new perspectives.

    Talking to other business owners confirmed how I have been feeling about business. No matter what industry, model, or location you have, there are universal truths in our businesses. So, no matter what type of business you run, there are some universal business truths that every business owner should understand, know, and embrace.

    The problem you’re experiencing right now is not unique. Someone before you has had this exact same pain point. Because your problem isn’t unique, there is a solution. You have to be willing to do the work to find and implement the solution. There is a difference between facts and feelings. If you only operate off feelings, you’ll never get anywhere. Look at things from a numbers perspective and make a plan. What do you need to do to create change? Look at the data and then you will develop a plan when you have facts. Sometimes your business is literally nothing more than a numbers game. This is a simple, logical way to look at your business. More sales come through with bigger numbers. The more leads you have, the bigger your email lists, the more you will sell your thing. The more you have, the bigger ROI you will see. RESOURCES:

    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Listen to episode 389 about reverse engineering your goals here

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep!


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • This topic of reverse engineering goals has come up repeatedly in my business and with my clients lately, so I figured we should do a podcast episode on the topic!

    Reverse engineering makes your business into nothing more than a numbers game. It pairs your number with the singular activity that produces the results to move you closer to your goal faster.

    I love reverse engineering because it removes emotion from the process and breaks it down into very simple, clear numbers with very simple, clear actions.

    Start with the end in mind. What is your end goal? Once you are clear on that, work backward on the steps to get there.What are you already doing that gets you results? Sometimes it’s as simple as making adjustments or doing more of what you are already doing. If it’s hard, you won’t do it. Resistance creeps in when there are too many steps or it’s too complicated. RESOURCES:

    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep!


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Sage Polaris has written high converting copy for more than 525+ clients earning them millions of dollars. She helps personal brands and service providers sell more of their service or offer with the words on their website.

    Her emails and sales pages are responsible for generating as much as 7 figures in a single launch. She has worked with Chalene Johnson, Chrisette Michele, Rick Mulready, and Lynne Twist. Basically, she makes money for the “internet famous” people we all look up to.

    And in turn, has been an international speaker in exclusive private Masterminds. She can SHOW your audience how to go from storytelling to story selling. This is what truly makes a brand legendary.

    Take small steps and look at a wider scope. Start small. Can you take off a half day? Can you take off one day a week? If you are needing more time off, look ahead on your calendar as to when you want or will need time off. Looking ahead and planning ahead will actually give you the time off you need.To take time off does take work. Sage mentions that in order for her to take a week off, she has to work hard the week before to ensure everything is done so she can take that time off. Sage also has more time for self care when she looks ahead and schedules time she needs to work versus time she can take off.Ask yourself if your work is bringing you joy. If your work is not bringing you joy, what needs to change? Go back to the small step and wider scope. What small step can you take in your business? And how can you look at things with a wider scope? RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Snag Sage’s Triple Your Open Rate Email Template

    Hang out with Sage on Instagram

    Get a template of Allison's email that was directly responsible for selling over $80,000 worth of digital products, courses, and memberships in 2023


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • One of the best ways to get an idea of what your audience needs is to ask! When it comes to market research, you have to know what you’re getting into. Know who you are asking and what you’re asking. Market research will give you great insight into many parts of your business, but it's important to be intentional in your market research so that it's actually helpful.

    So how do you do this in a way that is helpful to your business? This episode of the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast is all about how to make sure the market research you are doing is effective and productive.

    Know who you are talking to. More likely, if you survey people who only consume your free stuff versus people who are members or purchase your offers, you won’t get effective feedback. Survey your paying clients often. They are your absolute ideal clients and they will help you shape your offer(s), next move(s), and content. Protect your mind. When you do market research, you will get negative feedback and people who don’t like your ideas. Come into market research in a place of disconnect. Look at market research when you’re in a good space. If you can’t do it, hire someone to do it for you.Don’t talk about the money, yet. If you ever ask your audience for feedback on how much you should charge for an offer or program, they will always suggest low. What I have found with the pricing of my different offers, is the people who pay more, show up more. RESOURCES:

    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep!


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Jackie Ellis is a Digital Marketing Strategist who helps busy online entrepreneurs grow profitable, joyful businesses through killer copywriting and marketing. As the owner of an all-mom digital marketing agency, she’s committed to helping female entrepreneurs get seen (and make more money) online.

    Jackie has been featured on The Art of Paid Traffic with Rick Mulready, the Book Your Dream Clients Podcast, The Unstoppable Show, and Forbes. Her favorite topics are Facebook Ads, systems for service providers, and copywriting.

    Her mission is to help you make marketing easier so you can spend more time doing the things you love in your business. Jackie loves salted caramel (anything), traveling, fitness, weekend trips with the family, and country music. She lives in Washington with her husband, two daughters, and two of the sweetest little pups ever.

    Know what you want your life and business to look like. Jackie uses a great analogy about how she thought business was like a puzzle and she just had to find the missing piece. But really it’s more like a rubix cube. It’s always evolving and changing.Have systems and trainings in place. Jackie likes to have systems in place that help her business run without constantly needing her. She also has a team that helps, but even her team has systems and trainings set up so anyone could come in and know exactly what needs to be done to keep the business running.Set boundaries in your business. If you have business hours, don’t answer people outside of those hours. Jackie first thought she couldn’t grow her business without going outside these types of boundaries, but then realized she couldn’t grow unless she set boundaries. RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Hang out with Jackie over on Instagram

    Listen to Jackie’s podcast, So Worth It

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep!


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Welcome to this episode inside of our Ask Me Anything Series on the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast!

    Today, I’m sharing a question submitted by one of our Funnel of the Month Club members, Tracy Hoth.

    Tracy has a program called the ​Organized Coach Academy and she helps entrepreneurs develop organizational skills by helping them establish their business foundations.

    Tracy has had her funnel running for two weeks now and is curious to know what her next steps are to optimize it for sales.

    Tracy asked:
    What is your thought process when analyzing an email pitch sequence to try to improve it?What are practical things you've done that have improved your emails?In this episode, I’ll share 5 things that I want Tracy to look at in her email funnel to help her start seeing those sales rolling in on autopilot!


    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Join the Funnel of the Month Club!


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Linda Sidhu is a lead generation strategist, magic matchmaker, and expert in creating compelling personality quizzes that attract numerous new subscribers. Leveraging her experience in pharmaceutical sales, she translated her success in face-to-face interactions into a highly effective personality quiz framework.

    Recognized by Forbes, her insights shine on notable platforms like Cubicle to CEO and The Systems Saved Me Podcast, enhancing business growth through personalized strategies.

    Linda's passion for list-building, community growth, and meaningful connections propels entrepreneurial success for all those in her orbit.

    Know your audience to know who to collaborate with. If you know who your ideal client is, you can find others who have a similar audience but who are doing something different.Focus on long-term relationships versus short-term relationships. For example, if you are thinking about interviewing on a podcast, think beyond how that interview will benefit the audience and how establishing that connection with the podcast host can be a long-term relationship in and outside of business.Ask yourself how people can experience you. There are three ways: clients, mentors, and peers. RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Join Linda’s Facebook Group, Super Connected

    Take Linda's quiz, What's your Visibility It Factor?

    Hang out with Linda on Instagram

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep!


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • What’s something that you’re doing that pulls a ton of your time? Can you systemize it? Can you automate it?

    In order to answer your questions about what I automate in my business, I was challenged to think about my business and what automation systems I have outside of my automated emails.

    It is my goal that what I share in this episode will help you think of an automation that you are going to try in your business to buy back your time, make something easier for you, or make your communication more streamlined. I find that hearing what other people do, even if it doesn’t directly apply to my business, gives me ideas and I can take that idea and run with it. So I hope that this episode can do that for you!

    Use Many Chat to automate or start DM conversations. Many Chat allows auto responses and links to be sent in real time so the conversion rate is higher. It also gives amazing market research and frees up my time by not making me feel like I have to be on Instagram all the time. Use a bundle auto responder. To be a part of my bundles, people must send in an application. What I was doing was a very timely process so I added Zapier to connect my Google Forms to my ConvertKit, and automate my process. This allowed for the application form to be filled out and then automatically put it in my email marketing software for me, which made a huge difference in gaining back time. Every single day I use Meta Ad. Yes, this is an investment, but it is producing sales and leads every single day. I can choose to lower ad spend or ramp it up, but it buys back time and produces sales, so it’s worth it to me!RESOURCES:

    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Listen to the 3 email automations all coaches and experts need episode

    Listen to the Pinned posts and Many chat episode

    Listen to the My Meta Ads strategy episode

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep!


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • Penelope Jane Smith is the premier financial freedom mentor for entrepreneurs and the go-to expert for some of the biggest names in the conscious business industry. She is an acclaimed international speaker and certified trainer with over 20 years of teaching experience, the author of the Little Book of Prosperity, and the creator of Prosperity Coin, the world’s first cryptocurrency designed to support financial freedom for women entrepreneurs. Her unique magic is to support entrepreneurs to become financially free in 5 years or less with $10,000+ per month in passive income so they don’t have to depend on their business, a job, a partner, the government, or anyone else for money.

    Shift your money mindset. People sometimes become too focused on the income side of their business thinking they just want to make more money or hit 6 figures in their business. More income is great, but you want to change your mind from supporting yourself to creating wealth and financial freedom. Create a vehicle for money growth. Instead of staying in the “make money world”, trade it for the “grow money world”. Make the money work for you instead of you working for the money. One way to do this is investments. We discuss a couple ways to do this in the podcast episode. Have the right money systems. It doesn’t matter your income or profession, if you have the right money systems, you can set yourself up for financial freedom. One tip to do this, is to actively save your money. You can even set it up so that the money you want to save transfers automatically to some sort of savings account. RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Download Penelope’s The Financial Freedom Formula eBook, where you’ll discover exactly what it will take for you to become financially free, the two types of passive income, and how to get more of each!

    Grab your FREE ticket to Financial Freedom 101, Penelope’s signature virtual event

    Grab a seat in the upcoming Sell on Autopilot Masterclass


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

  • I recently took a poll on social media about what my listeners wanted to hear about on the podcast and many of you said you wanted to learn more about Meta Ads. Meta Ads are paid ads that you run on Facebook or Instagram.

    If you are like me, you probably don’t have a ton of time for active lead generation and Meta Ads can do the work for you. You should be generating leads daily and if you aren’t, you can’t scale your business. Meta Ads allow you to accomplish this goal, by getting in front of an audience that you otherwise might not have organically.


    There are three components of Meta Ads and the creative part is really important because it’s the most obvious thing people see. Your goal is to stop someone’s scroll, so be strategic about what video or image you put with your ad. Use different types of ad strategies. I always have 3 different types of ads running: A warm audience, a warm-ish audience, and a cold audience. People get stuck in this idea that Meta Ads have to be to a cold audience, but you can send them to your warm audience as well. Don’t be afraid to start investing in ads. If you are thinking about running Meta Ads, you are going to put in money up front. But you will see that money come back to you if and when your email funnel starts selling.RESOURCES:

    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Get a seat in the upcoming Sell on Autopilot Masterclass

    Check out Pitch Perfect


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

    Music courtesy of www.bensound.com