
  • Host Nancy Showalter (00:00):

    Hello everybody and welcome to our second episode in our “Spiritual Perspectives on Hot topic” series. This is Part Two, “Digging Deeper into Our Spiritual Cosmology and Evil in the World Today.”

    I'm welcoming back Mark Myers, who is with us last week as we discussed “How We Got Where We are Today from our Pure Divine Estate in the Beginning.”

    If you haven't heard that episode, you may want to go back and listen as it has a lot of information in it, and we're going to pick up from where we left off.

    Mark, welcome back.

    Guest Mark Myers (01:13):

    Yes. Hi Nancy. Glad to be here and I'm grateful to be able to share this information today. It's exciting.

    Host Nancy Showalter (01:20):

    It sure is. Last week we talked about ancient history including previous golden ages, Lemuria and Atlantis, the fall of Lucifer, the angels that fell to earth.

    A good resource for learning about the Fall is the Book of Enoch, a book that did not make it into the final approved Bible that we have today. But the first part of the book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers, the angels who fathered the Nephilim. All of these characters are mentioned in the Bible.

    We also talked about the fall of man and how the caveman was the lowest point to which we fell, and that creation and evolution are both true.

    Guest Mark Myers (02:03):

    Well, with the Book of Enoch, Nancy, not only was it not included, it was actually, I believe, purposely hidden until a famous historian found a copy in Ethiopia a few centuries ago. The Book of Enoch really is the Western's version of evil and how it came about to be and how the angels fell from heaven and all these different concepts of evil that came about.

    Our father, Enoch wanted us to have a record of all this and I would encourage anyone who hasn't looked at this to either look at it or look at a synopsis of it. There are plenty of synopsis’ on the Internet that you can get an idea of what the book of Enoch is about.

    Host Nancy Showalter (02:47):

    Yeah, that's great—a synopsis. I am going to check that out myself. I'd like to…

    Guest Mark Myers (02:53):

    I mean, basically Enoch states how we had evil, why the flood came about because God wanted to destroy this evil, but the evil survived the flood and is continuing to work amongst us today in a more secretive manner. So, this is the secret of Enoch. It's an astounding story.

    Host Nancy Showalter (03:14):

    Yeah, it is, and highly recommended people look it up, read the book or the synopsis.

    Now you also talked about how the planet Maldek that used to be in our solar system destroyed itself and how a portion of those evolutions came to earth. Then also how our earth reached a very dark place to where we could have ended up in the same situation. That's where I'd like to continue today.

    What happened when the Earth got to a point where there was just simply no one with enough light to sustain the planet?

    Guest Mark Myers (03:53):

    Well, I'll go back to Maldek for a second. This is another interesting piece of our story. Maldek was destroyed by its own evolutions. Some of them were deemed worthy to come to earth, their souls that is, and the cosmic councils brought them here.

    The Maldekians were really what I would call the second wave of evil on the planet. The first wave was what we just talked about from the book of Enoch. This is where the angels fell and they didn't just fall on earth, they fell in our galaxy, maybe even surrounding galaxies and started to corrupt and destroy planet after planet in our solar system. They destroyed several planets in this solar system including Maldek.

    So, then the Maldekians came to earth and they formed kind of an alliance, a cooperative effort with the fallen angels and the Maldekians, and between the two of them, they are the ones that have really perpetuated evil on this planet to this day.

    Host Nancy Showalter (04:52):

    So, when the earth got to this point, what actually took place then with the cosmic councils and the ascended masters and such?

    Guest Mark Myers (05:01):

    Well after the second, what I'm calling the second wave of evil, when the Maldekians came and joined forces, the following angels, they pretty much took the entire planet down. There wasn't even one livestream on the planet that still had a spark of divinity in them. We had gone, like we talked about last time, to the lowest level to cavemen, and that's where historians would like us to think we started, but this was just the lowest point.

    So, to restate what cosmic law is, cosmic law tells us that we need to have at least one livestream on the planet that has a spark of divinity. We can call that the Threefold Flame. I'm sure you've probably covered that in some of your past podcasts. The Threefold Flame is a spark of life, and as long as that Threefold Flame burns within us, then we have that divinity, and we need at least one lifestream on a planet.

    (05:57): Otherwise, what is the purpose? The cosmic councils look at our planet and they say, “Well, what's the purpose? There's no livestreams here, evoking divinity.”

    So Earth got to that point after the second wave, and the cosmic councils said, “There's no choice. We need to dissolve the earth. There's not one lifestream there.”

    Now remember, this was many eons ago. We don't know how long ago, maybe 10,000, a hundred thousand, maybe half a million years, however long ago it was, we reached this very, very low point.

    Now, the true hero of our story comes forth at this moment on our sister star, Venus, there are evolutions that are evolving. Now we all know Venus is a very hot, molten planet, but these evolutions are evolving at a much higher vibrational rate in their finer bodies, and they live there and it's a very high and loving culture.

    (06:52): Well, right before the cosmic council said, we're going to dissolve the earth, the Lord Sanat Kumara, who's the hierarch of Venus, stepped forth and he said, “I will come to earth. I will hold the balance. I will be the Threefold Flame for the earth until there is a time when the evolutions of earth will respond and there will be more people with Threefold Flames here, and then the earth can move on to evolution.”

    So, Sanat Kumara came. He came and a lot of his, what do you want to call them? His disciples, 144,000 of them we believe came with him. They came to earth. They established Shambala, which at the time was on the other side of the Himalayan Mountains, which was the Gobi Sea at the time, which is now the Gobi Desert. They established this beautiful physical retreat called Shambala, which we've all heard of.

    (07:48): Everybody's heard of Shambala, right, the City of Light? This is the original city that they came, and they established.

    Now Sanat Kumara was tied to the earth because the cosmic councils told him that if you're going to do this mission, you are basically the Lord. You are basically the God of earth because you are holding the balance for the earth. So, you are the Lord of the Earth and you are tied to the earth until such time when you can be released, when there are enough lifestreams, enough light on this planet for you to be able to be released. Sanat Kumara committed to this mission, which he knew not how long it was going to be, thousands and thousands and thousands of years, but he is the true hero of our story.

    Host Nancy Showalter (08:33):

    We know Sanat Kumara in the Bible as the Ancient of Days. There's many different names that come forth in the scriptures for God, and the Ancient of Days does refer to Sanat Kumara who came to our planet to hold that balance.

    As you say, he was here quite a long, long time until the very first soul started to awaken, and that soul we know was Gautama Buddha who started to become—he described himself as “I AM awake.”

    When people asked, who are you? He said, “I AM awake.” He saw things as they really are. So that was the first soul evolving, which was of course in several thousand years before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    So, we know in the ultimate sense that there, there's no evil in the ultimate sense because we all came from One Source, God. But we also know because of the Fall, and things we've described in this matter world, where we are creators and we have dominion and we have free will, that evil persists. Because we can think of evil as “the energy veil.” You want to talk a little bit about that?

    Guest Mark Myers (09:55):

    Sure. Evil has no permanent reality, but it does exist in a temporary sense, and we can use mantras to affirm this “evil is not real and its appearance has no power.”

    What evil really is, is what you said, the energy veil. It's like, say you, your soul, you as a person are under your own light, your own Mighty I AM Presence, and you're standing there basking in that light. There is no shadow, there is no energy veil.

    But say for a moment, you decide to step outside of that light, all of a sudden you're in the shadows. Well, you've now created a darkness, an energy veil, a blackened shroud almost around yourself and around your soul. This is the energy veil and this is what evil is.

    What we need to do for us to survive as a reality in God for a permanent, integral reality in God is to dissolve this energy veil, to dissolve this blackened shroud of mortality we've created around ourselves. Then we return to that great light from once we came.

    Host Nancy Showalter (11:05):

    Right, and the denser this energy veil is, the more, “evil” you might see because it's like a cutting off totally from your Divine Source, your own reality. Then at that point, we do know if you cut off your own God source of energy, these fallen ones that we refer to, they have to reach out and take light from wherever they can find it. So they are stealing the light of the people. We see that manifesting in many ways in our society today.

    Just to go back to the Maldekians’ destroyed planet, we know that we've been told by the masters that they incarnated in the Middle East bringing with them their ancient rivalries because they were fighting and that's how they destroyed their planet, we believe with atomic energy, and those rivalries persist until today.

    I had the opportunity to go to the Middle East in the fall of 1998 when I was an adult student in the Washington semester program at American University.

    (12:20): That semester was focused on Peace and Conflict Resolution, and it was specifically focused on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The study in that semester included a three week trip to both areas.

    We stayed in both Israel and Gaza and interviewed leaders on both sides of the issue, reporters, students and just general citizens and people in the Knesset, the Israeli Knesset, leaders of Islamic Jihad and different organizations.

    While you can understand the perspectives of both sides and how most of the people, general people just want peaceful lives, I actually came away, though, with a conclusion that there won't be peace in the Middle East until the people truly want peace.

    Both sides have to give up their ancient feuds for the sake of future generations. You can't just continue to teach your children they're victims of the Holocaust or they should rise up and be suicide bombers or killers against the other side.

    So, it's very important that the people—they have to want to change this, and we know that this is a very deep, deep feud.

    Guest Mark Myers (13:49):

    Well, we're not going to solve the problem of the Middle East today, obviously it's a very long and entrenched problem. These souls have incredible recalcitrance and intransience, and they're kind of deep-rooted. Really, the Middle East was the origins of evil, and this is why Jesus incarnated in the Middle East. I mean they came to the Middle East more than likely because of the oil and the energy there. And they knew…

    Host Nancy Showalter (14:16):

    The resources…

    Guest Mark Myers (14:17):

    Right, the resources, they knew…

    Host Nancy Showalter (14:18):

    …to control the planet. We're not talking now about the average everyday Palestinian or Israeli citizen. We're talking now once again about these entrenched dark forces that have come and still manipulate in the Middle East.

    Guest Mark Myers (14:35):

    Yeah, our continued threat today is evil, and as you said earlier, evil has no light of its own. In order to survive, it has to perform certain rituals to take the light in our own bodies. There is a lot of light in our blood and that's why you see so much spilling of blood on this planet because this is continuing these entrenched forces.

    We're not going to get into that at this particular moment, but people can start to see why there's strategic tension all over the world, including the Middle East, why there's wars, why there's conflicts, why most people want peace, but yet we don't have peace. Why don't we have peace?

    Because there is an entrenched force that's continually manipulating us and our forces so that they can gain our light. This is the bottom line of what they want. They want our light.

    Host Nancy Showalter (15:30):

    Going back to the idea of why Jesus did incarnate in the Middle East, he said more than once that he didn't come to bring peace but a sword. “Think not what I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace but a sword.” You can also hear him say, “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth. I tell you nay, but rather division.”

    So, his mission was to expose these fallen ones and to separate those of the light from those of darkness. Sometimes we miss this entire message of Jesus’ life. Yes, he championed forgiveness. He told us to love one another, to love our enemies even, and champion the poor and forgave the sinners. But he also challenged the fallen ones.

    Can you imagine him saying to the spiritual leaders of the day, today, “Woe unto you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like white sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead man's bones and of all uncleanness.” I mean, can you imagine someone talking like that today? He overturned the money changers in the temple. So, Jesus had a dual message and he made it very clear.

    Guest Mark Myers (16:48):

    Of course this wouldn't be politically correct, especially today, but we have to remember Jesus said a few things. He said, “My sheep know my voice.” So he knew who they were and they knew who he was and who they weren't.

    He also said, there's a sin against the Holy Ghost that can't be forgiven. What was he talking about? Well, maybe it's what we're talking about now, this absolute evil that we're talking about. So these are all things, these are all things to consider.

    Yes, he was a master of love and peace, but we have to really realize that there's a force of evil on our planet that is taking us in the opposite direction.

    If we don't understand it, if we don't overturn it, if we as lightbearers, we can forgive it, but we need to eradicate it from our planet. (17:37)

    Otherwise, we are never going to raise up to the golden age, which I think is what you've talked about in the past as well, right? [Yes.]

    Becoming golden age. [Absolutely.]

    This is where we're moving, and many people can feel it. You can feel an increase in the light of the planet, a certain spiritual frequency and vibration, the brotherhood of light that God himself is raising the vibration of our planet, and in that process, it's flushing out this darkness. It's like when you turn on a light, it overcomes the darkness. It flushes out the darkness.

    Many people are wondering why there's so much darkness. Well, it's not that it hasn't always been here, it's now coming to the surface. When something comes to the surface, it's an opportunity that we can eradicate it.

    Host Nancy Showalter (18:23):

    Yes, and I just want to be clear, reiterate for the sake of all of our listeners that we're not saying that the people of the Middle East are all fallen ones or of the darkness or even that the leadership is either. But these elements still control a situation and the narrative that keeps the ancient conflicts going.

    This is a spiritual issue that is manifesting in a very physical way. When we understand this, we can tackle it from a spiritual perspective as well as trying to resolve it on the ground.

    Guest Mark Myers (18:53):

    I just want to say one thing from a geopolitical perspective is that these fallen forces, the dark forces that are manipulating, controlling, or attempting to control our planet, they have certain dark sites in every country almost, and this is where things are manipulated.

    So the Jewish people are beautiful people. The Palestinians are beautiful people, but there are elements within them that are manipulating peoples and countries and political situations, economies all over the planet. We as the children of light, need to wake up to this manipulation so that we no longer are affected by it.

    Host Nancy Showalter (19:34):

    Yes, there are spiritual ways to engage in spiritual warfare to get to the core of issues, and we know that there are spiritual solutions to all of these situations, any problem we're facing personally, within our countries, within the world. We definitely want to cover some of those spiritual tools today.

    But let's first talk about another way that these fallen ones control the planet. We know, again, as we've been talking, energy's the key, but that is changing even today now that the United States is now energy independent, this is a big step.

    Guest Mark Myers (20:15):

    Yes. When we clear out all these evil forces we're going to find at the center of this mechanism of control, which they have covered up for so long, is really a central banking system. One of the ancient bankers said at one point, it doesn't matter who makes the laws if I control the money.

    So think about it, if the money, why did we hand over control of the system of money to a group of bankers or whoever they are? Maybe they've infiltrated that. They control everything. They print the money, they have the money, they can buy whatever they want to do. They can create booms, they can create busts, they can do all kinds of things.

    So ultimately, this is the control mechanism, and I think we've woken up a little bit in the last decade or so to the Federal Reserve, and we need to see that around the core of all this control mechanism, this is the center of it.

    Host Nancy Showalter (21:12):

    So let's talk about some of those spiritual tools that we want to share today that are very practical that we can just make use in our personal life on a daily basis without much effort.

    Guest Mark Myers (21:27):

    Well, there are many spiritual tools and people use different ones, whether it be meditation, visualization, whatever [prayer]. There are a lot of them, prayer. But the power of the spoken word is something that I believe is very powerful.

    Remember, in the beginning, God spoke the universe into existence and he said, “Let there be light.” So this gives us a hint.

    Jesus spoke many things and used the power of the spoken word. We use our throat chakra, which is a power center of our being, to bring these things into manifestation.

    So there's a couple ways to do this. One is very simply to just draw down more light onto the planet so you can invoke light for the planet. “Let there be light, let there be light.” It's a very simple thing. Or however your prayer goes, to bring a general light onto the planet, or we can be more specific,

    (22:22): and specificity has its advantages. So, as I watch the news and current events and do things as I see things that are heinous or things that aren't going the right way, I just make a very short one sentence, two sentence, what you might call a fiat.

    So, you're watching the news and you say “In the name, Jesus Christ, overturn this injustice,” or “In the name Jesus Christ, I challenge this evil. Or “In the name of Archangel Michael, encircle now this evil,” whatever it may be.

    This is such a simple and easy technique, and we can incorporate it within our daily routine without having to sit down and do special prayers. I would encourage people to use this technique.

    Host Nancy Showalter (23:05):

    Yes, it's kind of like accelerating our prayers. Do our usual prayers, meditations, whatever our spiritual practices are. But again, that spoken word is powerful. And as you say, you look at Jesus' life, many of his miracles were the spoken word.

    “Lazarus, come forth!” “Take up your bed and walk.” “Go and sin no more,” “Your sins are forgiven.” Many of his miracles were using the spoken word. We know in the scriptures in the New Testament, it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.”

    So sound is a great creator of the physical universe and our physical world, and that's why we have that throat chakra. We've talked in the past about the spoken word and the power of it in one of the other earlier episodes that you could go ahead and listen to if you've not heard that.

    (24:02): But there are many ways, and also not just when you're looking at the news, I mean also for your own personal life, for your own personal being. You can call to Archangel Michael to encircle, to go before you each day and to protect yourself, your family, your community. You can invoke the angels, you invoke beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, and the ascended masters to protect, to heal, to help in given situations.

    So there's many, many ways that you can verbalize your prayers verbally, and again, use these fiats to just invoke God's power, to change a situation, to let the judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ descend. Because Jesus said he came to separate the tares from the wheat. He came to challenge darkness, and we can do that in his name.

    Guest Mark Myers (25:01):

    Well, I just want to remind your listeners of an important spiritual law. It's the law of octaves. We live in a free will zone. God gave us dominion. So we can't send forth powerful spiritual beings like the archangels or Jesus Christ unless we invoke them, unless we invite them to come into our world. So this is a key that we need to remember.

    If we want spiritual forces, and as the Bible said, “We fight not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places,” we need to invoke those high spiritual forces, the archangels—seven mighty archangels—the Lord Jesus Christ, even Lord Sanat Kumara, “In the name I AM that I AM, Sanat Kumara, take command! and then you fill in the blank.

    Then these spiritual beings, these high vibrational forces can come in, enter our world and overturn these forces. Remember, we may not see the effects instantaneously.

    (25:59): God works according to his own timetable and according to laws that we can't always see. Certain lifestreams have more light than others, and some aren't up for a judgment, but we call these forces in, and then we turn it over to God. Then at the end of your basic sentence, give a quick gratitude and let it be according to the will of God.

    So, you say, “In gratitude to God, let it be done according to His will,” or something like that. This turns it over to God's will, and then you're done with it, and you just let it go forth and don't really focus on it again.

    Host Nancy Showalter (26:40):

    We need to emphasize too, that you do not do this with a sense of anger and the vibration of anger or any kind of energy less than the pure divine love of Almighty God, and the precious heart of Jesus Christ.

    It is done with love and standing in a very high, pure vibration that you are sending Light into situations, and that Light will do its work. God will do His work, and we don't always know what that work is.

    But we are never misusing that light by tinging it with anger or resentment or revenge or anything of that nature, because then it turns into witchcraft, black magic, all these kinds of things where you're actually harming life using God's energy.

    So we always want to stay and understand, it’s God’s holy will, as Mark was just saying, and that we are the instruments of Almighty God, but it is the Father within us that does the work, just as Jesus said.

    (27:48): So I want to thank you again, Mark, for participating in this incredibly important topic.

    Our next episode is going to look at some of even darker aspects of these Fallen Ones as we consider some of the Satanic rituals that are far more prevalent in the United States and around the world. Most people cannot even imagine some of the things that are going on.

    But the understanding of how the spiritual light of the people is being misused to keep these fallen ones in power, it's very critical to understand and how we will finally have our spiritual freedom once again.

    So, join us next week as we continue our series, “Spiritual Perspectives on Hot Topics.” Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Host Nancy Showalter

    Hello everybody and welcome to “Spiritual Perspectives on Hot Topics, Part Five—Father-Mother God and Gender Issues.”

    Mark Meyers and I are here for another insightful discussion today on a very hot topic, and I will preface this discussion by saying that we're looking at these subjects from a spiritual perspective that you may not have considered and you don't hear much about discussion today. We're not discussing any particular individual or groups, just to make that very clear.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Well remember our first four episodes of this series are posted and I invite you to listen to those if you haven't already done so. The concept of God that we're going to talk about today as being both male and female and maybe even a little beyond that, is not typically believed in most Christians, with maybe the exception of Catholics, Nancy, Catholics do have some concept of the divine mother and the mother of God. [Sure.]

    But in general, Christianity worships the Father, shall we say. They say it's not biblical and I've seen passages listed from the Bibles that the authors were saying that there was a hint of God acting like a mother. So, we have this small hint of it.

    But there's one passage in the Bible that seems to be missing in the discussion that says it very plainly, and that in the first chapter of Genesis it reads, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them.”

    In the New Testament in the Book of Revelations, God is also quoted as saying, “I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last.”

    So again, there's a reference to the dual polarities of the masculine and feminine aspects of God. I think we can take a look at this and maybe expand a little bit on this because this is a concept of God as both father and mother.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Right, and these two polarities of God are the creative force just as man and woman coming together in the physical dimension is a creative force because we know as what is in heaven really is manifesting on earth.

    I might add in the case of electricity, there are two types of electromagnetism, again, positive and negative, representing male and the female, “like” poles repel and opposites attract. That is, two positives or two negatives, repel or a positive and a negative attract.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Yeah, this is correct, and not to get too technical or scientific, but using the analogy of electricity. In electricity we have both positive and negative charges. When you combine them together, there's a neutral charge. But to have a complete circuit, you need both the positive and the negative. You need both the masculine and the feminine to have a complete whole of God.

    So, what does this really mean for us from the spiritual perspective? Well, when we embody, when our soul comes down and comes into embodiment in a female body, for example, we are probably about 60% female energy and 40% male energy. That makes us a female, but at the same time we have slightly more female energy. This gives us a certain balance in our body. Think, if we were a hundred percent female, then it would be a very different experience for everybody. So vice versa, the male would be about 60% male and about 40% female.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yes. Which gender we incarnate in is the specific gender where we need to have our own growth, or we need to balance karma or how we can best serve our purpose for that lifetime. This is where the recent phenomena of changing your physical body from male to female or female to male becomes in question.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Well, this is interesting because keep in mind, when a child is born, we're coming in from the spiritual realm. There's a kind of floating between these two polarities. A new infant doesn't know anything about gender, but from a spiritual perspective, it's not healthy for a young child to be put into the position of choosing which gender they want to be.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Right? First of all, they've not reached the age of reason and they cannot possibly make a rational decision that's going to affect them for the rest of their life.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Yeah. This causes confusion—confusion to a soul who's incarnated with a plan. We come in with a divine plan. We've talked about this before in the past. We come in with our own plan. We've been given sort of a roadmap of things that we need to accomplish and we're given a certain polarity, a certain gender or sex that we can use to accomplish this.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Just like with small children, for sure, the same for teenagers. We all remember how those years are when you're trying to find your own individual identity and figure out who you are anyway, it's a challenging time and it's really not a time to be encouraging sexual change to their bodies. Something that at that point is probably very likely irreversible in their life, especially if they should choose to remove physical organs or whatever. So better to be fully mature before you make such a decision if you're going to make that decision.

    Guest Mark Myers

    I mean, think about if you're going to school and your teacher starts telling you, oh, you can float between this idea and that idea, all of a sudden very quickly you become very confused and you have no clear grasp of the topic. Well, this analogy could be applied to what we're talking about in terms of this gender shifting.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Yeah, exactly. Think about it, when a child reaches a legal age, you have much less influence over them, and at that point they have free will to choose. But nevertheless, making that decision at the age of 18 or 19 is incredibly young with so little life experience behind them.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Yes, I see what you're saying. But I'd like to go back to the father-mother concept of God for a moment in this concept of completeness, because we have a complete circuit now.

    We're actually putting a little bit of a limitation on God here. I mean, it's much more expansive than father-mother, and we could do a whole show on the triunity of God, father, son, and Holy Spirit or the four aspects of God, the faces we provide. There's a whole bunch of complexity to this, but when we get down to the essence of this, the Father/Mother God, we know that the Bible said Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the ending. Well, these two poles of God create a certain completeness in us, and we need both of them. This is why we have the 60/40, 60 male, 40 female if we're a male, or vice versa for a female.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Exactly. We have to realize from this union of the Father and the Mother God comes the Son, which is the Christ. Likewise, in man and woman, they have the power of creation also. Just like with electricity, our male and female energies work the same way. Two male charges repel, and two female charges repel.

    From a physical perspective, two females do not have the same power of creation, nor do two males. So natural law indicates that the male/female combination is the natural duplication of the Father/Mother God—Alpha and Omega—and is how we are meant to create together.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Remember, from a spiritual perspective, we are qualifying or misqualifying God's light. Now, what this means is that when the light descends from the higher spiritual part of yourself, it enters your heart. In that heart, you can choose to infuse that with whatever qualities you want. They could be God virtues, which we know—love, wisdom, whatever, freedom, all these virtues that are of God.

    Or they can be the opposite, an inversion, which as we've talked about in the past from satanic-type situations, is an inversion of God. So, love becomes hate and wisdom becomes ignorant, so on and so forth. So, it's our free will. We were given free will and we can choose to infuse God's light with whatever we want.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Consider also that even if the majority of people ceased procreating, the human race would not survive and souls would lose their opportunity to incarnate, balance their karma and continue their spiritual evolution.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Well, this brings us, I think, to the purpose of what we're talking about today, which is the purpose of why we come in. We have a divine plan. We enter with a certain plan. In fact, the whole world has a plan that we're trying to fulfill, but we come in and we have a certain divine purpose, and we don't want to lose that purpose by changing the focus of our polarity. If we're trying to accomplish something and we come in as the male energy, then we need that male energy, the higher spiritual self, God himself has ordained that we're going to use that male energy, or female in the other case, to bring this forth.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    There are ways that we can work with these energies, male and female energies of the Father/Mother God, within our own being.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Well, I don't know if you've gone into this in past podcasts, but visualization, the power of visualization is very, very powerful. It's like the spoken word is one aspect of the power and the way we can transform things. Well, another way is through visualization. We use what we call our third eye. It's between the brow, between the two eyes, and in that third eye, we can actually visualize perfection or creation or whatever it is, and then we can project that into our worlds, into our planet for perfection. We can use that combined with prayers.

    So, these are very powerful techniques. For instance, if you want to incorporate the male and female energy, the power of creation like we talked about earlier, we have electricity as a whole. You have a positive and the negative, making a complete circuit that makes a complete whole. Well, we want to use both the male and female, the Father/Mother God energy.

    Now the father energy comes down from the Higher Self through the top of the head and enters into the heart. So, your heart is the cauldron, your alchemical place of change where you can create things. This is the part of your creation.

    The mother energy comes and is raised up from the lower part. You could see it from either the center of the earth or from your lower chakras coming into the heart. In the heart, the father and the mother energies meet, and these energies create perfection and creation and we direct those into our lives.

    So, you can visualize or meditate while you're walking. If you're walking in the park or a beautiful day out of nature, you can see these energies melding and melding into your world and melding into your own personal or planetary transformation. These can be done while we're praying. There are many ways that we can use these visualizations. They are very powerful.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Don't be confused if you've never used visualization. Don't let that term scare you off. It's basically imagination. It's imagining these things, because the power of imagination is an extremely powerful creative form that we have available to us.

    What you're talking about, Mark, brings up another point that I'd like to make, and that is the Father/Mother God—people might say, well, “Why does everybody address God as “he?”

    Well, we know, because we've been talking now, God is the positive polarity, the male, and God is the negative polarity, the female. Well, God the Father, is representing our I AM Presence in the spirit realm. When we come into the physical—the soul comes into the physical, which is mater, matter, like Mother Earth. We talk of that.

    So the soul in relationship to the God presence is the feminine aspect. So that is why we tend to want to address God as “he, ”as a male. Because that polarity remains in spirit while the negative polarity of the soul is in matter. So that's another way to understand how we got to the point of God being addressed so many times as an “he.”

    Guest Mark Myers

    Yes, and this just continues on with our talk about the wholeness of creation. All of creation is polarities— the father/mother. Everybody is taking on a pole either a positive or negative. So, our soul in this instance is the negative polarity of the positive Father pole.

    But also remember that Christianity in general has tended to focus on the Father- God as the Father. But this is not the only way religions work. In the East, many meditate on the mother.

    So, in a sense, both the Western and Eastern religions complete a circuit. They make a whole of the Father/Mother God. You have the Father worshipers, so to speak, in the West and the Mother worshipers in the East. So we've got a complete circuit there for our planet.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Neither side really denies the existence of the other polarity. In other words, those that worship the mother in the East, they understand also there's a father aspect of God.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Yeah, it's just a matter of what you're focusing on. [Exactly.] So, it's simply that.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    I do want to bring this back around to that scripture in the Bible because many people, as we said at the beginning, as Mark was saying, they say, “God the Mother is not in the Bible.”

    But on the other hand, you have to go back to that first chapter of Genesis where it reads, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He, him, male and female created them.” So, we are created in the image and likeness of God.

    Guest Mark Myers

    Okay, so God created us, male and female, He created us.

    So, I think that one of the most fascinating topics to me is the concept of twin flames. I'm sure many listeners have heard about twin flames and the difference between twin flames and soulmates. There's a huge difference. You only have one twin flame, but you have maybe hundreds of soulmates. So, you're in male and female polarity, and this would be a great topic to continue on with, I think.

    Host Nancy Showalter

    Absolutely, and I'm glad you brought that up, Mark, because that is the topic of our next episode—twin flames, and you won't want to miss it.

    Today's episode winds up our series on “Spiritual Perspectives on Hot Topics.”

    I thank Mark for being with us through each one of these. It's been very exciting, and we look forward to meeting with you again next week as we talk about Twin Flames.

    Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart and powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
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  • Hello everybody and welcome again to Spiritual Perspectives on Hot Topics, Part Four, “Is Abortion Related to Climate Change?”

    I'm here with Mark Myers again and we're continuing to present a spiritual perspective on some of the current issues we're facing today.

    The first three episodes on Hot Topics has really prepared the foundation for what we're discussing today, so I invite you to listen to them if you've not already done so.

    We've talked about how satanic worship and practices are a foundation for much of the evil that is appearing in the world right now. Now again, to be clear, we know that in the ultimate sense, evil is not real. All comes from One Source, one God.

    But in the physical realm where we have been given free will and have dominion, evil, as the cutting off of oneself from the God within, leaves no other chance of survival for the individual who does this than to steal light from those who have it. So, this is evil.

    Satanic worship and rituals call up those spirits who have done just that and those that need to perpetuate their existence by the shedding of blood, whether it be in murders, wars, abortion, or the misuse of the creative force in sexual perversions.

    We shared more on this in the previous episodes of this series. So let's continue on the subject of abortion.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Hi Nancy. Glad to be here today. It's always a pleasure. I think last time we covered this idea of abortion as a satanic ritual, that the soul has a plan and it's aborted, the life is aborted, but also that there is a spiritual perspective, and I think this is what we wanted to get into today, isn't it?

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Yes, exactly. We want to give a little more of the spiritual perspective, some understanding from what the ascended masters say about abortion, some of the beliefs about abortion, especially among those who believe in reincarnation, whether it be New Age people or people in the East. Some who believe in reincarnation say that abortion must not be wrong because the aborted soul can always come back in another body.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Okay, well, let me comment on that for a second because I think we have some misconceptions about certain things. Because somehow they may have an element of truth or a grain of truth and they seem like it might be something that's real. But when we look at the higher perspective and the higher spiritual laws, we'll start to see, Nancy, that from the ascended master viewpoint, from a higher, if you like the word higher, perspective, a more spiritual perspective, that this is not the case.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Exactly, and another thought that goes forth is that a soul may choose to experience life in the womb for a few months and then return to the spirit world after being ejected from the womb through an abortion.

    So this point of view says that abortion doesn't harm the soul, but gives her an opportunity to return in another body under more ideal circumstances such as being wanted instead of unwanted. But the ascended masters have some counter arguments to those points.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, I think first, before we start with the ascended masters, I think we have this concept that there's, I don't know, it's a disassociation that we have. Somehow the soul is separate from the conception in the body and all that. Well, this is not the case. Everything is interwoven.

    So, the soul comes and goes during those nine months, but it feels pain. So, we need to start to look at this from ascended master perspective. So, let's take a look at the idea that a baby will always have another chance, and that a soul chooses or experiences, denies the law of karma. We've been given free will certainly, but where do we exercise that free will and what does that have to do with life? Do you have a comment on that, Nancy?

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Well, we've created the karmic circumstances that dictate our return into a specific body at a specific time and place and through specific parents. Thus, we can't choose to enter life when and where we feel like it. It is all dictated by a higher plan.

    If souls could choose their bodies, wouldn't most of us choose to be brilliant, beautiful, and wealthy? So, therefore, why isn't everybody brilliant, beautiful and wealthy? So, we do know, yes, the soul does have a plan and agrees to that plan, but it is dictated by the karmic condition of that soul.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Yes, I'll comment on that. I think we have to look at this now because we have a certain idea that maybe there's a lot more randomness to things that there really is. Now, there is randomness obviously, but the whole thing about coming into incarnation, there's a whole plan and you prepare ahead of time. You're guided by higher spiritual beings. You come into embodiment and you've been tutored in what you need to accomplish in that embodiment. So I think we need to look at this as being a more “set” type of situation.

    I love the comment that we'd all be rich if we're coming in because think about that for a moment. I mean, certainly we would choose to be rich, but at the same time, is that going to help us to fulfill what we need to fulfill? Maybe not. Look at how many Hollywood stars and rock stars have everything, so to speak, materially, physically, money and all this wealth and fame and everything, and what do they do with it sometimes, huh?

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Right, exactly. So some new agers, also some new age beliefs say that abortion does not kill the fetus since the true nature of every individual is a light essence that has no form and can't be destroyed. We do know that is true. We are of the light and we can't be destroyed.

    But if that were so in this physical octave, we would be obliged to condone murder because a person is energy and energy can't be destroyed. So, we just can't take Newton's law that says that energy is neither created nor destroyed and apply it to a fetus in the womb.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, I think we need to remember something that we're here and evolving, and as a psychologist knows, the subconscious records everything, but even at a higher level, there's a concept known as akasha. Akasha is where everything is recorded.

    So, these things are recorded. You have a trauma, it's recorded in your lower bodies. So, the soul is feeling this pain. It's certainly going to affect that soul at some level, even though they may consider it to be immortal or immortal part of us, but that pain is there. It's going to affect our future trajectory. So, think about that.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Well, absolutely, because I think we even talked about in the last session that an individual soul who experiences an abortion, which it's literally a death when they do, if they do get to reincarnate, they have that record then to overcome. Especially if they're being born to the same parents, when that arrangement is available again, they may have greater resentment and greater karma between the two individuals.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Yes. So, in a sense, it's a double whammy. The first time around you had a certain plan, but now you're coming back maybe to the same family the second time around, but you’re carrying this burden, this record, this resentment, possibly. The soul doesn't forget anything. It's a very sensitive body. So, I think these are important spiritual perspectives that we have to consider.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    There are many arguments that people do put forward, but the masters are pretty clear. Another argument is that the soul's not in the body during gestation. In fact, one new age authority on the subject teaches that the newborn child has a period of up to a year after birth to decide whether or not to commingle itself with matter. Consequently, those who hear this conclude erroneously that there's nothing wrong with abortion.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, think about this for a moment. The ascended masters have taught on this of course, and I consider that to be in my world, the ultimate authority that the soul comes and goes during those nine months. But think about it even from a more material perspective.

    What sense? So, the soul is just up there waiting until going to be born. No, the soul comes, mothers have reported having the soul of that child in their aura during that—they talk to the fetus while they're in the womb. They play music to it. All these things are incorporated in the soul's experience. So that soul is coming and going. It may not be completely anchored yet until that point of conception, but the soul is there and it's experiencing things. Think about this, very important.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Well, I think even medically now, they say that the baby feels pain.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Yes, absolutely.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    In the womb. [Absolutely.] So there's no question about that.

    This argument that the child has up to a year to decide if they want to commingle with matter. It's really the fundamental lie that we have today. We're not just removing a potential body when an abortion takes place, we're aborting a life and a destiny that is set by almighty God. A soul cannot simply hop into another body anytime she pleases.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, I think we've talked about that, that there's a certain precision with karma and how this all handles, but now we're kind of moving from one group of individuals to another. There may be an intersection between new age and pro-choice, but there's certainly a whole other movement with this pro-choice that has certainly been encouraged by satanic forces to think that it's just a blob, a piece of tissue, whatever you want, and that you can just remove this at any time that you want.

    But the soul itself is being damaged. Souls are hurt. There's a very spiritual component here that I think we need to consider,

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    We have to ask ourselves, at what stage of physical and spiritual evolution do we draw the line? Can we ever say that anyone is subject to termination because he's not realized his full human or divine potential? Do we have to be a full-blown Christ or Buddha to be guaranteed our constitutional right to life?

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, that also has a very physical slippery slope there. I mean, then where do you draw the line? Then no one is safe from someone making that decision. Right?

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Right, exactly. If we look back at our legislation when Roe v Wade was established, those supporting said it should be legal, safe and rare, but this is not proven to be true. In fact, some use abortion as birth control.

    The prevailing thought is that a woman should have a right to control her own body and choose whether or not to have a child, which of course we and the ascended masters definitely agree with. But that right to choose and control her own body should be made before conception. There's many methods of birth control and abortion, which is killing another human being, is really not one of them

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Very, a very crude method of birth control, for sure.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]


    So, let's look at, is there a relationship between abortion and climate change? This is an interesting topic. But let's first look at climate change in general.

    The earth, climate has changed all throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years, there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat with the abrupt end of the last Ice Age about 7,000 years ago, which marked the beginning of the modern climate era. Now, most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variation in earth's orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives.

    Now with that aside, let's consider the broader spiritual understanding first of elemental life.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Yes. Well, there's different kingdoms of life. We tend to think of ourselves in the Sons of God range. That's a lot of us coming into embodiment. We have angels and we also have Elohim, and under the Elohim, which are the builders of form and builders of the material universe, we have elemental life. Elemental life are the ones that really tend our planet in many ways.

    So, we can't see them so easily, although some people have seen them. Gnomes have been seen in Scotland where they had that, what is that? I can't think of the name of the colony they had there and other ones where they work with these elementals to grow vegetables, to create things. Well, this is elemental life. They're the tenders of our planet

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    They embody nature. The elemental life embody the trees, the grass, the flowers, they embody, the air, the water, all of the four elements and fire. So, all is alive, all is of God, all comes from God. Even the stones and science demonstrates this, especially the new quantum physics.

    Everything's energy, can neither be created nor destroyed, it just changes forms. These elementals—we have in the past, we've actually held our seminars and events and we've had people go out and commune with a tree and talk to that tree and have communication. It's very powerful and profound when you really open yourself up. Historically you could think of St. Francis of Assisi who worked with the animals and was able to have wild animals come up to him and safely and such. The elemental life is an important aspect of understanding this spiritual component.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Some of these elementals are very advanced, very highly evolved spiritual beings. So, when you go to a tree that's several hundred years old or more and you hug it or you commune with it or whatever, you're communing with a very advanced elemental.

    Every part of nature, every part of creation has elementals tending it, whether it be the mountains, whether it be the flowers, whether it be animals, whether it be whatever it is. These elementals are there and they're the ones that are really bearing the burden of this, what we're talking about, toxicity on the planet and all the pollution and the plastics and all the other toxins. They're trying desperately to assist us in keeping our planet so that it doesn't spin out of control, if I can say it that way.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Yes. You can think about your pets, dogs, cats, how intelligent some of them are, and they're just little elementals that are working with us. So, it is great to have this understanding.

    Let's look at the broader spiritual perspective of elemental life, like you brought up the plastic in the oceans, but also our negative use of energy, whether it's individual or collectively, whether it's anger and hatred all the way to violence and wars on the planet. This too affects elemental life. We have to ask ourselves, how does karma work in this regard?

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, karma is simply the consequences of our actions. All actions have consequences. We can send forth love and positive energy that has a consequence, which is a good karma. We have, send forth hatred and we can hurl all kinds of negative energy and misqualified substance, and that also has a consequence. But many times, the elements around us are bearing the consequence of all our collective, you might call it a mass consciousness amongst the negativity of mankind. Elemental life are bearing a big part of this burden, if that's what you're getting to.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Right, exactly. Let's look at what a few of the ascended masters have to say about this whole issue. One of the ascended masters, and we quoted in our last episode, said, “And I tell you on this very subject of abortion that storms, the weather, the flooding, the fire, the calamities of nature are given to this nation, conceived under God to awaken them, to awaken them that they may not abort their children, and so long as they continue to abort their children, these calamities will come. Stop abortion or lose the nation and the nations.”

    Now, those are very powerful words. So, we know we have a heavy karma for legalizing abortion where it's government sponsored and taxpayer funded. This is a very heavy karma that the nation has.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, the ascended masters here are drawing a very—a connection. So, we may not have this association. How does climate and are these earth changes or these adverse natural disasters, how is that related to abortion?

    Well, now I think we can see the line of connection. We are destroying lives, we’re not revering life. So, life is coming back upon us and showing us trying—not for the purpose of retribution or whatever you would call it, retaliation. It's for the purpose of awakening us, giving us a greater awareness. So, you can see this connection now from this quote. I think it's an amazing awareness to have.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Right, and it is a direct result of what you put out, you get back. Abortion is a destruction of a life, and there is karma with that individually, where an individual who has an abortion may have to reembody and might be that person's, that soul's child, or in some relationship where you have to give life, you have to balance that karma somehow.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    I just want to interject though that karma from perspective is not a retribution, like I was saying before. I think we have to look at it as an attempt to awaken us to some level, to show us a certain lesson in life that we're able to overcome that lesson. It's not that we're being punished in some way. So, I think it's an important awareness to keep in mind.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Sure, and the masters also say that abortion is a satanic rite. It is the shedding of blood, and by going down that route, it's opened the door to more seeds of unrest and increased murder and violence in the society in general.

    Of course, we're talking now from a spiritual perspective understanding again that the soul has a divine plan and karma to balance and killing the body also contributes to destroying the soul and placing great burden upon the soul.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, we started to talk a little bit about this last time. All these acts of satanic rituals are thrust upon us and kind of an unawareness. I mean, most people may not look at abortion as a satanic ritual or some of these other acts, but these acts create misqualified energy that opens the portals to lower realms where more of this misqualified energy can come through. So almost one act creates more negativity because you're opening a negative portal to allow more to come in. So, I think we need to look at this in our lives.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    The masters have said that abortion really is the crime of the centuries. The masters also say that there is one exception to this rule, and that is in the case of the life of the mother. So you're really comparing then one life to another life, and in that case, they say that abortion is permissible spiritually,

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Obviously. So, we need to look at this because many people point to specific incidences where that abortion is warranted, where maybe the baby is imperfect, it has a genetic defect like Down’s syndrome. So, this is a reason or that the mother was raped. So, this is a reason to have an abortion.

    Well, if we start to look at some of these things, when these babies are born from rape victims or genetic downs syndrome, a lot of times these bring great joy to the mother. It's a great healing event. So, we need to start to shift our dial of our consciousness a little bit and look at really what's going on here.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Well, I just shared on my Facebook page a video of a young woman who has Down’s syndrome, who has won, I can't remember exactly how many competitions in gymnastics—top performer, and she's doing excellently.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    How wonderful.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    It is, and don't forget, there's also the ability to give a child up for adoption. There are waiting lists in the United States for babies to be adopted.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    That’s right, and it's a very high price. People are willing to pay tens of thousands or more of dollars. So, the argument really falls apart when you start to think about that.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Yes, exactly. One of the masters said something very specific that I'll repeat the words verbatim, and that is, “There's a grave karma upon this nation and all nations that have accepted the lie of the fallen angels, (and we'd add the Satanic agenda) who have come to planet Earth.”

    We've talked about this in previous episodes about how the fallen angels are here and their influence, “and they, the fallen angels, determined to do this by convincing woman that she has the right to privacy in her body and that this right supersedes her right and her duty before God to preserve life.”

    So, I think it's a very profound statement, and it continues.

    “This is not a political issue. It's not a Catholic issue. It is the issue of life and the preservation of life. Abortion is the ultimate degradation of woman and the neutralization of her sensitivity to the things of God. When life ceases to be sacred, then all sins proceed there from—abortion and maligning, desecration, molestation—all of these things can unfold just from the lack of respect of life in the womb.”

    We see that I think through the years.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Yeah, I absolutely agree with this, and I think that when we get to the bottom of all the virtues, that the sanctity of life, that the reverence that we have for life is the foundation of everything. If we don't revere life, if you don't revere the life of your pets or you don't care about them or other people or the life that's aborning in your womb, what does that say about us as a society?

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Exactly. We can see with this understanding of elemental life and how they do bear the burden of our misuses, of our free will, of God's energy, that energy streams to us from our God presence 24x7, we can see how this karma affects the environment.

    Keep in mind we're transitioning into a new age, and it's meant to be a golden age where peace, prosperity, and fulfillment of each of our reasons for being is fulfilled.

    So, we see at this time, the end of this age into the next age where all of these things are coming to the surface to be transmuted for us to transcend these limitations that we have placed upon ourselves and to balance any karma that we have individually, collectively as a nation and of course as a planet.

    So, let's look at one of the spiritual tools and spiritual solutions that we can work with to counteract this misuse of energy to help transmute and change it.

    Previously in a lesson, I did talk about the violet flame, which is a frequency of energy, and I did place a recording in the podcast where you can do these violet flame mantras, but we also want to talk more about that today and do some mantras for you.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, sometimes we might feel bit helpless that here we've gone through all this information and this burden on elemental life and karma and all this. Well, the ascended masters are very practical. They have solutions for this. One of the great solutions of the last century or more was the bringing forth of the violet flame.

    The violet flame is an aspect of the Holy Spirit, and that Holy Spirit comes when we use the power of the spoken word, of prayer, to draw that violet flame down, combined with visualization to see that violet flame around us. That violet flame is like an eraser, a cosmic eraser.

    Think of how wonderful this is. You may have all these blots and spots in your physical bodies, your spiritual bodies, and this violet flame comes in and little by little it erases them out, and eventually you end up a queen soul.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Yes, it's an amazing dispensation that was brought to us by Saint Germain. Mystics and people who meditate, masters over the centuries have discovered this violet flame through their meditations, but it was never brought out into the general public to really understand what the violet flame can do.

    We know that the violet frequency is the shortest frequency on the color spectrum, and it literally, as you say, transmutes, meaning energy is locked into forms, whether it's our karma, karmic records, illnesses in the body, whatever, and the violet flame transmutes, it frees that energy so that it flows again.

    Remember, energy can't be destroyed or created, but it can be changed, and this is an amazing tool. So, using the violet flame, like you say, in visualization and also in mantra and prayer, is very, very powerful and important. Not just for ourselves, not just seeing ourselves only in this violet flame, but we can project the violet flame to the elemental life. We can project that violet flame into our governments, into our educational systems, into our families, our communities, anywhere.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    This violet flame literally takes us from dark or darkness into light. It transforms those energies that have been locked into matrices of darkness that are weighing us down, transforming them, and allowing them to rise into our higher spiritual body where they're stored as the virtues and the gifts of God.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    It is the aspect of the Holy Spirit that is freedom, and freedom because it is freeing energy.

    Let's do a violet flame mantra so that everybody can join us. This is simple. It’s:

    I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the purity God desires.

    I AM a being a violet fire. I AM the purity God desires.

    I AM a being a violet fire. I AM the purity God desires.

    I AM a being a violet fire. I AM the purity. God desires.

    Anytime you do a mantra, you want to visualize it. You want to feel it. You want to be in that presence of that energy.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Remember, there'll also be a certain natural inclination as you repeat this over and over again. You can do it as many times as you want, and the natural inclination will be to speed it up a little bit and a little bit more, and the speeding up increases the vibration and the frequency, the energy and the revolving of the spirals of that violet flame around you.

    So don't just give this once or twice. If you can give it a number of times for 10, 15 minutes a day, there are other mantras, and as that natural inclination to speed up, you'll be transmuting more substance.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Absolutely, and it is an amazing science when you start to bring it into your life each day, and you can call upon the law of forgiveness for any time you feel that you have misused God's energy. That is also an aspect of the violet flame, and this transmutation not only can transmute what's happening in this life, but with consistent use, it will go back even into previous lifetimes and karma. So, it's a wonderful, wonderful dispensation that we have been given and something we might want to take advantage of.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    You've also posted some of these things, certain places or done other podcasts on them, right?

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    I believe it's in the seventh podcast, but I will link back to it in this one so that everybody has access to that.

    Thank you again, Mark, for a great session. It's been wonderful

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Pleasure to be here as always.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Coming up next week, we're going to look at the concept of the Father/Mother God, and all the things that emanate from that.

    Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Hello everybody and welcome to “Spiritual Perspectives on Hot Topics.” This is part three, “Satanism, Secularism, and Abortion--Are They Related?”

    Mark Myers is with me as we continue our discussion on the origin of evil and how this phenomenon in our universe is affecting us today.

    Thanks, Mark, for being again with us.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    It's a pleasure, Nancy. I think the work you're doing here is so great and it's a pleasure to be here and talk to your audience.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Well, we appreciate your presence. So just as a review in our previous two episodes, we've covered our divine origins, where we are made in the image and likeness of God, the origins of evil, which is we know in the ultimate sense does not exist, but it does exist in the matter universe. We talked about why this is the case and touched on some of the ways it is affecting us today.

    So today we're going to further explore specific ways that evil manifests and how humanity is being manipulated to feed those that have cut themselves off from their own divinity and source of light and life, and therefore need to feed their existence with those who do have light. Now, if you have not heard the first two parts of this series, I highly recommend that you listen to these hot topics in order as the parts do build on each other.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Let us begin by first considering the topic of satanic worship and satanic rituals, which is somewhat of a basis for the sustainment of evil in our world because there are a lot of practices in our modern world that, from a broad spiritual perspective, fall into this category. As we get into this discussion, please keep in mind that we're looking at this topic from a spiritual perspective, and we're not trying to say what practicing satanists believe today or exactly how they practice their rituals or anything of that nature. We have no claims in that regard other than what we hear them say themselves, which brings me to an interesting thing that came up this week after our last episode.

    A friend sent me a trailer of a movie that is being produced and it is entitled, “ Hail Satan.” Now, I've not seen the whole movie, but from what I could see from the trailer, it's a compilation what Satanists claim to believe and practice, and a lot appeared to be a rebellion against authority as they perceive its evils, and against the Christian religion in specific. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure that some of these people talking even understand what they're tying into. I even get concerned that some young people just want to do something that's counterculture, so they get caught up in this.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Yes, I think a lot of people get caught up in it because it might be fashionable or they might be rebellious, but I think we have to consider the core of this as a very purposeful, conscious plot to steal light, even the light of the people that are on the periphery of this that are saying, “Hail Satan,” because we have to remember that these individuals have been cut off as we talked about from their light. So they have no source to their own, to their own life force, their own beings. So they need to get it from somewhere else. So all these rituals, all this practice is to gain light from us. It's to cause us to become angry, upset, even shedding blood and whatever their rituals are, abusing children, all these things are to get our light to preserve their lifestream so they can continue to go on. This is the core of it, Nancy.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Yes, exactly, and that's what I'm saying. I don't think some of these people have any idea what they're really giving their energy and life force to. They're in it for some superficial reason, at this level anyway.

    But anyway, I'd like to share some information from Iben Thranholm who's a famous columnist in Denmark who examines political and social events with the focus on their religious aspects. One of her articles is about the rise of Satan worship in America. She confirms what I believe to be true about Satanists these days. Not all of them are hardcore.

    She says, “Satanists are not merely mystical eccentrics wearing black gothic garb sacrificing animals and operating in shady and secret societies. They're now ordinary people who call themselves secular and praise “reason” and the individual freedom of thought. In the US explicitly, Satanic groups have begun drawing attention to themselves in the context of public governmental ceremonies.”

    So listen to what she says here. This is pretty amazing. “Just this month, a member of the so-called Satanic Temple was allowed to make an opening prayer to Lucifer at a local council meeting in Alaska. Assembly members stood around in a circle while the Satanist asked them to embrace the Luciferian impulse to eat of the tree of knowledge. She then ended the surreal prayer with the words, ‘Hail Satan.’ Now thoughtfully meeting attendees were reminded that they did not have to participate in the opening ritual.” Pretty amazing, huh?

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, we're living in pretty amazing times. I think you're seeing an attempt to normalize a lot of what would be considered at the periphery, or the fringe I was going to say, for a long time, and this is what's happening with Satanists. They're now coming forward as if there's some standard religion that's coming forth. So I think we have to start to be aware of some of this because if we're not aware of it and we don't do something about it, it's going to permeate our society.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Yes, exactly. It sounds like it's already starting to do that. This Satanic temple, which is a specific organization separate from the original Satanic church, but it is a Satanic temple founded in 2013, and it fights for political change by pointing out the ostensibly preferential treatment Christianity enjoys in politics.

    This Satanic temple isn't that big at the moment. It claims a membership of about a hundred thousand, but one of their objectives is to embed Lucifer in the public school system by establishing these afternoon clubs. They call them “Afterschool Satan,” and it's their response to a Supreme Court ruling allowing evangelical programs to operate in schools.

    Currently, they have nine clubs that are listed under the program, including Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Washington DC. The club's focus on rationalism, free inquiry and fun, according to their promotional video. So this organization seeks to implement these “Afterschool Satan” in locations where active Christian children's clubs operate. In fact, that is their target. They actually say they're not interested in operating afterschool Satan clubs in school districts that are not already hosting the “Good News Club,” which is the Christian Club.

    A spokesman for this organization, which is Lucian Grieve, said the controversial clubs will give children other alternatives than the Good News Club, which he claims instills children with a fear of hell and God's wrath. They also aim to place demonic books on the shelves in the libraries of public schools, as well as having satanic prayers recited at high school games. The Satanists are—their opinion is that Christianity has had too much influence on American society. So that ends her comments on this issue.

    Now, what we're talking about is one aspect of satanism, but the hardcore satanists engage in many other demonic practices that steal light, and the more they have others involved in these practices, the more light they have to perpetuate their existence. These practices range from sexual abuse of children, which we've heard a lot about, hardcore pedophilia, which is starting to really come out and be exposed. Then these practices continue to human trafficking, to the much deeper aspects and hidden rituals of torturing and killing children, even eating them and drinking their blood, if you can imagine. This is done to retain long life and our youthfulness.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    I mean, think about what's going on here, Nancy. I mean, not only are we giving our light to them, but first of all, they're trying to juxtapose satanism with Christianity and other religions that believe in God. So they're trying to push this on us as it's just another alternative religion and that it can come into the schools.

    Remember also that their main weapon is deceit. I mean, deceit is how they get all these things so they can deceive us with what they're saying while they get their materials on the books and bookshelves of everybody. So these are things to start to consider.

    One of the most disturbing considerations in this whole thing is, how is this agenda being pushed if there weren't people, the various highest levels of our institutions that believe in this, that want this to happen—highest of institutions, of government, of businesses, of corporations, of organizations. These people are pushing this agenda on us, and if we don't stand up against it and try to overturn it, spiritually, I mean, you can protest and whatever, but from my perspective, we need spiritual tools to assist us in overcoming these things. It's going to overtake us.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Exactly, and people who begin by thinking that practicing satanism is the modern way of thinking and following reason, instead of the fantasy of religious belief, then that's just the first step, like you're saying, to be lured into darker practices. Once they're there, it's very difficult to get out because compromising photos, there's all kinds of things that even if someone wants to get out, there's a lot of evidence against them, so to speak and it is very difficult. This concept of becoming “woke” is now a popular expression, but I don't think it means exactly what Gautama Buddha meant when he said he was awake.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, I don't know exactly, but I know that in these organizations, Lucifer is the lightbearer and he's the one that bears the light. So, the ultimate goal is to get to him. So maybe that's what they mean by “woke.”

    But from my perspective, deceit is their main trick, and they get you little by little, compromise by compromise. You start a little compromise, a little compromise, and by the time you get so far down, it's very difficult to get out of this thing.

    So, we need to be aware of these things, and they're everywhere now. You might call what's going on there, “Satan's frequency.” Other people have used this term. But you turn on movies, the media, the sound of music, even to the frequency it's tuned to—there's all these things that are meant to drag us down and draw us out. We need to come apart from this and be a separate people, as the Bible has said, and we need to be aware of it so that we're not sucked in by it.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    A lot of this is focused toward our youth and our children, and it's getting even younger and younger. Jesus said in the Book of Luke, he said, “it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea then that he should offend one of these little ones.”

    So, we know we have a great responsibility towards children, which brings up the topic of abortion. Let's look at it from a spiritual perspective that is rarely considered in our modern day discussions.

    We know that prior to each incarnation on earth, there is a plan. Each of us has karma to balance and lessons to learn and experiences that we must have in order to grow spiritually. We also know that there's a great planning that goes into identifying parents and family members that we must be with to work out our karma or fulfill our divine plan, or both?

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, if you're talking about abortion, I'd like to say that souls come in, they have a divine plan to fulfill. They have a certain family that they need to come with a certain group, certain mandala. There are all these things that have to be placed. I mean, it's an intricate plan. So, abortion, number one, a satanic ritual. If you think about child sacrifice, that's one thing. But from the perspective of the soul, the soul is traumatized, it's lost its opportunity, and it may be thousands or tens of thousands of years until conditions are again right for it to come in.

    So, this is a heinous thing to think about millions of souls that have been aborted through this satanic ritual and what they're going through and what's happening to our planet. If you think about it from a karmic perspective, I'm sure most of your listeners understand some level of karma. You've probably talked about that in past shows. But karma is really what we've created and what negative energies have been put out there.

    But we have a great karma to bear as individuals, as groups, and as a nation. This is an Achilles heel, we've been told, to us surviving. If we continue to kill our own . our own children in the womb, how can we continue as a nation, as a planet, as spiritual beings fashioned in the image of God? It's inconceivable.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Yes, and we also know that souls that are aborted, even if they do come back into that same family or relatively soon they then have to deal with that pain and that record of being murdered basically in the womb.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Yeah, a whole new karma they have to deal with.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    It's a whole new thing, so it makes it even harder.

    So, when we look from that spiritual perspective, it's very important to understand what is happening here beyond just the moral question of it.

    I've always believed that giving birth that allows a soul to come into the world for whatever the purpose is, it's a sacred trust. We all come into the world this way. That's the only way to get here, helpless and dependent upon others, literally for our life. There's no other way. So, to deny life or to intentionally harm the defenseless ones breaks this sacred trust. I gave birth three times, and I can tell you it is a sacred opportunity to bring forth life.

    I actually believe a hundred years from now, or more or less, whatever, people will look back in unbelief wondering, what were we thinking that we would rip our unborn children out of our wombs? How could we be so barbaric? I truly believe history will view it as a very dark time in human evolution.

    Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the messenger for the ascended masters, she said, “Today we have slaughtered a whole generation of lightbearers and Christed ones through our abortion laws, and what will happen in 10 or 20 years when the souls who should be there to lead us into the golden age are not there? So, the masters are very clear on this subject.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Let's take a step back. We've been talking about a lot of things today.

    So, we have to ask, how do we protect ourselves and our children? How do we counteract these fallen ones who've infiltrated almost every aspect of life, taking us down a path of compromise little by little until we find ourselves where we are today?

    First, you must know without a doubt that the presence of God within you, the power within you is greater than any power in the world. Another important key and tool that we have is to call for the intercession of the archangels.

    Archangel Michael is the angel of protection. We can call for him to surround us individually, surround our children, and circle a blue fire around us that will protect us, and ask for his mantle of protection. We know of Archangel Michael in the Bible. We know of a number of the archangels are in the Bible.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    So, there is a mantra. We call it traveling protection because you can use this when you get in your car, when you are getting in an airplane, when you're traveling, when you're home, when you get up in the morning before you go to bed. You can use this at any time. It's very simple and it goes,

    Lord Michael before

    Lord Michael behind

    Lord Michael to the right

    Lord Michael to the left

    Lord Michael above

    Lord Michael below

    Lord Michael, Lord Michael, wherever I go

    I AM his love protecting here. I AM His love protecting. Here I AM His love protecting here.

    It's a simple mantra. Use it anytime you get into a vehicle. Use it at any time, and you can say this mantra for your family, for your community, for anyone else, any situation in the world, you can send Archangel Michael and his legions of light to go forth for that protection, for that action of the power of God.

    Very important that we use the tools that the Masters have given us. If you are in an emergency where you cannot give that entire mantra, you can just say “Archangel Michael!” You can just say, “Michael!”

    Once you have a momentum of giving that mantra, you have that connection to the angel and just the simple call will bring that protection. There have been many, many witnesses about Archangel Michael and how he has intervened for people.

    I can give you an example. Years back, I was driving on the road from one destination to another, from state to state, and I was driving a van and I was having trouble staying awake, but I foolishly did not stop driving.

    Well, I actually fell asleep while I was driving and I ended up taking an exit, ended up in a station. I had no idea where I was. I woke up when I got into the gas station. I had to ask them, where am I? I didn't remember any of that happening.

    I know this was the intercession of Archangel Michael. So, it's very important that you develop this momentum and this connection, and, of course, the Lord Jesus Christ can be with you at any given moment—any of the ascended masters can. So, use this tool. I'll post it so that you can see the words.

    So, thanks again, Mark, for being with us today.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Pleasure being here, and I wish all good to your audience out there, you may be blessed and we hope you'll tune into our next show.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Thank you again, everybody, and don't miss our next episode. We'll be talking about the spiritual perspectives on climate change and what some of the ascended masters have said about it, and potential solutions from a spiritual perspective as well as more on choosing life. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Hello everybody and welcome to our first episode in our “Spiritual Perspectives on Hot Topics” series. This is Part One: “How Did We Get from Our Pure Divine Estate to Where We are Today?”

    I'm so excited about this series. I think we're going to cover some really neat things that you will like hearing.

    I believe it's really fitting that we begin with the beginning, so to speak, by looking at how did we get from our pure divine estate to where we are now?

    We were created in the divine image and likeness and we descended into the physical world to grow and externalize the God qualities and that unique divine purpose that is just our own. So, we have to wonder, what is our spiritual evolution?

    We know what science tells us about Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory, but is that really the full picture? Does it explain our spiritual evolution? There are those of us who do not think that this is the case.

    Today I'm very happy to welcome Mark Myers to the show. Mark's a researcher by profession and he's been putting his skills to use with his personal passion of researching the fascinating topic of spiritual cosmology and how humanity has lost track of its divine destiny.

    Mark, welcome and thank you for being with us today.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    It's great to be here, Nancy. I'm really excited and let's just go and try to expand our worldview as we do have a limited view as of the moment.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Mark, tell us a little bit about yourself first before we begin and how you came to be involved in this exciting research.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, for the last 20-25 years I've been involved in medical research and cancer, integrative cancer care. I develop programs for patients by looking through the research and digging deep, so a lot of times I do a deep dive into a lot of things.

    Also, for the last 30 or 35 years I've been tremendously interested in spirituality. So I've also done a deep dive in there. So I'm going to bring you some information that I've dug out, you know, from the archives, so to speak, of the Archives of the Ascended Masters of the obscure knowledge maybe of the planet. Let's go from there.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Sounds great. Maybe we can start too by having you share a little bit with our listeners on what are the sources of your research?

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Sure. Well, we can look at a lot of different resources. I mean, there's been so much spiritual material. There's been so many things that have been given over the years.

    But I think basically, other than the Bible, which is an important source of work as you intimated in the beginning, you know, Genesis, you know, we were created and we came down. Well, actually, Genesis doesn't even begin at the beginning. Genesis begins in the middle. So we need to go back beyond that.

    Let's look at the Bible. Let's look at the last 170 years of spiritual teachings that have really been brought forth from great beings, ascended masters, messengers, what you might call “secretaries” in this octave of higher octaves of light that can really bring forth true enlightenment to mankind.

    Because truly today, we need to look at where we came from. Because if we don't know in the larger context of truly where we came from, how can we know where we're going and how we're going to develop?

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Well said. We know now, at least I've been talking about it, that the Aquarian Age that we're transitioning into is meant to be a Golden Age. Now, people might look at the world and wonder how is that going to happen?

    So why don't you talk a little bit about, “What do we mean by Golden Age, and have we had previous Golden Ages on Earth? What did you find?

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, to address the first question, first issue, how can we have a Golden Age? We need to know that that's locked in the mind of God and when we access that information, we can draw down that Golden Age. So we need to be quite optimistic about that.

    But what is a Golden Age? Well, it says “gold” and “age.” It comes from gold. Gold is a substance, 24 karat gold. If you hold a piece in your hand, it's a conduit of the consciousness of higher octaves, of the Christ consciousness, of the yellow golden mind of God.

    So that's why we had Golden Ages. It's where everybody was their own prophet, where they came forth and were able to draw forth peace and enlightenment, and we all lived under beautiful lifestyles and all that.

    We didn't have wars. We didn't have this. We advanced mankind. We became enlightened. We developed personally, but we also developed as a group.

    So, this is where we're headed. We're headed to the next Golden Age, and to be able to do that is the topic of today. We have to understand why we're in this darkness today, and there are different theories out there amongst different things that are proposed.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Everyone talks about a Golden Age, or at least some do, and I think we need to keep in mind as you're talking that that Golden Age is going to come through us. It's not something magic that just drops from the sky.

    Literally, we have to raise our consciousness. We have to be that Golden Age to really make that Golden Age manifest on this planet.

    So why don't you tell us, have there been Golden Ages in your research?

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Yeah, I think first, that's an excellent point, because there's a lot of kind of “new aginess,” if I can call it that, thinking that the astrology or the lining up of the planets is going to automatically precipitate something. Well, that's just an assistance. We are the ones that have to become that and bring forth that Golden Age.

    Yes, according to spiritual sources, there have been many Golden Ages in the past. In fact, we started in Golden Ages long before recorded history, long before the Bible records man came forth in what's known as root races. Root races are groups of souls that God put together, you know, or brings forth for a certain group purpose.

    These root races came to earth, they fulfilled their cycles, and they went back to God. In fact, there were three root races in the beginning. As I know you've talked about in the past, different rays and colors, Nancy, that each root race comes in with a different specific kind of design, a color, a blue color, a yellow color, illumination, different purpose, whatever. So, they came and they ascended back to the heart of God.

    We had a problem in the fourth root race, and this is where we're going to talk about today. The fourth root race was doing fine until all of a sudden the Bible records what's known as the Great Rebellion, the Great Rebellion of Lucifer. We had an incredible catastrophe in this galaxy and surrounding galaxies, where angels fell as recorded in the Bible, and they were kicked out of heaven by the legions of Archangel Michael and his mighty legions.

    It says in the Bible, “Woe to you, inhabitants of the earth,” because they came down here and this is the root of evil on our planet. It has nothing to do with us. We were manipulated and these fallen ones, fallen angels came down and disrupted our natural cycle of golden ages.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    But of course, our responsibility in that little drama was that we started to listen. We started to accept and absorb some of these attitudes of these fallen angels, and started shifting our vision away from our own individual divine identity, which is God within us, and God in the whole universe. That's how we started to perpetuate some of this evil and follow some of these.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, of course, this is our topic today. Our topic is that we have to know where we've been and how we've been manipulated so we can take responsibility and get our way out of this.

    In legal terms today, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Well, we have no excuse either. We have to regain that God-given quality of illumination and understanding that we can move forward. Since the fourth root race, there have been scattered golden ages, but it always seems like when we create a golden age that these fallen ones come in and they somehow manipulate our minds again to be able to bring us down.

    We had a golden age about 70,000 years ago in the Sahara, which was not a desert at that time. That golden age was brought down. We had golden ages on Atlantis about 35,000 years ago, where actually an embodiment of Jesus led 10 million people into that golden age.

    Flames burned there that were physical, that don't burn today in temples. Also, the last golden age was probably about 16,000 to 12,000 years ago in Atlantis, and this was brought down and recorded in the Bible as the flood of Noah. This was the final golden age.

    Since then, we could call that pre-Diluvian history because we don't have much recorded history from that point. Even shortly after that, the Bible only picks up maybe 5,000 or 6,000 years ago, and it's scant at that.

    We have to understand that we have a very long history on this planet. We've been here maybe for a million or more years, and we've evolved and evolved and devolved and devolved, and we have to understand that so we can move forward and bring in the golden age.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Right. We have a lot of different evolutions on this planet. We can see that. We can see we have everything from the master mastering life, and the meditating in the cave, or the spiritual person who's evolved and enlightened to those who are committing some pretty heinous crimes against humanity—and everything in between.

    So, you want to talk a little bit about how did these evolutions, how did we get to this place on this planet?

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, yes, it's true. We have, I like to term in the larger terms, several cultures on this planet. I mean, Earth is a crossroads at the moment.

    We have evolutions from all over the place, including a planet that was once in our solar system that was once destroyed called Maldek, and souls came from there who actually blew up their own planet. So they have no compunction about trying to blow up our planet.

    But I say we have two basic cultures, and Jesus tried to let us know this. Jesus was a master of great insight. I mean, he has a true spiritual understanding, and he gave us the tares and the wheat. This is a parable showing that there are two cultures here, the tares and the wheat.

    Tares in the days of Jesus was a plant that got sown sometimes amongst the wheat, and it grew amongst the wheat, and its roots intertwined among the wheat, and you couldn't pull them out without killing the wheat in those days. It was a plant that was poisonous, so you couldn't eat it, so it destroyed a whole crop. So think of our planet today as this wheat field where we have sown all amongst us these tares and wheat.

    What's basically going on, Jesus said that it was the day of the harvest where the tares will be all bundled up and will be taken away and burned, and that will be the day that we can move forward in a greater light. Well, we have a role in that, of course, but look where we're at today.

    We're at the harvest. We're at the point where those who want to see clearly can see these “cultures” of these dark ones who are out there, who are constantly against the light, and you can see them. They need to be taken down by our prayers, by our calls, by our actions. We need to see the true thing that is going on in our culture today.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    This has been so prophesied, not just by Jesus, but by many, many masters, many non-masters, maybe just typical people and throughout time. I mean, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, we have a number of different sources.

    Tell us a little bit more about your sources from the ascended masters and that realm of where that—a lot of your research is coming from.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, I like to trace my research history, other than, more ancient resources, you know, which you can look in Hinduism and Buddhism and the Bible and, ancient religions of the world. But I like the ascended master teachings of the last roughly 170 years that we can trace our lineage back to Theosophy, Helen Blavatsky, and, you know, she was working with masters Moya, Kuthumi, you know, Saint Germain and different masters, and then those lineages sprouted out into different things.

    There's Agni Yoga. There was the I AM movement with Guy Ballard and his wife, you know, who brought the knowledge of the I AM and Saint Germain's teachings to us. Then it moved into things like the Bridge to Freedom, which also had messages from the masters. Then Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant and if we go through this lineage, we can find great teachings.

    The masters don't usually repeat themselves. So if you look at just one of these, you're limiting yourself. You can go back and look through these different things and find all these threads that we're talking about today. So this is what I've basically done, Nancy, is I've taken all these threads of information from this past 170 years, and I've tried to weave it into a reliable narrative of the light.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    You know, going back to the topic of Maldek, where you talked about the planet that actually destroyed itself, when we understand probably through nuclear explosion. We're not sure, I guess.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, through some great source of energy, nuclear, or maybe more advanced than nuclear. But the bottom line is, anybody can go to a planetary ephemeris of the solar system, and you can see that there's a huge asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. If you look at Bode's Law, which is the law of the distance of planets from the sun, that shows that that would be a place that there would be a planet. So we know that there was a planet there one day, and now it's just a pile of rubble. So, it was destroyed.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Right. And some of those evolutions came here. What, about a third of them came here? The Earth opened their arms saying, “Come on, and we'll help you evolve.”

    But I think as it turns out, those from Maldek were pretty advanced technologically, more advanced than here on Earth, and actually taught the evolutions of Earth, the ways of war, that were not here before, as you described.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, all that information is absolutely correct. I mean, now we're talking about when we say they came here, we're talking about their souls came here. All of us understand we have a soul and a consciousness.

    Cosmic councils, which are higher councils, decided that about a third of the Maldekians were actually redeemable. Their souls, you know, had moved enough towards the light that, you know, they wouldn't be put what through the Bible is known as the second death, where the soul is actually re-assimilated into God, it has no identity anymore.

    So yes, they came to Earth. But the cosmic councils were expecting that the fourth root race, as we talked about before, which was on Lumeria, ancient continent in the Pacific, huge continent, 5,000 square miles or something out there where Hawaii is and all the way through the Pacific.

    They came there and the cosmic councils were expecting the innocent souls of Earth, the fourth root race, to tutor and mentor these, I'm going to call them laggards. The reason we call them laggards is because their consciousness is lagging behind spiritually. They're more focused on material gains than spiritual development.

    When they came here, a great, great miscalculation happened. Instead of the innocent children of the fourth root race here mentoring them, they became in charge and they took over and we had all kinds of devastation going on on the Earth and all kinds of horrific things that ended up in actually the sinking of the continent of Lumeria because of all the desecrations that went on from these laggards from Maldek.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Then we have the dynamics, as you mentioned before, of Lucifer, which was a very high level archangel in heaven, who rebelled against God thinking he can do it better and took a lot of angels with him. So these fallen angels, when they fell, they fell to the Earth, meaning they incarnated on the Earth, just as you're talking about the Maldekians incarnated on the Earth, and they, they started their evolution here. So we have, and you know, we have in the Bible, it talks about Lucifer, Satan, all of those that are rebelling against God.

    They're really rebelling against their own nature, because there's only one Source, one God, we all came from there. But when you cut off your own connection to your Source, to your inner identity of God, then you have to go find that energy and light somewhere else to keep sustaining your life cycle and everyone has a life cycle.

    Many people say, why doesn't God do this? Why doesn't God do that? Well, we were given dominion here, and God doesn't interfere with our free will. We were given dominion and free will. Every lifestream, every one of us has a cycle and we can create positive or negative. It's up to us.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Absolutely. It's absolutely up to us and this is the underlying thesis of what we're talking about today. We need to take dominion over the Earth.

    But what you're talking about is a point that predates Maldek. This is known as the Great Rebellion and this is the point that's actually recorded before creation in the Bible. It predates Genesis, but it is recorded in the New Testament in the book of Revelations, which most people realize is very cryptic. But it talks about how these angels fell.

    It talks about the Great Rebellion. And basically, these angels fell through ego. They thought that they shouldn't have to worship the Most High. They could do it better. They fell and they created havoc throughout our entire galaxy, and it's been many millions of years.

    Eventually, they came to Earth, and they probably came to Maldek. They're probably behind the blowing up of Maldek there too. Although, you know, who knows where that is, that would be a good speculation. But they definitely came to Earth and this is the battle we face today.

    So many practicing Satanists in our, in our nation, in our world and they're becoming more and more to the front. You're seeing more and more articles written about them. This is what we're up against.

    Satanism is a Luciferian Great Rebellion religion, where they basically invert everything. Everything of God is inverted. So, what is good is bad, what is light is dark, so on and so forth. The whole purpose is not only to destroy us as children of light, but to suck from us that very light that they can't access, because that light has been cut off from them because of their rebellion, as you had said earlier.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Yes, exactly. So you really have to wonder though, how can our history be so covered over, so hidden in our culture today?

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    It's because that's the way they've wanted it. We had open wars, when you go back to the Bible and look at Babylon and Nimrod the Great and what was going on in those days. That's the culture that we're up against, that evil, but they've covered their tracks.

    In fact, the fallen ones today, and the laggards today, and these evil ones actually trace their lineage back to Cain. They know their history, they know where they came from, but they've obscured ours, because how do you control someone? You cover up their past, they have no idea who they are, their God dominion, their power, their authority, then you're covering up what they can really do and what they can really be. So we have to discover that.

    This is the battle that we're facing today, is to uncover, unearth that ancient rivalry, that battle that was going on, that these fallen ones have covered up, especially since the sinking of Atlantis, where we really outright fell them. We were outright battling them and we knew a little more of what we were battling up against.

    But in terms of uncovering and unearthing, which is a term I use, archaeologists have done this, actually. They've gone down deeper and deeper, and you keep finding that you're going back and back and back to lesser and lesser civilizations, until you finally reach the caveman, which was the lowest point on earth.

    But what's been covered up is when you go deeper and deeper strata underneath the caveman, you start to uncover more and more advanced civilizations, until you actually get to more advanced civilizations than we have today. This is something that's been covered up.

    So if we go to unearth all these things, we can see everywhere that we've been lied to. It's like standing in the middle of a great lie that's coming from you, 360 degrees all around you. You have to pierce and push your head through that lie and see what is really the truth, that where we came from and why we're being lied to, we're being manipulated.

    When we understand that we have the authority that God has given us, the scepter of power, that we have dominion over the earth, and we need to reclaim that, and we need to call to the higher octaves, to the ascended masters, to the angels of light, to almighty God, to the Lord Jesus Christ, to descend and assist us. We can do that, and we can overcome these fallen ones, and we can bring in the golden age. We have to see this optimism and this understanding.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    You know, there's this big argument between creation theory and evolution. Yes, we were created from our source, and we were made in that image and likeness of God, male and female, as the Bible states. But we obviously evolve. All of life evolves, even after we ascend permanently back to our God Source. God is forever transcending Himself.

    My understanding is that the era of the caveman is actually the lowest point to which we descended after we fell. Now we are making our way back up to our true God estate, and that is where the evolution comes in. So to me, both creation theory and evolution are real, and manifesting in our universe at this time.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, again, Nancy, we've been lied to. You know, we basically, certain facts have been fit to make this theory of evolution so that we can think that we, our ancestors, were some green slime. We weren't created by God, and we have no divine heritage and no sense of divinity within us, that we're just basically some chemicals in a soup that came up. So this is all to subvert us.

    The caveman was a result of the fall of Lemuria in the ancient days when Lemuria went down, I don't know, 12,000 years ago or a little more. When that continent went down, we reached our lowest point in evolution.

    In fact, on the last days of Lemuria, there were, human sacrifice and cannibalism going on. In fact, there are still remnants of that in the Pacific. There's cannibals there on South Sea Islands, and this is a remnant of the culture of ancient Atlantis.

    So we had our divinity. We went down to a lowest point, and that's where the caveman came from. So don't buy into this.

    Evolution is a creation of God. We evolve. It's an important part of our being.

    For instance, if you move to a higher altitude, say you live at sea level for most of your life, and all of a sudden you move into the mountains, 8, 10, 12,000 feet, your blood actually evolves. It creates certain molecules in there that capture oxygen more tightly. So it's a process of evolution.

    You didn't have that before. You went up and you evolved. Well, God created these processes. Evolution is just part of the creative process, but we don't look at it as being that that's where we came from. That is not our origins.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Exactly, exactly. We shouldn't be divided over this theory of evolution or the theory of creation, because in reality, they're both, there's truth to both of them. I mean, we know that the very words of God, I AM, is when individualized identity within the One Source of God comes into existence.

    That's us, the I AM presence. Once we can say I AM, we have consciousness. There's no other evolution on the planet. Many life forms might have great intelligence, but none other than the human can say “I AM.” With that understanding and consciousness of self and free will, we can choose to be something different.

    There's no other evolution on the planet—animals, they're subject to their nature, whether they're extremely intelligent or whatever, but they are subject to their nature. Man can say “I AM” and man can create by drawing forth.

    I've talked about this in other sessions. If you want to go back and listen, if you haven't heard them. The I AM Presence, the I AM consciousness is the divine within us. When we follow words after the words “I AM,” we are calling upon that divine part of ourself to create that condition in our world.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Well, if you think about it, if you think about the Bible and Moses, when he went up on the hill and he saw the fire of God burning in the bush that didn't burn, he asked God his name and what did God say? He said, I AM that I AM. He said, I AM is my name. If we think about this, it's a verb. It's a verb. It's not a noun. I AM is an active concept.

    I just wanted to get that out, but the main point is that we were given dominion. We have authority on the earth. If we subjugate that authority to others, fallen ones or dark ones, then we've given them our power.

    The only one that can give them their power is you. So we need to take back that power for good, for bringing in a golden age. And that's how that golden age will manifest.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Very good. I think we've exhausted that topic for the moment, but I want to thank you so much for being here today because I think this has been a great discussion. I'd like to invite you to come back for our next week so that we can talk more about how did we get to where we are today because what happened after that fall, and all the way down, and to the history of the earth.

    Because we know there was a time when this planet was so void of light that the cosmic councils were just going to allow it to self-destruct because there was no one involved on the planet. No one embodied that had enough light to sustain that.

    I'd like to take that up next week, that whole story.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Okay, that'd be great. I think that the next, that's the next logical step. I mean, we need to see where we're going to go. We've talked about some of our origins. Now let's talk about where we're going to go to.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Right. And again, this is foundational to understand some of the social issues that we're facing today. I want to take up, as we go along in the weeks, because we like Mark is saying, we have to understand where we've come from, who we are and where we're going.

    That's the basic context by which we can look at some of the issues, from a spiritual perspective, that we're facing today. Now we know we have the teachings from the Bible, the teachings from some of the books that didn't make it into the Bible, the official Bible, plus the teachings of the Ascended Masters and a lot of science that's coming forth at this time.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    And don't forget Eastern teachings as well.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Well, the world religions.

    [Guest Mark Myers]


    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    Yes, exactly. We are going to be talking about some of the various concepts of the world religions. So please join us next week for this amazing discussion.

    Thank you so much, Mark, for being with us and sharing your research and knowledge. It's been a great joy.

    [Guest Mark Myers]

    Pleasure to be here and peace to all.

    [Host Nancy Showalter]

    We'll see you next week. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello everybody and welcome to this episode, “What is Your Color? A Look at the Seven Major Color Rays.” Our episode today is all about energy, color, and vibrational frequencies of color and what they mean for you in your everyday life.

    The spiritual or the heaven world is very diverse and that diversity is also reflected here in our physical world. Now I'm not talking about race or ethnicity or even how diversity is defined in our society today, but rather spiritual frequencies that are manifest in our physical world. Frequencies that manifest as color and qualities of the divine and are outpictured in our lives and society. So what is your color? What color frequency do you primarily vibrate and major on?

    Let's take a look at the seven major color rays, some of their qualities, and the master that presides over each ray. These seven rays are blue, yellow, pink, white, green, purple, and gold, and violet. Now the first three rays of blue, yellow, and pink of power, wisdom, and love are the three primary colors and these three make up the threefold flame that is anchored in your heart from your I AM presence.

    If you're unfamiliar with the threefold flame, you can check out episodes three and four. Now balancing these three rays is one of the prerequisites for permanently reuniting with your I AM Presence in the ritual of the ascension. To determine which ray you are primarily on, listen to their qualities and how they manifest as ways of thinking, being, and even the professions we choose.

    I will give you a mantra that you can use with each ray. Remember, these mantras are not vain repetitions, but are invoking your I AM Presence, God within you, to create the condition that you are decreeing. This is an important distinction to always remember. So let's begin.


    The First Ray frequency of “Power” vibrates blue, the energy frequency of protection and power, divine will and faith. This color corresponds to your Throat Chakra or energy center.

    What I mean by “Power” is that it's the right use of energy to create in your life that which corresponds to your unique purpose, divine will, and to rightfully use the power of your spoken words and the power of this first ray energy.

    People who have the blue ray as their primary energy are usually strong in their convictions and have a great personal power to fulfill their goals and make things happen. They many times gravitate to leadership positions in both small and large ways.

    The power of this ray needs to be balanced with the next two rays of yellow and pink. When out of balance or when that energy is misused, you can have everything from mild criticism to outright brutality. In society, the blue color ray manifests as governments, business, communication, commerce, and banking.

    The Master for this Ray is El Morya.

    Some of his previous incarnations include Abraham, Akbar the Great, Sir Thomas More, and his final embodiment as a Rajput prince in India who later became a monk known as Master M and who was also one of the co-founders of the Theosophical Society with the purpose of acquainting the world with spiritual law. El Morya ascended in 1898 and he continues his work for God government on the earth through his students.

    The mantra you can use to be in alignment with this frequency as you visualize and feel it is, “I am sealed and protected in the power of Divine Will and I AM perfectly aligned with my divine presence.”

    So just see that blue fire of God's power in through and around you as protection and alignment with divine will and feel the security of this divine protection as I repeat the mantra and you mentally affirm it.

    “I AM sealed and protected in the power of Divine Will and I am perfectly aligned with my divine purpose. I AM sealed and protected in the power of Divine Will and I am perfectly aligned with my divine purpose.”


    The Second Ray frequency of wisdom is yellow and it is the frequency of the intelligence of the universe manifesting as illumination, self-awareness and enlightenment, knowledge, information and education. It corresponds to your Crown Chakra, right at the top of your head.

    Those who vibrate primarily with this ray tend to gravitate to the teaching professions in various capacities. When this ray is predominant but not balanced with the blue and pink rays, you'll often find an intellectual that has trouble relating to his or her feelings or someone who studies a lot, has a lot of theories but doesn't really experience much.

    So again, balancing the power wisdom and love of the first three rays is very important.

    This ray includes educational institutions, learning at all levels and teachers in all areas. Folks who have the yellow ray as their primary energy are usually in some type of teaching profession.

    The Master for this Ray is Lanto.

    Some of his embodiments include the Duke of Chao in China also known as the Yellow Emperor, and later as a ruler in China during the time of Confucius. But throughout the 19th and 20th centuries he has supported the efforts of Saint Germain to liberate mankind through Saint Germain's release of the ascended master teachings on the I AM Presence and the violet fire, which I'll be talking about more when we get to the seventh ray. The mantra for the second ray of wisdom is:

    “I AM divine intelligence, wisdom and resourcefulness that creates my ideal life and enlightens the world.”

    So visualize a golden halo of light around your Crown Chakra at the top of your head with the light of divine illumination emanating to the world and visualize and feel what is the perfect life for you as I repeat the mantra and you affirm it.

    “I AM divine intelligence, wisdom and resourcefulness that creates my ideal life and enlightens the world. I AM divine intelligence, wisdom and resourcefulness that creates my ideal life and enlightens the world.”

    It's always important that you feel and visualize—imagine in your mind's eye—these mantras.


    So we move on to the Third Ray that is the frequency of love and it vibrates a vibrant pink, which has the qualities of divine love, selflessness, harmony, beauty, loveliness, comfort, and grace, and all forms of creativity. It includes artists, sculptors, cultural leaders, designers, dancers, all kinds of creative activities and it corresponds to your Heart chakra.

    The Master of this Ray is Paul the Venetian who was embodied in the days of Atlantis in the government as the head of cultural affairs. He also embodied in the Incan empire as an artist who developed paints that did not fade. He was embodied also in Egypt as a master architect and worked with the building of the pyramids. His final embodiment is Paolo Veronese, one of the major artists of the 16th century Venetian school.

    The mantra for the third ray of love is “I AM divine love and I create harmony, beauty, and loveliness wherever I go.” So just tune into that heart again, visualize a pink light emanating from your heart and feel the energies of love, beauty, and loveliness as I repeat the mantra and you affirm it mentally.

    “I AM divine love and I create harmony, beauty, and loveliness wherever I go. I AM divine love and I create harmony, beauty, and loveliness wherever I go.”

    These three color rays—blue, yellow, and pink—again, represent the Threefold Flame in the heart of power, wisdom, and love. The blending of these colors and various intensities produce the remaining colors. So we move to the fourth ray.


    The Fourth Ray is the ray of the ascension and it's white, and there's actually debate whether white and black are actually colors. Physicists say that white is the color because it's a combination of all colors whereas black is the absence of color.

    So, in this respect, white is the combination of all the colors and it's actually the base frequency of every one of these colors. The qualities of the white ray are purity and perfection, self-discipline, hope, joy, spiritual oneness, and wholeness.

    This is the ray of the ascension, that permanent reunion with the I AM Presence. It is the ray of law and order, architecture and design, mathematics, and your own divine blueprint. It corresponds to the Base of the Spine chakra which when completely purified vibrates the white light of the divine feminine.

    Serapis Bey is the Master of the Fourth Ray.

    He's known as the great disciplinarian. He was incarnated as a priest in the ascension temple on Atlantis, later in Egypt and other times throughout the land of the Nile and he was the architect of the great pyramid.

    He also incarnated as the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III who was considered to be the greatest ruler on earth. His greatest construction, however, was the temple of Luxor which is partially intact today in Egypt, and he also incarnated as the Spartan king Leonidas.

    It's said that when in the presence of Serapis Bey one knows an entirely different conception of what we call the Christ, the real person of us all.

    The mantra for the fourth ray of the ascension is, “I AM the pure radiant light of the divine feminine manifesting divine consciousness and ascending unto God.” So, visualize and feel that mother light rising to your heart chakra. See and feel the power of this bright light as a noonday sun emanating from your heart and filling your entire aura.

    “I AM the pure radiant light of the divine feminine manifesting divine consciousness and ascending unto God. I am the pure radiant light of the divine feminine manifesting divine consciousness and ascending unto God.”


    Moving on to the Fifth Ray of Healing and Truth, which vibrates green.

    It's the truth, abundance, healing and manifestation--bringing things from spirit into the physical. Qualities include constancy, concentration, open-mindedness and precipitation. It corresponds to the Third Eye chakra which is the spiritual center, the spiritual eye in your forehead located between your physical eyes.

    Now green is abundant in nature. Now people on this ray are in the healing arts, music and mathematics, laws of cosmic harmony and harmony in nature and harmony in your own being.

    Hilarion is the Master of the Fifth Ray.

    His embodiments include a high priest of the temple of truth on Atlantis, Saul of Tarsus who became the apostle Paul, and his final incarnation was as Hilarion who was a great healer.

    The mantra of the Fifth Ray of healing and truth is, “I AM healthy, whole and manifesting God's abundance.” See yourself surrounded in this green fire of perfect health and happiness and abundance and feel what this feels like to be whole and have every blessing from the universe pouring out to you.

    “I AM healthy, whole and manifesting God's abundance. I AM healthy, whole and manifesting God's abundance.”


    The Sixth Ray of peace, ministration and service is purple and gold.

    The qualities are selfless service and ministering to life, your service to life in any area, and it's also peace and brotherhood. This ray corresponds to the Solar Plexus chakra just below the navel. Those serving on this ray are usually in service type professions such as nurses, caregivers, ministers, any kind of service in your work or service in your family.

    The Master of the Sixth Ray is the Lady Master Nada.

    On Atlantis she worked in the healing arts and served as a priestess in the temple of love. In her final incarnation approximately 2700 years ago, she was the youngest of a large family of exceptionally gifted children and she chose to forego her own career and devoted her life to deep meditation and prayer for her brothers and sisters in their various careers.

    As an ascended master she assists ministers, missionaries, teachers, healers, psychologists, counselors at law and public servants and all those who are involved in serving others.

    The mantra for the Sixth Ray of peace, ministration and service is, “I AM a ministering servant, I AM compassionate, I AM understanding, I AM patient, I AM loving.” Visualize yourself standing in the purple fire with flecks of gold and feel your heart expanding in love and service to all life.

    “I AM a ministering servant, I AM compassionate, I AM understanding, I AM patient, I AM loving. I AM a ministering servant, I AM compassionate, I AM understanding, I AM patient, I AM loving.”


    The Seventh Ray vibrates as violet, the shortest frequency on the physical spectrum of colors. Its qualities are freedom, justice, liberty, tolerance, mercy and forgiveness. It is the science of alchemy, transmutation and transcendence. The violet fire frees energy.

    This is the ray of diplomats, spiritual alchemists, actors, writers, patriots and defenders of freedom.

    Saint Germain is the master of the Seventh Ray.

    He's the hierarch for the incoming Aquarian age, which is the age of freedom and it's meant to be a golden age.

    Over five thousand years ago he was ruler of a golden age civilization in a country where the Sahara desert is now. He was also a high priest of the violet flame temple on Atlantis. Later embodiments include the prophet Samuel, Saint Joseph, the father of Jesus, Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus and Francis Bacon.

    Following his ascension, he was granted a special dispensation to return to earth in a physical body. He appeared as the Count of Saint Germain, known as a miraculous gentleman who dazzled the of the 18th and 19th century Europe. They called him the “Wonderman of Europe.”

    He was an alchemist, and he was known for removing flaws in diamonds and other precious stones. He could also compose a letter with one hand while simultaneously composing poetry with the other hand. He was a scholar, a linguist, a poet, a musician, artist and diplomat admired throughout the courts of Europe. He had all these skills and impressive things. Voltaire called him the man who never dies and who knows everything.

    He would never age. They would see him years later and he never aged because he was an ascended master who was granted that dispensation to come to earth in a physical body. He is mentioned in the letters of Frederick the Great, Voltaire, Horace Walpole and Casanova as well as the newspapers of the day. Part of his effort in Europe was to affect a smooth transition from a monarchy to a representative government and prevent the bloodshed of the French Revolution but his counsel was ignored.

    In a final attempt to unite Europe, he backed Napoleon but Napoleon misused the master's power to his own demise. Now keep in mind, man has free will and the ascended masters never interfere with our free will choices even when they're faulty or destructive. They give guidance, assistance when someone is open to their guidance and assistance.

    In addition to trying to help Europe, Saint Germain turned his attention to the new world and he became the sponsoring master of the United States of America and of the first president, George Washington, keeping in mind that even in Europe he was trying to move them from a monarchy to representative government.

    Saint Germain inspired the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. There's a story of when the founders were wanting to sign the Declaration of Independence but they were kind of hesitating due to what it might mean for them, possible death, there was a voice in the chamber that said, “Sign that document!,” which was said to be Saint Germain.

    He also inspired many of the technological advances of the 20th century to help liberate us from much of the drudgery of daily life so that we could devote ourselves more to the pursuit of God Realization and the spiritual path.

    Early in the 1930s he contacted Guy Ballard who used the pen name of Godfrey Ray King and who recorded Saint Germain's teachings on the I AM Presence and the Violet Flame, a spiritual technology that up until that time was only known to those devotees who were dedicated to meditation and learned of the Violet Flame in meditation.

    It had not been revealed to the world at large until this time and the publication of his teachings by Guy Ballard, who is a messenger and an amanuensis for Saint Germain, in the books Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence and The I AM Discourses. These are very fascinating and enlightening reads.

    As mentioned already Saint Germain has a special interest in the United States and I will be covering more in upcoming episodes on the Divine Sponsorship and Destiny of the United States.

    The mantra of the Seventh Ray is, “I AM the Violet Flame, victorious and free, one with my Divine Source for all eternity.”

    Visualize this violet fire which actually is a pink-blue more than a deep purple and visualize this surrounding up through and around your body just as actual spiritual frequency energy flames and feel,

    “I AM the Violet Flame, victorious and free, one with my Divine Source for all eternity. I AM the Violet Flame, victorious and free, one with my Divine Source for all eternity.”

    The Seventh Ray of Freedom corresponds to the Seat of the Soul chakra, which is above the Base of the Spine and just below the Solar Plexus.

    If you want to learn more about the Masters and about their spiritual retreats, which is another whole topic that we'll cover in the future, you can find comprehensive information in the book, The Masters and Their Retreats by Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messengers and Amenuenses for the Ascended Masters, and you can attune to these various Masters for assistance with the areas that they major in.

    In reality, our spiritual ascension requires a certain level of mastery on each of these seven rays even though we may be more aligned with one ray as a dominant, or even two rays. Our various incarnations give us the opportunity to be in different cultures, genders, races, etc.

    We're required to master all aspects of the physical realm and balance at least 51 percent of any negative karma we may have occurred, and fulfill our divine plan and balance that Threefold Flame to make our ascension.

    Now just from this simple description of the seven rays you can see how the diversity of God manifests in the various roles we play on earth, sometimes greater and lesser roles that afford us the opportunity to grow spiritually, balance karma and create massive good karma through our service and contributions in whatever area we are serving in.

    Now beginning with the next episode, and for a series, I'll be discussing from a spiritual perspective some of the current issues we're facing as individuals and as societies.

    Some of these perspectives will very likely be politically incorrect in this current cycle of political correctness. Nevertheless, it's important that we rise above these divisions and look at the issues we're facing from a higher spiritual perspective. So, join me and some of the guests I'll have during this series.

    Until then keep an open mind, a generous heart and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello everybody and welcome to Walking the Path of Personal Christhood.

    Today we talk about Christ and about Jesus. Was Jesus the only son of God, and was his birth and life relevant to all people, or just those who profess to be Christians?

    For some of you, today's episode may require you to open your minds to a greater understanding of our spiritual universe and how God's laws work. We've talked about how we were made in the image and likeness of God and how God is both male and female.

    From the father-mother God, Alpha and Omega, comes the birth of the Son, the Christ. Just as God creates in his image over and over again, likewise so is the Son of God incarnate over and over again in all of God's sons and daughters.

    In the book of John, we read that Christ is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. You notice the scripture says every man that cometh into the world, not just one. It is true, Jesus was Christ incarnate just as every son and daughter of God that incarnates on earth is. Of course, we realize that Jesus was in the full awareness of his Christ self and manifesting it in the world.

    He had a specific mission to publicly demonstrate for all time what it means to be Christ, the Son of God in the physical world, taking on a human body just as we do, and be the Christ. He publicly walked through the spiritual initiations of the transfiguration, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, leaving an example of what we too must do if we are to return to God and be eternally free from the cycle of rebirth. Now these initiations for us are inner initiations. They're not necessarily that we walk publicly as Jesus did and in a very physical way.

    Jesus also said that the kingdom of heaven is within us. And who is in the kingdom of heaven but God and his Son and his Spirit? So God and Christ are within us. This is why Jesus said we could do the things he did and even greater than he did. If our true identity is not the Christ, the Son of God, then how could we possibly do greater things than Jesus did? Simple logic can bring us to this conclusion.

    No matter what religion ,or no religion, you were born into, or what terminology you use, the Son of God is the true identity of every son and daughter of God incarnating in this world. Our job on earth is to externalize that individualized Christ within us, fulfilling our own unique reason for being.

    This is the path of personal Christhood, the union of our soul with our Christ self, the real self that we are meant to manifest, or be, in the physical world—that part of us that is one with God the Father, the I AM Presence.

    But sometimes what we have been taught and the beliefs we have formed can create serious misconceptions. Take for instance the belief that some hold that only those who know and accept Jesus can go to heaven. Yet, Jesus was a Jew and his mission and witness of his Father were for everyone, not just those few people who knew him or for those of us who later learned of him.

    He said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” He did not say, “I, Jesus, am the way, the truth, and the life.” But “I AM” is the way, the truth, and the life.

    So if you remember, the name I AM was the name of God that was given to Moses when he heard God speak from the burning bush: “I AM THAT I AM is my name forevermore.” So Jesus had full awareness of his oneness with the Father I AM within and spoke about his Father often—that it was the Father that performed the works.

    He was telling us that the “I AM” in each of us is the way. “I AM” is the open door. “I AM” is the resurrection and the life, and we only get to the Father “I AM” by the way of the Christ, which is our true identity as sons and daughters of God.

    Many folks believe that because they've accepted Jesus as their Savior, they can continue to break God's laws and they'll be always be forgiven. It's true, God is always willing to forgive us. But the law of cause and effect is still acting. Jesus himself said that “every jot and tittle will be accounted for.” We covered this law when we talked about the Law of Karma, the Law of Cause and Effect, what we sow, we reap, for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.

    So yes, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is our salvation because if we accept Christ in Jesus, we are accepting Christ in ourselves and in every son and daughter of God because there's only One Son of God. This acceptance puts us back on the path of personal Christhood. But if we continue to put forth negative energies or break the laws of God, we're still accountable.

    What's liberating is when we understand the universality of Christ in all sons and daughters of God, then you can be free during the Christmas holidays, no matter what religion or spiritual path you follow, to celebrate the birth of Christ in Jesus and also the birth of Christ within yourself, as you aspire to be one with your true nature, no matter what you call that nature. We also celebrate at that time the universality of Christ— that Jesus' life is meaningful for all of us, not just Christians.

    The “human” consciousness always wants to look outside to find the Savior, but we can't forget that Jesus continually discouraged this, saying that it was the Father that did the works. He even admonished his followers when one asked a question addressing him as good master. Before he could even finish the question, Jesus admonished him saying, “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but God.”

    Jesus most often referred to himself as the Son of Man. He said things like, the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. He did allow others to call him Christ, the Son of God, but it was only when the time was right. When he was on trial for his life, and he was asked, “Are you the Christ, the Son of a living God?” did he say, “I AM, and you will see the Son of Man coming with great power and glory.”

    So he did not refute his divinity at that point, and neither should we, because if we don't claim it and continue to accept the label and the lie that we're sinners separate from God and unworthy forever, then we will never fully manifest our destiny and return to God permanently, forsaking this cycle of rebirth. Yes, we've all sinned or transgressed God's laws, and we all need forgiveness, and we all need to balance our karma, but that is not our true identity.

    Jesus' teachings are more than intellectual concepts. In fact, it really makes little difference what your beliefs are. What really makes the difference is what you manifest outwardly. There are many who are not Christians who manifest Christ in their lives, and vice versa. We can accept the universality of Jesus and not reject his mission, even if you're not a follower of the Christian faith.

    We must awaken and refuse to continue to fall prey to the divide and conquer tactics of those who wish to dominate and control by dividing us by religion or any other outward differences that appear in this physical world. It is time for the sons and daughters of God to stand up and claim their inheritance and be the light of this world.

    I'd like to share and kind of close with a bit of humor, which is always good for the soul, but I also think there's a broader meaning than just humor in what I'm going to share.

    A while back, someone sent me an email that went like this.

    “My friend from Baton Rouge, Louisiana said that Jesus was a Cajun. He liked to serve fish to his friends. He could make his own wine, and he wasn't afraid of water.

    “My black friend had three suggestions that Jesus was black. He called everyone brother. He liked gospel, and he couldn't get a fair trial.

    “My Jewish friend had three arguments that Jesus was Jewish. He went into his father's business. He lived at home until he was 33. He was sure his mother was a virgin, and his mother was sure he was God.

    “My Italian friend gave three arguments why Jesus was Italian. He talked with his hands. He had wine with every meal, and he used olive oil.

    “My California friends had three arguments that Jesus was a Californian. He never cut his hair. He walked around barefoot all the time, and he started a new religion.

    “My Irish friend then gave his three arguments that Jesus was really Irish. He never got married. He was always telling stories, and he loved green pastures.

    “But my lady friend had the most compelling evidence that Jesus was a woman. He fed a crowd at the moment's notice when there was no food. He kept trying to get his message across to a bunch of men that just couldn't get it, and even when he was dead, he had to get up because there was more work to do.”

    So there you have it. Jesus is universal.

    We've also talked about reincarnation previously, and some indications in the Bible that Jesus and the disciples understood the law of karma and reincarnation. I also gave some poignant examples of the continuity of life and soul's repeated journey into the physical world, which I'm not going to duplicate here.

    But when we understand these laws, we understand that the drama we see before us in our own life or in the life of others around us in the world, those karmic cycles, both positive and negative, are playing out in ways that we do not always understand.

    So walking the path of personal Christhood means that we understand that our true nature as the Christ, the only son or offspring of God, by whatever name you call it, is what we are meant to be here on earth.

    We consciously strive for this to make ourselves a better person and to create a better world and walk as a living Christ. When the majority of those on earth manifest Christ in this way, we will have a golden age civilization and bring this earth to victory for the Light.

    In the meantime, we're in the process of overcoming both personally and collectively, and face many challenges individually as a nation and as a world. But the good news is, there is a spiritual solution to everything.

    Stay connected to your God Source and listen to the voice of your Higher Self, the living Christ within you.

    In our next episode, we're going to talk more about what it means to master life and meet more of the Ascended Masters and the spiritual frequencies they bring to us. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello again and welcome to “What does it mean to be an Ascended Master?”

    Let's start with Jesus of Nazareth, whose life was our supreme example of what it means to be a son of God and successfully pass through the initiations of the spiritual path back to God. Those initiations are the Transfiguration, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, and the Ascension.

    Now this does not mean that we will publicly experience these initiations or have to be physically crucified, even though Jesus did just that. It does mean that there are spiritual initiations that we must successfully pass through before we have that permanent reunion with God. These initiations can take many forms in our individual lives. They don't have to be public like the life of Jesus.

    So what is an Ascended Master?

    Ascended Masters are like you and me in that we all descended into the physical world from the same Source, we lived on earth, and we are all ascending back to our source. The difference of course is that those we call Ascended Masters have completed their journeys and we're still here.

    Now whether we consciously know it or not, our soul's destiny is to return permanently to the I AM That I AM, and that reunion is called the Ascension, when our identity is made permanent by the fire of God, thus the term Ascended Master. Many have ascended after mastering time and space and mastering the constructive use of the energy from their I AM God presence that sustains them here on earth.

    These Masters dwell in higher dimensions and some reach back to help us achieve that same victory. They're also instrumental in helping us reclaim the earth for the light and to help usher in the next age, the Aquarian Age, which is meant to be a Golden Age.

    It's important to note that people have ascended from all races, all religions and cultures of the world. The spiritual path back to God is not exclusive to any organization or religion. It's a result of the individual's right use of energy to create constructively in the matter world. This includes balancing, what in the East is called Karma, and the West is called Sin. This means any destructive uses of energy that may have occurred during various embodiments. It also means that the individual has fulfilled his or her purpose that he or she was created to fulfill. You have a unique blueprint that you are meant to manifest in the physical world.

    Mastered Time and Space

    Another important distinction is that Ascended Masters are different from other interdimensional beings. They have mastered time and space. They have ascended back to their God Source and they no longer require physical embodiments to evolve. Their continued evolution is in the higher spiritual realms.

    They use their spherical light bodies for interdimensional travel and have far greater spiritual mastery than beings that require spaceships. They are not beings in UFOs, nor are they the same as beings from other planets that come to Earth in spaceships and say they're here to save us. Rather, the Ascended Masters are the teachers of mankind that inspire and motivate our spiritual growth.

    They never interfere with our free will. In fact, they're limited to even act in this dimension unless they're asked to intervene. This can happen either consciously from those who know of their existence or from the prayers of mankind in a general sense who are praying for spiritual help. They are spiritual beings who once walked on Earth themselves and as a result of their own mastery they offer to teach and support us on the spiritual path that will take us back to our God Source.

    Great White Brotherhood

    The Ascended Masters are also part of a spiritual brotherhood that is referred to as the Great White Brotherhood, and the name White Brotherhood refers to the white light of Source that dwells within each of us. It has nothing to do with physical race.

    These Masters assist us with our individual spiritual evolution as well as the planet as a whole as long as we're open to their assistance. Again, they never interfere with our free will. This Brotherhood also includes souls of light on Earth that are not yet ascended but are part of the Brotherhood and work with the Masters in greater service to the planet.

    Undoubtedly, again, the most well-known Master known in the world is the Master Jesus whose incarnation was our salvation as he demonstrated what it means to be the Christ on Earth and how we too must follow in his footsteps to be the Christ on Earth and to ascend back to God the Father.

    Now, these Masters have been making themselves known in a more public way since the 1800s. They have worked with and sponsored a number of individuals and organizations and probably the most notable organization began with Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society.

    Blavatsky wrote that she had been seeing her teacher in her dreams and that in 1851 on her birthday she met him for the first time in Hyde Park in London and he gave her the message that he needs her participation in the work he's going to undertake. Madame Blavatsky spent a number of years traveling with her teacher who she referred to as KH which was short for Kuthumi and which we know today as the Ascended Master Kuthumi.

    She recorded these years of travel with him in her book From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan, which was written as a novel with fictitious names but which she said the facts and the persons that she cited and wrote about were true. The Master M also worked with Blavatsky and we know that Master M today as the Ascended Master El Morya.

    Now if you look at the life of Blavatsky you might wonder why a Master would choose someone like her to bring forth spiritual teachings. But if you look throughout history it's not the first time God has raised up an imperfect servant to serve him and it probably won't be the last time since none of us is perfect.

    While we don't know exactly the criteria the Masters used to choose someone to work with as a messenger, we can observe as we look at the series of messengers for the Masters most of them are of strong character and able to withstand the slings and arrows that are hurled at them for bringing forth higher teachings that folks don't always want to hear. Or when they are in a role to stand up to those who are not serving the light but are in positions of power to control the people. No doubt the individual's previous embodiments and their individual divine plans very likely has much to do with their choice also.

    Then in the early 1930s, Guy Ballard who was well read in theosophy had an encounter with the Ascended Master Saint Germain while hiking on Mount Shasta when looking for an esoteric brotherhood.

    Guy and his wife Edna began receiving the teachings of the Ascended Masters and as their messengers together delivered nearly 4,000 dictations, some written and some spoken through them. They also published Guy's experiences on Mount Shasta with Saint Germain as well as teachings from other Masters and these experiences and their basic teachings are recorded in their first three publications. [Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence and I AM Discourses] They also founded the I AM Movement.

    Following that, there was a 10-year period where Geraldine Innocente who founded the Bridge to Freedom, received dictations and teachings from the Ascended Masters as well.

    Then in 1958, Mark Prophet founded the Summit Lighthouse who was later joined by his wife, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who together received the teachings of the as ascended masters as their messengers.

    As stated in their book The Masters and Their Retreats, and I quote, “Elizabeth Clare Prophet is an author, teacher and messenger and like her late husband, Mark Prophet, her calling is to be a prophet of God or one who delivers the word of God. In this role as a messenger she communes with angels and masterful beings of light through the power of the Holy Spirit in the manner of the ancient prophets and apostles and she delivers their messages to the world. These messages contain the words of the heavenly host as dictations as well as a transfer of light for soul quickening and initiations.” That's the end of the quote from the book.

    Well, between these two messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, they have thousands of hours of dictations from the Masters and have published well over 75 books. Mark Prophet passed on made his ascension in 1973 and is currently known as the Ascended Master Lanello.

    Elizabeth continued the organization. In 1975, she founded Church Universal Triumphant and she led both organizations until she retired in 1999. She passed on 10 years later then in 2009.

    So here we have the evolution of the Ascended Masters making themselves known to the outer world and bringing these vital teachings and path to our outer knowledge so that every person on earth can find his or her way back to God. I don't believe any of these messengers call themselves masters, but rather they consider themselves the Ascended Masters messengers and amanuensis, communicating what was dictated to them. Now, of course, the Masters continue to work with individuals and organizations from all over the world who are open to work with them.

    So let's talk about some of the Ascended Masters.

    You know I can't help commenting on how so many people in the world strive to be good and look forward to going to heaven yet have a difficult time accepting that there are many who have already done just that. There are numerous individuals from all religions, races and parts of the world who have made their ascension—that final reunion with the I AM that I AM and are now in the heavenly realms. Of course, not all Ascended Beings are known to us, but we do know quite a few.

    Some of the more well-known Masters from both east and west traditions are Jesus, Gautama Buddha, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, El Morya, Maitreya, Kuthumi, and Saint Germain.

    Kuthumi - Jesus - Saint Germain - El Morya

    Speaking of the heaven world, Jesus said that in his father's house there are many mansions, many places and states of consciousness. The Masters described this as 33 levels of the spirit world that are of a higher vibration than the earth, and 33 levels that are in a lower vibration than the earth.

    These lower levels are what some call hell and the higher levels heaven. When we cross over, we go to the level where our vibration matches. The interesting thing is that we can see many of the different levels out pictured right here on earth.

    For instance, we can see very good people, even holy individuals and then we can see some very sick people who commit heinous acts of violence that some of us can't even imagine could ever happen, and everything in between that. Some people say our heaven and hell are right here on earth. In some ways that's true, because what we call heaven and hell are states of consciousness. They are vibrational frequencies that even when we are in a physical body we still match one of these frequencies. Of course, when we pass on we still vibrate at a specific frequency and that is where we gravitate to.

    You may have seen the movie “What Dreams May Come,” where the man in the story, which is played by Robin Williams, searches in the afterlife for his wife who died in a car accident. When he locates her, she is in one of the lower levels and he has to go rescue her. It's interesting, because the way it's depicted closely parallels the way it is. When someone is caught in the illusion of darkness it's very difficult for them to get out because it was their level of consciousness that brought them there in the first place.

    Another interesting movie is “Astral City.” It's the story of a soul that after his death went to various levels of the spirit world and then was allowed to convey his experiences back to a famous medium in Brazil. It very candidly shows his experiences, which of course may very well be dramatized in the movie which is patterned after the book. So, the book would give a more precise record of what he conveyed as his experience.

    In this depiction, where it shows one level of the spiritual realms where this soul was, it also shows how there were beings from much higher realms that would occasionally visit their level to teach them.

    But you know you can even think of a person who's alive and gets addicted to a highly addictive substance whether it be drugs or alcohol. It's very difficult for them to pull themselves out of it. It usually takes intervention and help to get pulled out of it. If you were to try to help them by joining them and taking the drugs or becoming an alcoholic, you yourself might get caught in the same addiction and need help getting out. So that isn't the best approach to help someone trapped in an addiction or serious negative patterns. Rather we reach to them and relate to them and help pull them up until they can sustain themselves in a different state.

    So the ascended masters dwell in the highest levels of our heaven world. Nevertheless they too evolve. Our spiritual evolution never ends. When we pass on we go to the level that matches our consciousness and continue to evolve in the spiritual realms, and then return to earth for another embodiment, if that is what is required.

    The ascension happens when we have our reason for being, when we have balanced at least 51% of our karma and have a vibrational match with the I AM that I AM, the Father-Mother God, and merge with that identity, and are then free from the rounds of rebirth. But if less than 100% of your karma has been balanced when you ascend you, then work from the other side to balance the remainder before you're free to move to much higher levels.

    Life really is a sacred adventure and we are not alone and despite what the world looks like, it is a sacred adventure. If you are not living it, then it's time to reassess.

    In our next episode we're going to talk more about the message of Jesus’ life to us and what it means to walk the path of personal Christhood. Until then keep an open mind a generous heart and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Last episode, we talked about reincarnation and how karmic law works beyond a single lifetime. Today, I want to talk about the power of the spoken word and how you can use your words to create positive karma and transmute negative karma.

    But first, as a foundation to understanding the power of the spoken word, I want to elaborate a bit on what we've already talked about during our first few shows. We talked about the I AM Presence, that part of us that was made in the image and likeness of God with all the divine qualities of the Godhead, like a miniature replica that contains all the same properties, but a very unique expression of the deity.

    We are androgynous, just as God is, male and female. It's the feminine aspect of ourself, the soul, that descends into the physical realms to spiritually evolve its divine qualities and return to its source, the I AM Presence, and the I AM Presence is the masculine polarity that always is in spirit. So this is why we instinctively think of God as masculine. But in reality, God is androgynous, both masculine and feminine.

    The ultimate goal of life is permanently reuniting with your I AM Presence and not being required to re-embody on Earth. This permanent reunion is a ritual called the Ascension.

    As a reminder, science says all things are a manifestation of energy. The only difference between any two things is its vibration and frequency. So what science calls energy, our spiritual traditions refer to as Light.

    When we are born into the physical body, we descend into the physical world, which is a denser energy frequency. But we never lose our connection to our Source, our I AM Presence. We are connected by a powerful stream of light from the heart of our I AM Presence to our heart chakra, or spiritual center, which is superimposed over our physical heart.

    This stream of light is what the Bible calls the silver cord. This energy that flows to us from the I AM Presence is what sustains us here. When it's withdrawn, we have what we call death. The life force no longer is in the physical form. This energy also is ours to use either constructively or destructively.

    Remember, we have free will. So we're creating every second of our lives, choosing how we qualify or use this energy because it's just a continual flow of the life force.

    In addition to our actions, we create through thought, through feeling, and through the spoken word. It's important to note that we create positive and negative results by the vibration that we send forth. When we are negative or depressed, we're misqualifying that pure light, and we're experiencing a very low frequency energy.

    We have free will and we can choose how we use this energy, setting causes into motion and reaping the effects of those causes. An example of this is every time you say, “I AM this or I AM that,” you are literally invoking the power of God within you to create that very condition, whether it's constructive or destructive. So again, we need to be aware of how we speak.

    When we begin to talk about our words, about sound, about the word, there's a sound from the east, the OM, that means “I bow, I greet, I accept.” It's an affirmation of our true being as we center ourselves in that point of bowing to our higher self, the I AM presence, of affirming we are immortal beings and accepting our reason for being and our responsibility to “be.” Intoning of the OM releases the frequency of the word, that same word that went forth as the origin of creation, and it takes us back to that point of origin, and there's a correlation between the OM and I AM that I AM.

    The OM is going within to that fiery core of being, just like the fire that did not consume the bush when Moses was on the mount. The I AM that I AM is the going forth with the fire of the heart of the Divine Presence to create.

    Now let's talk more specifically about sound. There have been many experiments with sound and how it impacts the physical world. Well, one great experiment, if you want to call it that, is where we read in the Bible when God said, “Let there be light, and there was light.” The very first great experiment that was recorded and a great key for us also. We can give that same fiat, let there be “Let there be light,” and there will be light.

    However, the Bible is not the only place you find this action recorded. In the ancient Hindu Vedas we read, “In the beginning was Brahman with whom was the Word and the Word is Brahman.” Now this somewhat parallels the Bible. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish and Sufi mystics all believe that it is the Word that creates, pervades and sustains everything that exists. If this is truly the case, then the Word is the most powerful creative force in the physical universe.

    The Power of Your Words

    There have been many contemporary experiments that have brought forth some amazing revelations about sound. Take Dr. Masuro Moto's experiments with water around in the 1990s. He performed a series of experiments observing the physical effects of words, prayers, music and the environment on the crystalline structure of water. He had photographers take pictures of the water after it was exposed to these various conditions, sounds, and then frozen, which formed crystalline structures. The results were quite remarkable.

    Prior to the experiment, the water didn't really have any particular structure, just sort of a random shape and form. But after being exposed to various words, both positive and negative, the water took a definite form.

    In the case of positive words or in the case of prayer, beautiful forms resulted. When negative words or phrases were used, the water took on ugly formations that were not geometrically balanced. All of his experiments are well documented and you can research them.

    Another well-known study in the 1960s is cymatics by Dr. Hans Jenny, who studied visible sound and vibration. Now his experiments involved sand placed on metal plates. Then he would produce different frequencies of sound and watch the sand move into beautiful patterns. These patterns were unique to each of the vibrations that he'd use. These patterns would be sustained as long as the sound was sounding and then collapse when the sound ended. So he also demonstrated that sound does affect physical matter.

    Now we generate creative sound using our voice and throat chakra, the spiritual center in our energy body located over our throat area.

    Think about, how much more powerful is it to say and feel “I love you” to your spouse or child, than to simply think and feel “I love you” towards someone. Sending that love through your feelings is very positive, but when you express it verbally, how much more powerful and meaningful. Our spoken word is more powerful than we sometimes realized whether used positively or negatively. We are impacting matter and creating.

    The Ascended Master Saint Germain says, “Watch so nothing goes out from you except that which is harmonious, and do not allow a destructive word to pass your lips, even in jest.” Remember you deal with a force of some kind every instant of eternity and you are its qualifier at all times.

    This is a tall order when you think about how we talk so freely without thinking of any consequences, but the law of cause and effect is always working and if we want to have the fulfilled and happy productive life that we desire, then we must put into action the things we want to reap.

    “Speak the Word”

    I've also talked about Florence Scoville Shinn, a metaphysical teacher and lecturer in the early 1900s. She developed her own brand of religion, definitely one of the early pioneers in this area, and I love her writings. You can't read them without being lifted and recommitted to speaking the words that create your circumstances.

    Her theory was, and this is reflected in her books, that man, meaning humanity, can change his condition by changing his words. There's one particular example she gives of a man that she knew and how he said, “I always miss a streetcar, it invariably pulls out just as I arrive.” But his daughter always said, “I always catch a streetcar, it's sure to come just as I get there.”

    Now, Florence observed these two different attitudes put to words for years, and it was easy to see how each of them made a separate law for themselves that was fulfilled in their lives. Any limiting beliefs that you may have and then you verbalize them, you're solidifying them into your world.

    So, what is the remedy? The remedy is to speak the result that you do want and eliminate the belief that you may have accepted about your life, whatever that may be. It really behooves us to think about the words we use and the common expressions that we often verbalize that are not always constructive.

    So, Florence talks about a situation that she faced herself and how she resolved it. She said it took a long while for her to get out of a belief that when a certain thing happened, it brought disappointment. If that thing happened, disappointment invariably followed her. She didn't elaborate on what that was, but just this pattern of her belief.

    She ultimately found that the only way she could make a change in her subconscious was by asserting, There are not two powers. There's only one power, God. Therefore, there are no disappointments and this thing means a happy surprise.” So, she turned that belief around using her spoken word and once she made that switch in her thinking and language, which affected her belief, she noticed a change at once and happy surprises did begin coming her way.

    She had a tremendous momentum on speaking the word, so much so that people would come to her from all over the world to have her “speak the word” for conditions in their lives and people's lives changed because of it. It was a very powerful demonstration.

    When we want to “speak the word and create a condition in our life,” make the affirmative statement as if the condition has already manifested. What I mean by this is speak, for example, by saying, “I'm so happy and so grateful that my debts are paid off and I owe no man anything.” Speak as if it has already happened and remember when you say, “I AM,”you're invoking the power of God within you to create that condition.

    Now, that's not all because not only do you speak the words as if it's already happened, but you need to feel the result. You need to feel what's it like to have your debts paid off and you owe no man anything. Wow, what does it feel like? You want to be in that feeling because that's the vibration that your word is creating and that's what you're putting forth to attract that condition to you. Then you see it done and you know it's already done—just a matter of manifesting in the physical and giving thanks that you've received it, and you refuse to go back to any lower vibration or attitude.

    This is what we call today, the law of attraction. What vibration you put forth is what you attract to yourself. So, if you want the state of being out of debt, then you must think, feel, and affirm that this is the case because the universe responds to vibration. Whether it's real or not in the physical world, it's created when you put forth the vibration.

    If you want the perfect mate to come into your life, then you need to be the perfect mate for that one coming. Worry, doubt, depression, loneliness, none of this will attract what you desire. Like attracts light. Kind of reminds me of Gandhi's famous quote, to “be the change we wish to see in the world.” Really does all begin with you.

    When you understand that you can consciously create with your spoken words and by raising your vibration, you begin to see that not only can you transform your own life, which in turn transforms your environment and those around you, but you can transform conditions in the greater world. That's particularly when a group holds the same intention and imagines and feels the final result and speaks the word for it to come into manifestation. This is where the understanding of vibration and frequency helps you to apply various frequencies of light specifically to particular conditions.

    For instance, from the white light of the one Source, there are seven rays or frequencies that emanate and that correlate to qualities of the deity. We also ensoul these frequencies as they correlate to the seven major chakras superimposed over organs of our physical bodies. This is in our energy body and these energy frequencies that manifest, manifest as color and vibration that can be invoked using our voices and put to use in our creative use of the word.

    The Violet Flame and Transmutation

    The violet frequency is what I want to talk about today. It's referred to as the violet flame or violet fire. It's a powerful energy frequency that transmutes. The violet frequency is what I want to talk about today specifically. It's called the violet flame or violet fire and it's a powerful energy frequency that transmutes or changes energy. Remember, energy can't be destroyed or created, only changes form.

    So, transmuting is changing, changing energy that is of a lower vibration to a higher vibration, and by visualizing, feeling, and speaking the word is how you can use the violet flame to transmute or change conditions.

    Science and medicine understand the purifying qualities of the ultraviolet light. Many of us even use it in our homes, in our water purifiers, or in our furnaces to disinfect and remove harmful organisms. Now, through the universal law of transmutation, you too can use this same light to free yourself from unwanted thought patterns and painful memories that continually draw unwanted experiences.

    The violet light has the highest frequency of the visible color spectrum. An ultraviolet light, which is invisible to the naked eye, is very powerful with its purifying qualities. For instance, in the case of an illness, which also has a specific vibrational frequency, by concentrating on and invoking the violet flame and superimposing it upon the illness, we see healing taking place by raising the vibration of the ill part or area of the body where the illness has taken hold.

    The Ascended Master Saint Germain brought forth the understanding of the powerful spiritual frequency of the violet flame, something that was only known in the past to spiritual initiates who spent hours in meditation to discover it.

    This particular frequency of light is a powerful transmutative force, meaning it has the power, as we've said, to transmute energy from a lower frequency to a higher frequency, and to free energy from limiting patterns, memories, and emotions such as past traumatic experiences, buried resentments, painful memories of any kind, and any energy that is holding you back. Negative memories and painful experiences are just energy trapped into a pattern and just needs to be released. The violet flame is an amazing spiritual technology that indeed can transform our individual as well as our collective lives.

    Using the violet flame in meditation and with mantras and decrees is a powerful technology for change and for transmuting negative karma. The key is to direct this special flame of spiritual energy through intention, visualization, and the spoken mantra or decree as we've been discussing. Of course, it's most powerful when spoken aloud, employing the power of sound.

    The violet flame is called “the cosmic eraser,” and this is because it's a spiritual fire that transmutes the cause, the effect, the record, and the memory of negative karma created through our misuses of energy, this lifetime or any other lifetime. It's an effective spiritual tool that allows us to transmute and clear our past history, even when we don't know the details of that history. It does this by dissolving the magnetic charge of discordant energy patterns. It doesn't mean that you'll lose all memory of an event that has just happened. It just means that the emotional charge of the event has been transmuted and the energy can flow freely again.

    As we know, again, energy cannot be destroyed. It can only change forms, and this is what the violet fire does. It frees energy from discordant patterns so that it is restored to its original free-flowing purity. Invoking this flame is like giving the comfort of a cup of cool water to yourself and others. It is also the flame of joy as energy becomes freed.

    When you give the violet flame mantras and decrees, you simply raise your vibration by transmuting the heavy energies and karma, even when you don't know what the karma or energy might be. As you invoke it, you can store this vibration, this energy, in all of your chakras and in all levels of your being so when you meet challenges in life, you are prepared to transmute whatever you might be facing or whatever is coming up from the past. We can accumulate the violet fire in our aura and it is very powerful. It's kind of like being prepared before anything happens.

    Consciously Create Using Three of Your Spiritual Centers

    There are three chakras, or spiritual centers, that we use to consciously create. They are the heart that we've talked about with meditation, the throat with the spoken word, and with our third eye. It's termed third eye. It's the spiritual eye located in the forehead between your two physical eyes, and we use this center to visualize the final outcome.

    So, it's the heart, it's the throat that brings it into the physical and the visualization using the third eye. These three together are the formula for spiritual alchemy, for precipitation, for manifestation.

    You only put your attention upon negative conditions for the purpose of focusing light into those situations while holding the vision for the perfect outcome. This way you're not “fighting” a negative condition or something that's coming up in your own consciousness, but rather you are allowing it, and you are transmuting that energy, which is misqualified energy, and that's for divine resolution. So, you accept what “is,” and then change it through the application of the violet fire, which is divine love and joy in action.

    As an emphasis, you don't suppress negative things that are coming up in you whether they are emotions or memories or whatever, but you allow them to come forth and move into that sacred frequency for transmutation.

    So, what this means you don't have to be frustrated or depressed by the news anymore. Invoke the violet flame and call for divine resolution in these situations that come up. I want to give you two violet flame mantras that you can begin with to use in your daily meditations.

    I've put this recording in an adjoining episode so you can download it for easier use and you can use this recording daily or as often as you want. Just start by centering in your heart and then visualize the violet fire in and around your entire being expanding to fill your aura. Or you can project that violet flame and visualize it around others who are in need of healing or help, or around conditions in the world or in your country, your community, whatever.

    In our next episode, we're going to learn about ascended masters, those who have mastered time and space and have permanently reunited with God, no longer subject to life and death in the physical world.

    We'll learn how you too can do this, so you won't want to miss it. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • The concept of reincarnation is common in Eastern traditions, but not so much in the West. Some have argued that reincarnation is not mentioned in the Bible, so it must not be true. Even though the word reincarnation does not appear in the Bible, there are a couple of examples from interactions Jesus had with his disciples that were left in the New Testament that tells us that reincarnation was an accepted belief by Jesus and the disciples.

    The first example is when Jesus saw a man that was blind from birth. His disciples asked him, who had sinned that the man should be born blind? The man himself or his parents?

    Now, Jesus did not rebuke his disciples for this question, which they asked because they knew the law of karma and reincarnation. They knew it was entirely possible that the man could be blind because of sins committed in his previous life, because there would be no other time that he would have committed them since he was blind from birth.

    One of the many examples where he did just that is on another occasion when they called him Good Master. “Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He didn't even answer the question, but rather said, “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but God.”

    Not only was this an example of correcting them for calling the human person good, but it was also an example of Jesus letting the man who asked the question know that what was good in him was God. Jesus would not allow the idolatry of the human self, which is the outer expression of the God within.

    Regarding the blind man and the disciples' question, Jesus did answer their question. He said that neither had the man nor his parents sinned, but that the man was born blind so that works of God could be demonstrated in him.

    So, with this example, not only do we see that Jesus did not rebuke them for asking about the man's sin prior to being born, we also learn another reason why we might have the burden of an infirmity. We ourselves may have chosen to bear a particular karma of a loved one, or that of the planet, or bearing a burden solely for the same reason as this situation, that God should glorify himself within us through the healing process. It is not always our personal karma, and this is why we cannot judge ourselves or one another.

    The second example in the Bible of reincarnation, which is even more direct, is when Jesus said about John the Baptist, “and if ye will receive it, this is Elias which was for to come. He that he hath ears to hear, let him hear.” So, Jesus was saying that John the Baptist was a reincarnation of Elias. So, if we have ears to hear, we will hear.

    Not all Texts Were Allowed in the Bible

    We need to also keep in mind that there were many texts circulating within the Christian community in the first two centuries. Some were determined by church leaders to be genuine and others not.

    In 367 AD, one of the church fathers named Athanasius put forth the list of the 27 books for the New Testament. He was also the one who gave a complete listing of the 66 books that belonged to the canon of the church at that time, and not all books were allowed in. There are a number of other gospels that were omitted.

    New Revelations

    Then in 1945, the Nagamati texts were discovered, and they revealed information about the Gnostics, one of the early sects of Christianity, and their beliefs in reincarnation. They claimed to have knowledge of Jesus' secret teachings handed down to them by the apostles, and they also understood reincarnation. The Gnostics were ultimately destroyed by the Roman Orthodox Church because they were branded heretical. Their writings, which include some of the books that were eliminated from the final Bible canon, were destroyed, and their followers burned at the stake. So, what went into the Bible officially and what was prohibited was serious business back then.

    Then there was Origen of Alexandria, who in the 2nd century was one of the most distinguished theologians for the early church. His writings included teachings of Jesus on reincarnation and the heavenly hierarchy, another fascinating subject that we will talk more about in future episodes.

    Origen's books were widely used for more than a century—more than a century. They were criticized at the same time, however, and by the 6th century his writings were declared to be heresy and condemned, which resulted in the powers that be burning and destroying all of his writings, with only a very few remaining today.

    So, we cannot claim authoritatively that reincarnation is not in the Bible, and in the light of the 1945 discovery of the Nag Hammadi text in Egypt, we cannot say authoritatively that Jesus did not teach reincarnation, and not to mention that the majority of the population of the earth believes in reincarnation.

    There are also hundreds of cases of individuals that are born remembering exactly who they were, and in some cases, when the previous birth was recent enough, they have gone back to where they lived and have seen their family members or friends. Now, this is more common in the East, but there are dramatic examples of this in Western society also.

    The normal process when we come into this world is that we lose our memory of who we were in past lives or in the spirit world. I think it's easy to understand why this is the case. It would be very distracting to be living one life while remembering a whole other lifetime, where your circumstances may have been much different in attachments to family and friends.

    Imagine if you were a king in a previous life and then poor in this life, or if you were a man in another life and a woman in your current life, or vice versa. Most everyone who does remember at an early age, the memory fades as they get older, so they can focus on being who they are now.

    Amazing Modern Examples of Remembering a Past Life

    One of the most impressive and well-documented cases in the West is that of James Leininger.

    He was born in 1998, and at age two, he started experiencing vivid nightmares that would make him scream out in his sleep, “airplane crash, plane on fire, little man can't get out,” and he would kick and claw on the covers like he was trying to kick his way out of something. This same nightmare kept recurring four to five times a week.

    As he got a little older, his parents started questioning him, and little James told them that he was the man in the plane that had been shot down by the Japanese during World War II. He even identified the emblem of the Japanese planes of the rising sun, a big red sun.

    James also had an obsession with airplanes, particularly World War II aircraft with propellers. He would crash his toy planes into the coffee table, knocking off the propellers, and in his car seat, he would put on imaginary headphones and face masks as if he was preparing to fly a plane. He even created a simulated cockpit in one of the family's closets and educated his mother on the parts of a toy airplane that he had.

    As time went on, little James revealed that the man in his nightmares was also called James, that he flew a plane called a Corsair, that the plane he flew took off from a boat, and that the boat's name was the Natoma. He said that the Corsair would veer to the left on takeoff, and that the Corsair had a tendency to blow tires out upon landing.

    When his parents took him to the Lone Star Flight Museum, they were surprised to see little James walking around a Corsair, conducting a flight check like a pilot normally does before boarding his aircraft. His mother mused that her son, who was not even potty-trained, yet he knew details of World War II aircraft of that era.

    Eventually, James gave his parents his previous name in that lifetime, which was also James—James Huston Jr., and he also gave names of those who he flew and served with during the war. Of course, the most convincing evidence was when he gave specific details about himself and other folks in that life, details that were later corroborated by those still alive.

    His father tracked down two of the surviving pilots who witnessed James Huston's plane go down, and they confirmed that an anti-aircraft shell knocked the propeller off of Huston's plane, which explained why little James would knock propellers off his toy planes. They also validated that Huston's plane caught fire and that Huston went down with his plane.

    James' father, through all of his research into what James was telling him, came to personally know surviving veterans as well as about those who did not survive at Natoma Bay. He so greatly admired the Natoma Bay veterans that he created a memorial to commemorate them. And here's where it really gets interesting.

    At the inauguration of the memorial, in which many of the Natoma Bay veterans attended, James recognized one of his previous Army buddies when he heard his voice, and then he recognized others there and talked with them about their life together. James' parents also located James Huston's sister, Anne Huston Barron, who was 84 years old. James spoke to her by telephone, and in the conversation he gave many personal details of James Huston's life which Anne confirmed as accurate.

    For example, James told Anne that he called her Annie. Anne confirmed that only James Huston called her Annie. James told Anne that they had a sister named Ruth, which was correct, and gave the correct years between him and his siblings' ages.

    He said that their father was alcoholic and smashed things when drunk, and that he had to go into rehab for alcoholism, which Anne also confirmed. And to get very detailed, James said that he and Anne, as children, had matching portraits done by the same artist named Daryl, which were gifts from their mother. Anne confirmed these facts too. You know, even the hardcore skeptic would have a hard time chalking these things up to coincidence.

    Just as amazing is that James also said that he picked his parents while he was still in the spirit world, which we know that actually happens before a soul reembodies. He told his parents that he saw them when they were vacationing at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Honolulu. He called it the Big Pink Hotel in Hawaii, which the Royal Hawaiian is. In fact, his parents were at the Royal Hawaiian five weeks before his mother became pregnant with him, and they had never told James about their Hawaiian vacation.

    This story really makes it difficult for people to dispute the reality of the life before and after death in other realms.

    It's my understanding that little James found final closure when he and his family returned to the exact place in Iwo Jima that his plane had gone down in the water, which he identified for them. He was then able to make peace with his past, and at that point his nightmares ended.

    Another example is Cameron McCauley, born in Scotland.

    Since the age of two, he told his mother he was from an island just off the west coast. He constantly talked about a white house on the island where he once lived. He also talked about a black and white dog and his other dad. He even remembered his other dad's name, Shane Robertson. Cameron said that he died by being hit by a car. Every day Cameron would tell his mother that he really misses his other mother.

    So one day the family decided to visit the island where Cameron claimed he was from. Cameron took them directly to the house, and the family was speechless because the house was exactly as Cameron would draw. They decided to knock on the door, and the owners of the house were in fact the Robertsons.

    Cameron knew all the family members and the family photos, and there were a lot of pictures of the black and white dog. Now as Cameron got older, he started to lose his memories of this past life, but he still remembers that when he died he got to go through a hole and ended up in his current mother's tummy.

    There are many more cases like this that you can research. We have Jesus teaching and we have some of these poignant examples of the continuity of life and the soul's journey into the physical world.

    I would emphasize that it's not important that you remember your past lives. What is important is to recognize that the reaping of what we sow in one life may not show up until the next life, or even many lives later.

    Without the understanding of karma and reincarnation and how it works out in the physical world, it's difficult to understand some of the things that happen. Why are some people born into a certain country or to rich parents and others to poor parents? And the list goes on. So what might seem like an injustice is really an opportunity to learn and grow and overcome previous poor choices.

    Or as mentioned earlier, what seems like negative circumstances may not be personal karma at all, but rather an opportunity to lift others in a particular society or race or ethnic group. We simply cannot know exactly when we don't have access to the history of an individual person.

    But what we do know is that we are accountable for our actions and limiting circumstances are our opportunity to overcome and grow, and this opportunity to overcome is very important on the spiritual path. Being accountable is also in the Bible. Even though we can be forgiven and there is mercy, there is also justice.

    Jesus said, “For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law till all things be accomplished.” We are accountable for every word, thought, and deed, and we cannot judge ourselves or others because we do not always know the bigger picture.

    In our next episode, we're going to learn about ways that we can create positive karma and balance any negative karma we may have from this life or previous lives.

    Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Hello, everybody, and welcome to this episode on the “Law of Karma: What is it and Why Should I Care?”

    Last episode, we talked about your heart chakra, where the spark of your Divine Self resides, and how it is the doorway to connect to your higher consciousness, your I AM Presence. In the episode before that, we review the life of best-selling author, Dannion Brinkley, who has had three near-death experiences where he visited higher spiritual realms and communicated with spiritual beings. So, if you haven't heard that episode, you might want to go back and listen. It's pretty cool.

    Well, while in the spiritual realms, Dannion described what he called a life review, where he holographically relived every single thing he had ever thought, said, and his every action, both from his own perspective as well as he became every person he had interacted with, feeling exactly what they felt. He said that this was the highlight of his experience there because it turned his life around. Now, this type of life review is what each of us experiences at the end of our lives.

    It's a learning experience so that we can learn firsthand the consequences of our actions. That brings us to the law of karma, which is nothing more than a term that describes the cycle of cause and effect. Karma is a Sanskrit word from the Eastern tradition that literally means “action.”

    Unpacking Karma: From Ancient Wisdom to Everyday Expressions

    But it's not just a concept in the East. This universal law of karma has been with us since the beginning of time, and it's known by a number of different names. Like currently in our popular culture, we know it as the law of attraction. From a scientific perspective, there's Newton's third law - for every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction. Even more colloquial expressions, such as what goes around comes around, what you sow you reap. If you plant corn seeds, you don't get tomatoes. So this is nothing new to us. We innately understand this law.

    This same teaching is found in a number of the world's religions. An example from the Bible is in the book of Matthew. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

    Another example from the Buddhist scripture, from the Samyutta Nikaya, is “According to the seed that's sown, so is the fruit you reap therefrom. Doer of good will gather good. Doer of evil, evil reaps. Sown is the seed, and thou shalt taste the fruit thereof.”

    Now a more modern example is Florence Scovel Shinn, who was a spiritual practitioner in the early 20th century. She talks about the game of life. She says, most people consider life a battle, but it's not a battle. It's a game, a great game of giving and receiving, and we know that to be successful at any game, you have to know how to play. You have to know what the rules are, and what's the outcome that you're trying to go for.

    In life, this rule of giving and receiving, cause and effect, is very important to understand, because it guides us in the use of our free will. Because as we create, the results return to us.

    Now to fully understand this law, we have to begin with the basic premise that everything is energy, which we've covered in previous episodes. According to its vibrational speed and frequency, we have different manifestations. And this includes us.

    We are vibrational beings, and according to the level of our vibration, is what we're putting out to the universe that will come back to us. This initial premise that we are vibrational beings, and that we are physical extension of that which is non-physical, is vital to our understanding of the law of karma. It's important to understand that you're constantly creating. Your thoughts are creations, your emotions, your memories too, and of course your actions. All are manifestations of energy.

    Take for instance, if you had a traumatic experience, one perhaps that you've not completely released or gotten over, the energy imprint or record of that event is still in your memory body, even if you don't consciously think of it. But each time you do think about it, and feel it all over again, it's no longer something that happened in the past. It's in your present moment. The energy is still there with you.

    By re-living the past, you create the situation all over again. As you recreate the past in this way, the situation is made stronger, imprisoning you within an energy pattern that can totally engulf you. I mean, think about the person who's unable to get over a particular fear or phobia, and they refuse to leave the house. That's just an example. But it's these records, our misuses of God's energy, that is what creates our illness, our disease, our emotional bondage.

    But the good news is, the same holds true for your good memories. You can likewise raise your vibration to a very high level, simply by remembering or re-experiencing a very wonderful event that happened in your life. Many people use this remembering technique in their meditations to get centered in their hearts, or when they find their vibration has dipped to a lesser level, and they want to get back to a higher vibration.

    When trying to understand the law of karma, it is incumbent that we take full responsibility for our lives. Now, this sometimes is a tall order, especially in our society today. Our society today almost encourages us to blame others for the conditions in our lives. And this blaming can range toward our parents, our teachers, spiritual leaders, the government, etc., etc.

    However, as a creator in the physical realm, we are responsible for what we create and the conditions in our life. As the saying goes, “change your thinking and change your life.” Knowing this law, we can catch ourselves when we start to recreate a hurt from the past, or a put down by somebody else, or an experience that makes us feel the situation all over again. For rehashing the situation, we are sowing the seeds that will come back to us again.

    The Law is Simple

    While the law of cause and effect is simple, its application is not always so apparent. Effects of the causes we set in motion are not necessarily instant. It may take a lifetime, or numerous lifetimes, before the effects of our actions circle back to us. But this is also the mercy of the law. It gives us additional time to grow and mature spiritually, so that we're better prepared to handle the return effects of some of our unenlightened choices.

    It also gives us an opportunity to balance some of our debts to life through service to others, even specific individuals we may have harmed. Iit also gives us the opportunity to reap the benefits of our previous constructive choices.

    Now, at other times, the return of karma can seem almost instant. It can be as simple as helping a neighbor in need, and then later that neighbor or someone else helps you when you lose your job. Or it may be that you're not careful, or you take risky actions, and as a result you have an accident and sustain a serious injury. The bottom line is, whether we are aware of it or not, the game of life goes on continuously every moment of our lives.

    Our thoughts, feelings, actions, and words are all creations that define our world and send forth degrees of constructive or destructive energies. This can be also the reason why we sometimes see wonderful people experiencing dire personal situations. We often hear people question why God would allow such and such to happen, when in reality we are the “god” in this dimension.

    We are creators, and we were given and have dominion over the earth with free will to choose our actions. So when we create in conjunction with God in spirit, which is our true identity, then we are co-creators in alignment with God in our own divine nature, and the God above and the God below are in complete harmony, and we are whole.

    Just as Jesus said, “I and my Father are one.” We become the instruments of our divine nature expressing itself in earthly life. But sometimes we learn the hard way when using our creative energies.

    So a good plan of action is to act knowing that all of life is my responsibility and not anybody else's. Of course, you cannot control the actions of others. We all have free will. But you can control how you respond to others, or to crises, or to challenges or situations in any aspect of your life. Always remember, you have complete access to God, your Source, and your higher nature if and when you attune to it. You can live in that vibration right here while living on earth.

    The secret to the Law of Karma is to be in alignment, or vibrating at the level of your I AM Presence. That vibration is love, joy, and compassion. I'm not talking just about emotions, but levels of vibrational frequency.

    Love is the highest vibration in the universe. It is the energy frequency that sustains the physical universe. Love, joy, and compassion are powerful creative forces. So to live in alignment with those frequencies is how we navigate through a challenging world and remain joyful, at peace, and with compassion. It reminds me of a quote from the poet Rumi, who said, “Journey from self, with a little s, to Self, with a big S, and find the mine of gold.”

    The spiritual teacher Elizabeth Clare Prophet said, “One way to think about our goal in life is that our entire reason for being born into these physical bodies is to access the light of the Spirit, to draw it down into every cell and atom of these minds, emotions, and bodies that we bear until they become light.” When that takes place, when what below is above, there is no longer any difference between us and our divine reality.

    One of the simplest ways that I know to move into the higher vibrations of love and joy and compassion is with gratitude. Much has been written about gratitude, and while the concept may seem like an oversimplified solution, do not underestimate its transformational power. That which you put your attention upon expands, and being grateful for what you have or what you would like more of magnifies and attracts more of the same into your life.

    Gratitude is an attitude that focuses on the positive, and ultimately it leads to joy. Not just the joy of laughing and having fun, but more importantly, that inner sense of security and happiness and well-being that's like a spiritual security blanket around you, and at the same time like a sun bursting forth from your heart.

    Joy is a powerful energy that flows from you, re-energizing you and all those around you. It is the equanimity that carries you through life's most challenging events, and it's actually the twin sister of love. As the scriptures say, God is love, so we can say God is Joy with a capital J.

    Now you may find as you buzz around from one event of the day to another, you're not necessarily so successful at feeling that inner joy, that peace, and that equanimity that we all desire. So when that happens, you can catch yourself and shift your state of being. The first step, of course, is to notice your state of being and then making a decision to change it.

    Now stress is an interesting thing. I've taught for years that stress is something we put upon ourselves, and I've had people challenge that concept, but the best example I have to share with others is my own experience. In my very early working life, when I was working as an assistant to the Director of Public Affairs of a major bank in Los Angeles, I observed very closely how he worked without being stressed out or feeling under pressure, even though he had tremendous responsibilities. He met with many people in his work, and yet he was never stressed out, always very relaxed, and had organized his work so that he didn't have to be stressed.

    He had all the client files he was working on in his desk file drawer, and when he wanted to work on one, or when the client was coming in to meet with him, he'd pull out that file and work on it. When he was finished, he would fold it up and put it back. This is how his day went. His desk was nearly always clean, and he went through his busy days very relaxed. This was a great example for me when I was a young employee, and it taught me how I don't have to be stressed out, even if I'm working in a stressful environment.

    Another more recent example is my husband and I have lived much of the year in Ecuador in South America for the last 11 years. One of the things we really like about Ecuador, besides the people, is the relaxed lifestyle. Very few people there stress about their jobs, their schedules, their families, etc., like we do in the North. So, once you adjust to the slower pace of life there, it is quite liberating.

    Since we both work from home, and for a number of years in our Ecuador home, we always felt so relaxed with our work and just enjoying life. Then, at one point, we noticed that we were feeling pressure to do certain things, to accomplish certain goals, and that feeling of stress started to reappear. At that point, I stopped and recognized, and we both acknowledged, there's no one putting pressure on us.

    “Who's putting this pressure on us?” There were no bosses or co-workers or situations. We were doing it to ourselves. Once we recognized that, we were able to move back into the flow of our lives and work without this artificial pressure we were putting on ourselves.

    Nevertheless, I recognize that it's easy in our fast-paced world to get going so fast between work and home responsibilities, that we need to remind ourselves to take a deep breath, center, and move back into that joy of being present and relaxed in what we're doing as we move through our responsibilities of the day.

    So, I want to share a very simple technique that you can do to raise your vibration and get centered back into your heart and feel that joy and inner peace. You can do this at anytime, anywhere. No one ever has to even know you're doing it, and that is expressing gratitude. Wherever you are right now, even if you're in the car, take a deep breath and let it out as you bring your attention to your heart. Then, look around your environment and focus on something that you can appreciate, something that you enjoy or maybe find useful.

    It can be anything, a plant, beautiful picture, your computer, your car, if you're driving now. Once you find that thing, then send it feelings of appreciation, appreciation for its beauty or its usefulness, however it serves you, but just let your heart open and be grateful for that particular object and send that energy to that object. Once you felt and communicated that feeling of gratitude, then find another item in your environment that you can do the same, appreciate and be grateful for it also. Feel the gratitude and appreciation once again and acknowledge its contribution in your life.

    Now, think of someone in your life that you love and appreciate. It can be anybody or can even be your pet. See that one in your mind's eye and send feelings of gratitude for that presence in your life, for his or her love and all the joy that he or she brings you. Feel your heart opening more and more as you express more gratitude and send that energy to that person and feel the joy and the love flowing from you. Just stay in these feelings.

    Feel how they feel in your body and with your intention, expand and intensify that feeling, that energy until the gratitude, the joy and love are bigger than your body. Notice how this energy appears. Does it have a color, a sound? What's the feeling? Note how you're feeling, how your vibration is elevated and is much higher state than before you began this exercise. This is just a simple technique that you can use anytime.

    You do not have to be in meditation but can be completely present for the whole experience. If you discipline yourself to express gratitude and blessing even to those who do you wrong, you can change the experience to a powerful energy of inner joy. You're sending out positive vibrations that will circle back to you rather than reacting in fear, anger or resentment.

    As Jesus said, “You've heard that it was said, love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be sons of your father in heaven.” You see you change the energy by moving immediately to the positive.

    Gratitude and joy are powerful energies that flow from you and they not only re-energize you, but also all of those around you. This is just one simple thing you can do to raise your vibrations and attune to your higher nature. The feelings of gratitude generate from your heart and that is the key for your deepest and highest meditations and for heart-centered living of your everyday life as well.

    If you're more into journaling or writing things down, another thing you could do is before retiring each evening, write down three things you're grateful for that day and feel that gratitude, not just writing alone. If you don't write, simply express the gratitude verbally or silently. But most importantly, feel that gratitude. It is the feeling that changes your energy.

    In our next episode, we're going to examine the concept of reincarnation or re-embodiment as it's sometimes called. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Exploring the mysteries of the heart is one of my favorite subjects—from the spiritual understanding of how significant the heart is, to the amazing research and reports from those who have received heart transplants that has come forth about the heart.

    I want to continue from our last episode when we talked about the heart space and how the heart chakra, or spiritual center, is a doorway to your divine self, the I AM Presence.

    Exploring the mysteries of the heart has to be one of my favorite subjects. From the spiritual understanding of how significant the heart is to the amazing research that has come forth about the heart. This is an exciting episode.

    We know that our heart certainly is more than a physical organ. From a spiritual perspective, it is where the spark of your Divine Self resides as an actual energy field of extraordinary love, wisdom, and power. We call these three qualities the threefold flame due to the triune nature.

    Part of the mastery of life is balancing these three qualities of power, wisdom, and love. It's where we experience the divine and strengthen our connection to our I AM Presence. It is literally the fire of God within you.

    I love the way the Christian theologian and mystic Meister Eckhart describes it. He says, “God's seed is within us. There's a part of us that remains eternally in the spirit and is divine. Here God glows and flames without ceasing.”

    That so beautifully describes the divine spark or the flame that burns within our heart and sustains us in the physical world. Sustained by that part of us that remains eternally in the spirit and is divine, the I AM Presence.

    It also reminds me of the answer Jesus gave to the Pharisees who were always trying to trap him with their questions, to not look over here or over there because the kingdom of heaven is within you. The heart where this flame resides is that gateway to your true nature, your divine consciousness.

    That threefold flame within your heart is an affirmation of the I AM THAT I AM. I AM above as I AM below. God in spirit and God in matter. Balancing these three attributes, love, wisdom and power, is a major part of our spiritual journey. The balancing action is so important.

    Take for instance the person who's in a position of great power and is very intelligent but lacks the development of love. This imbalance can produce anything from the cruel parent to the dictator that engages in genocide. Or the person who may be extremely intelligent and uses that intelligence in constructive ways but is unable to have meaningful relationships or connect heart to heart or to freely love. Or, the person who's full of love and helps others all the time but doesn't really get around to fulfilling their own divine plan because they lack direction, the power element, or because they have become a victim, once again lacking sufficient development of divine power and wisdom.

    We can look at ourselves and see where we might need to further develop these core qualities. Do we speak with sharp words? Do we criticize or judge others? Do we get overwhelmed or depressed with the responsibilities of life, or having no direction in life? Meditation upon the heart and being in the Presence is one way to establish our balance and equilibrium. Setting our intention with mantras, prayers, or decrees is a powerful way to raise our vibration.

    Chanting the primordial sound of the OM takes us inward to connect with our Source. Our heart is also where divine alchemy takes place, turning the lead of human thinking and feeling into the gold of divine wisdom and presence. It is where you transcend time and space and have no limitations.

    A sacred place that you can “go” at will, whether you're going about your day, facing a difficult situation, or in deep meditation. It's a matter of choice and will to place your conscious attention in your heart. In your heart space and make that conscious connection with your higher self.

    When you're aligned in your heart, it is the perfect meditation. You are in the Presence, the source of your intuition and higher consciousness. You can ask specific questions for which you're seeking answers.

    As we covered in our last podcast, those answers can come to you in many different ways, whether it's a thought, a picture, a feeling, or the still small voice that speaks to you. It may be an immediate answer, or it may come through someone else or through circumstances in your life. But an answer will come if you remain open and attuned.

    Scientific research on the heart in recent years has established its intelligence and recognizes it as a source of intuition and perception. One organization that has conducted an abundance of research and has developed some simple techniques is the Institute of HeartMath. It is a non-profit organization in California dedicated to helping people establish heart-based living and global coherence.

    Then some of the things that they do a lot of research on are stress, emotions, heart intelligence, and coherence. What they mean by coherence is when your physical, mental, and emotional systems are synchronized and the heart and brain are working together like two systems that mesh into one.

    They measure coherence by your heart rhythm patterns. The more balanced and smooth your heart rhythms are, the more in sync or coherent you are. At that point, your stress levels are reduced, your energy levels increase, and the brain in your head and the brain in your heart are working together.

    We've pretty much been taught that our brain is the master organ of our body. However, the research is showing that it's really the heart that's the master organ. It has its own intelligence separate from the brain. The heart is the first organ to be formed in the human body. Even today, scientists do not know what makes the heart begin to beat. When you think about it, we can live without a functioning brain, but we cannot live without a functioning heart. When the heart stops beating, that's the end of life, unless we can stimulate the heart and it begins beating again. Spiritually speaking, we know that when the I AM Presence, which is anchored within the heart, withdraws from the physical form, then we have physical death.

    So, heart-centered living means that your actions, interactions, and decisions in everyday life come from the intuitive wisdom of your heart, which is in sync with your brain. This produces that balanced state. You have the constant connection and attunement with your heart and inner being, and your consciousness dwells in your heart space. As a result, you experience deep joy and equanimity, a beautiful balanced state of being.

    Now, HeartMath's laboratory research has also shown something very interesting, that when we are in this state of coherence, it is not an idle state. It actually reaches out and influences and supports others in many beneficial ways. Your heart radiates an energy that benefits people, animals, and the environment simply by your presence. When individuals are living from their hearts, the entire planet is affected.

    So, we can see the possibilities of how our world can change through heart-centered living, when the heart and mind are acting together. When you have millions of people living this way, a golden age is no longer a far-fetched notion. Also, when your heart is putting out negative energy, you can see also how those around us and the world are affected.

    The spiritual teacher Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who wrote The Path to Immortality, calls the heart “the fount of man's being,” and says that if the motive of the heart is pure, man's energies will flow from the heart in a pure stream and return to him in like manner. If the motive of the heart is impure, the energies that flow from the heart and the other chakras will likewise be impure. The pure in heart see God, because there is an unbroken stream of light that flows from the pure heart to the heart of the one Source of all life.

    From another tradition, Lama Surya Das, in his book Awakening the Buddhist Heart, calls the Buddhist heart the “luminous spiritual jewel.” What a beautiful thought form to meditate on your heart and visualizing it as a luminous spiritual jewel. The Dalai Lama refers to this luminous jewel as the “good heart,” representing our own inner goodness, our most tender, compassionate, and caring side. In fact, he always says that his religion is loving kindness.

    So that fire, that jewel of our God Presence, is who you truly are. We must always keep this in mind. In reality, we are radiant spiritual beings made in the image and likeness of God, evolving in this physical realm. And we aspire to become fully aware and conscious of this reality.

    Paul Pearsall, author of The Heart's Code, which is a fascinating and eye-opening read about the role of the heart, and how the heart actually thinks and remembers and communicates with other hearts, and how it helps regulate immunity and contains stored information that continually pulses through our bodies.

    In his book, he recounts an amazing experience he had when he was speaking to an international group of psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers that were meeting in Houston, Texas. He was sharing his ideas of how we have cellular memories and how the heart thinks. At the end of the presentation, one of the psychiatrists came up to ask him a question and tell him a story about one of her patients.

    She said that she had an 8-year-old patient who received a heart transplant from a murdered 10-year-old girl. Her mother brought the girl to her when she started screaming at night about her dreams of the man who had murdered her donor. Mother said that the daughter knew who it was.

    After several sessions with the girl, the psychiatrist couldn't deny any more the reality of what the girl was telling her. So, she and the mother finally called the police, and using the descriptions from the little girl, the murderer was found. He was easily convicted with the evidence the child provided, the time, the weapon, the place, the clothes he wore, what the little girl he killed had said to him. Everything the heart transplant recipient reported was completely accurate.

    This is an amazing and moving story. Dr. Pearsall has many such documentations in his book. He says that some of the patient's stories are dramatic because some people who have heart transplants are very sensitive. They call them cardio-sensitives. Not all transplant patients have this kind of sensitivity. But he says almost every patient he talks with has some feeling or sensation as a result of the transplant.

    There is so much more to our hearts that science is just now discovering, and which our spiritual and mystical traditions have long understood. Our heart is the citadel of our consciousness, so there is great impact when it's transplanted into another, whether the recipient is aware or not.

    Another interesting report is from Charles Siebert, a writer on medical and health issues. He said that while preparing to write a particular article, he had the opportunity to attend a Valentine's Day party for heart transplant recipients. Over 100 recipients attended, and he said that almost every recipient reported spiritual memories or feelings of the energy of their donor.

    He said that all the people he met at the party spoke in the same reverent tones about the angel in their chest, about this gift, this responsibility they now bear, and the little prayer they say to the other person inside them. It was as if they were part of a strange new cult, the tribe of the transplanted.

    Now another amazing story in Paul Pearsall's book is about a couple who had gotten in a car accident, and the husband was killed, and he donated his heart for a transplant. They had been arguing about something silly right before the accident, and had been sitting in resentful silence. Years later, the wife, who is a practicing family physician, wanted to meet the recipient of her husband's heart. Dr. Pearsall arranged a meeting to take place in the hospital chapel. However, the recipient, who was a young Hispanic man, did not arrive on time. In fact, he was so late that Dr. Pearsall was ready to ask the wife to leave, as he knew that, you know, sometimes these meetings are sensitive, and the young man may have changed his mind.

    But then, an interesting thing happened. The wife said she couldn't leave because the recipient was in the hospital. She said she felt him come in about 30 minutes ago, and she felt her husband's presence. She couldn't believe that she was saying this to him, but she felt her husband's heart was in the hospital. So they waited, and just a few minutes later, the young man and his mother entered the chapel, apologizing for being late. They said that they had gotten to the hospital a half an hour ago, but they couldn't find the chapel. Well, after introductions and some small talk, the young wife, who's normally quite shy, blurted out her request.

    She said, “This embarrasses me as much it must embarrass you, but can I put my hand on your chest and feel his, I mean, your heart?” The young man looked at his mother, put his hand on his heart, and then nodded his head. As the wife reached forward, he unbuttoned his shirt, and she gently placed her hand on his bare chest. Dr. Pearsall said that what happened next transcends our current view of the brain, the body, heart, and mind, but happens in various forms for those who have transplants or the families of the donors.

    The wife's hand began to tremble and tears rolled down her cheek. She closed her eyes and whispered, I love you, David. Everything is copacetic. She removed her hand and hugged the young man, and they both sat down and held hands in silence. The mother of the young man later told Dr. Pearsall that her son uses the word copacetic all the time now, but never used it before he got his new heart. Mother didn't even know what the word meant, but she said it was the first thing he said to her after his surgery when he could talk.

    The wife overheard this comment and said that the word copacetic was their signal that everything was okay. Every time they argued and made up, they would both say that everything was copacetic. Then after that experience, the young man shared story after story of the changes he experienced after his transplant.

    He was a former vegetarian and very health-conscious, but he said he now craves meat and fatty foods. He was a former lover of heavy metal music, but now loves 50s rock and roll. He also reported recurrent dreams of bright lights coming straight for him. The wife confirmed that her husband loved meat, was a junk food addict, had played in a Motown rock and roll band while in medical school, and that she too dreams of the lights of that fateful night. Truly, our hearts are our sacred center.

    We've been talking about the heart and its magnificent spiritual properties, and I'd like to take this opportunity to experience together just what we mean by being in your heart and heart-centered living. As I mentioned earlier, you can consciously enter your heart space or heart feel at will and let your consciousness remain there. The ideal situation is to regularly practice being in your heart so that when you do encounter challenges or traumas of any kind, you're not knocked off balance and you can respond from your heart. Just recounting the story of the experiences of those who have had heart transplants can put you into your heart space.

    So you can simply recall a moving experience or memory that invokes love and compassion and go from there. You can also meditate using music or simply put your attention on your heart. You can simply place your attention there or imagine a sun emanating within your heart. Some of the saints have had such intense fire and light within their hearts that it showed through their clothing.

    Once in your heart space, you'll feel its balance and peace as you dwell in the timeless now, and simultaneously you can feel its power, its wisdom, and the incomparable love. In fact, when you're facing a tense situation, such as when energy is coming at you from someone's anger, you can consciously focus on your heart and intensify the light by, in response, projecting love and compassion from your heart. This is what Jesus meant by loving our enemies. This does not come naturally to us, but when developed it gives you a mastery over life.

    Love is also your protection as a shield of light and love in times of stress, as love is the irresistible force, and thus we have heart-centered living.

    In our next episode, we're going to explore whether or not there is only one life we live on this earth. Until then, keep an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Today we are exploring deeper into your divine nature and how to consciously tap into it for protection, guidance, and personal empowerment.

    We established in the last episode that according to western scriptures, we are made in the image and likeness of God. When God speaks, I AM, a unique manifestation of himself becomes conscious of itself as a unique identity. This is our first awareness of self when we speak, “I AM.” So today we're exploring deeper into your divine nature and how to consciously tap into it for protection, guidance, and personal empowerment.

    Again, this part of yourself is referred to as the I AM Presence, made in the image likeness of God and pure light, fiery essence. It's a powerful Presence. It's not something separate from you. It is you, dwelling in the higher spiritual realms.

    When God created you in his own image, this means that you have free will and the power to create. He expected us to create a heaven on earth. God created heaven in the spiritual realms and man who is given dominion over the earth and is a creator in the physical world was expected to do likewise.

    Stepping into a larger dimension of yourself means not only to awaken to this part of yourself that exists beyond the physical, but it also means deeply connecting with that divine presence. Once awakened and connected to this reality, you're then able to access the love, the wisdom, the power of the divine presence that resides within you for your guidance, inspiration, and powerful, deliberate creation.

    Let me tell you a story about my friend, my dear friend, Daniel Brinkley, who's New York Times bestselling author. You may know of him.

    In his third book, The Secrets of the Light, Spiritual Strategies to Empower Your Life, he boldly states that we are “great, powerful, mighty spiritual beings of light living in a physical world with dignity, grace, and purpose.” How can he make such a bold claim? Well, Daniel's had three near-death experiences where he was pronounced dead.

    His first experience was in 1975 at the age of 25. He was struck in the side of the head by a bolt of lightning while talking on the telephone during a storm, which by the way, reminds us to never do the same. And he describes in detail what happened to him.

    Now, keep in mind, he had never even heard of a near-death experience, and he said he wouldn't have believed it if he had. Using his own words, he said, “I never gave any thought to that kind of crap until the day I landed the starring role in my own death extravaganza.” Daniel has a great sense of humor.

    He said he immediately found himself, after the strike of lightning, tumbling down a tunnel and into a brilliant light where he entered a realm he had never even imagined existed. He describes it using these words, “a glistening crystal city and a sanctuary of universal holiness where he was swaddled in the rapture of divine love.”

    These are beautiful words coming from a young man that was actually quite coarse, as you'll see, in his life. While he was experiencing this, he said his mind and heart and soul just burst open and he realized at that moment that we can't really fathom this experience of wholeness in our human condition while we're on earth. But he instinctively knew that this was the waiting for each of us.

    He said he then found himself in a hall of knowledge where he encountered 13 beings of light and these beings of light infused into his consciousness visions of the world to come. As a result, he later shared these prophecies that he was given and most of which have already come to pass.

    He also experienced what he calls the panoramic review of his entire life on earth. Now, by his own admission, up to that point in his life, he was not a very nice person. He said he was the “town bully everybody loved to hate.”

    He describes this life review as seeing holographically every single thing he had ever thought, every word spoken, and his every action. Not only did he see it from his own perspective, he experienced this added dimension of becoming every person that he had interacted with, feeling exactly what they felt as they encountered him. As you can imagine, this was quite disturbing for him as he witnessed some of the brash and sensitive actions toward others.

    I mean, he said he experienced shame and guilt as he witnessed his own behavior, as well as the whole range of emotions from one extreme to another. Nevertheless, he says that this review of his life was the pinnacle of his experience there. The impact of this review and his entire experience left him a changed man.

    All of this happened in 28 minutes while he had been declared dead. Then he says, against his will, he returned to his lifeless body. He didn't want to leave that place.

    It took him years to physically recover. As unbelievable as it may sound, he survived two more near-death experiences, once with another lightning strike, and the other a massive heart attack. He writes about these spiritual experiences in his other books also.

    While this may all seem incredible, that someone could still be alive after these three near-death experiences, it is true. Daniel is still with us, holding his physical body together. But after this first experience, his life was completely turned around, and he returned to Earth with a very definite purpose.

    In 1978, he became a hospice and nursing home volunteer, and he later co-founded the “Twilight Brigade Compassion in Action.” This brigade is one of the largest non-profit organizations dedicated to the training of volunteers, who then serve as transition technicians, as he calls it, at the bedside of our American war veterans.

    Why is Daniel's experience relevant? Whether or not you believe such near-death experiences can happen, or have any validity at all, hearing such a compelling witness that actually coincides with the spiritual teachings we've been given, hearing this witness with an open mind and heart expands your awareness of just how much more there is to who you are.

    Daniel Brinkley involuntarily stepped into a larger dimension of himself, but we can do this intentionally. Perhaps not always as dramatic as his experience, and we hope not, but definitely can be as effective. As we've already established in the previous podcast, everything is energy, which can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change forms. So, from a scientific perspective, energy is a common denominator of all things in our physical universe, including you. You are a vibrational being.

    Your thoughts and feelings are constantly sending out various frequencies of energies. When you're in a good mood, your energy is smooth and at a higher frequency. When you're in a bad mood, your energy tends to be more jagged and of a lower frequency.

    There's a very simple way to experience your energy, if you haven't already done so, that I invite you to do right now, if you're in a position to do it. Otherwise, just do it later. Simply vigorously rub your two hands together for about 5 to 10 seconds, then hold them a couple of inches apart in front of you.

    You'll begin to feel tingling and energy emanating from your hands and between your hands. Now, once you feel that, then slowly pull your hands apart for a couple of inches, and then move them back together, never touching, but just experiencing the energy between them. With this back and forth motion, you can feel the energy almost as if it is a thick block of energy.

    This energy can be intensified by using your thought and intention.If you were to turn your hands facing outward in front of you, you can direct that energy to an individual who needs help to a situation in the world.

    Now, this concept of energy in the body, and the concept of an energy body beyond the physical, is certainly not new. For thousands of years, practitioners of Eastern healing traditions and spiritual traditions have understood meridians that correspond to various organs in the body, as well as the chakras, which are energy wheels of intense energy in your energetic field, or your aura. Your aura is the energy that emanates from your physical form. It shows itself in different colors and densities according to your thoughts and feelings, and even your state of health.

    Kirlian photography, which you may be aware of, is a technique that was discovered and developed by Semyon Kirlian in 1939. This photography captures this energy field around living things, not just people. When you pass through the process we call death, that energy leaves the physical form.

    Now, there are seven major spiritual centers or chakras in your energetic body. It's your heart chakra that is the doorway to your I AM Presence, your super conscious spiritual self. It's where the world of material existence and the world of spiritual being are integrated, and where the alchemy of change at the highest level can take place.

    I call this energy field that's centered in and around your heart, your heart space. When you place your attention upon it, you can connect with your heart intelligence. Yes, your heart has intelligence.

    Now, there are many techniques, both ancient and modern, to help you access your heart intelligence and higher consciousness. Traditionally, meditation, prayer, contemplation, these are the most common. There are many different forms of each of these disciplines. If you have a momentum on meditating, then you probably already are familiar with this energy center.

    Here's one way, one simple way to begin to enter your heart space and connect with your higher self, your I AM Presence, to be present in that presence. Just begin by becoming still and quiet. You can take a few deep breaths in and slowly breathe out, relaxing more and more with each breath.

    Then you want to bring your attention from your head to your heart. You can achieve this in a number of different ways. You can simply place your attention upon your heart and the energy field around it. You can also use your imagination and visualize a ball of intense light over your heart, similar to a noonday sun, just blazing and bright.

    One of the most effective ways that I find works for people is to imagine a drop of water falling from your head to your heart, like a drip landing in a pool of water at the level of your heart. Just see and feel those ripples of water. Then visualize another drop into the pool that just bursts into a bright light. This helps shift you from the thinking mind, that doesn't want to stop thinking, to your heart.

    Once in this space, you want to accompany this with thoughts and feelings of someone or something dear to you that you love. It can be your spouse, your child, a friend, or even a pet that you dearly love. It's just important that you connect with the feeling of the heart, which is love, and this helps you get into that space. As you maintain this focus and feeling, you'll be in that space where you find peace and equilibrium. You'll be in the presence, in the present moment, when all is well.

    Remaining in that space, you can pose questions and listen for guidance. This can come to you as thoughts, feelings, pictures, or even just an inner knowing. I find, and a lot of people find, that you can pose a question and you don't get discouraged if you don't hear an answer or get the answer immediately. Many times that answer comes a little later.

    It can just pop into your head about something you're thinking, or circumstances might be brought to you that you recognize as your answer. Someone may say something, just in conversation. Maybe you've already had this happen to you, and bam! that was an answer for you.

    You're not meant to struggle without guidance and higher wisdom, because it is there within you. The more you practice connecting with your higher consciousness, the I AM, the better you get at it. It's an invaluable asset in your personal life, in your business or job.

    Keep in mind, while meditation and other practices give you a deep and rich experience, they are not required to enter into your heart space. You can do so at will, at any time, in any place, and remain there indefinitely, or not ever leave it. It's a matter of moving your consciousness into that sacred space, which only requires a choice to make a shift in consciousness, and this can be done anywhere.

    Staying spiritually connected is the key to your peace, power, and potential. You'll see how helpful this is when you have a business decision to make, or you're facing a difficult person or situation. Being in your heart space allows you to be in the highest of vibrations, and be ready to perceive the best action or reaction to any given situation, without adding more negative energy to an already difficult situation, or being knocked off-center yourself.

    Whether it is the poet Rumi's quote, “Everything in the universe is within you, ask all from yourself,” or Jesus' quote, “Don't look here or there for the kingdom of heaven is within you,” recognize that your return to oneness and wholeness begins with your inward journey and knowing thyself.

    I'll share more processes and techniques as we go along.

    Get full access to Spirituality for the Politically Incorrect at nancyshowalter.substack.com/subscribe
  • Today I want to explore how political correctness as we see it playing out today is influencing our lives individually and collectively. And how do we break free from the bondage of being defined by specific segments that society has thrust upon us.

    I think we can all agree that we're living in a time when it's not convenient to speak your mind. The political correctness police are everywhere from our national media in our advocacy groups and in almost every segment of society that wants to separate itself out and be offended by anyone who has a differing opinion.

    As a result we are not freely speaking our minds and hearts, which incidentally is not only the freedom we're all meant to enjoy, but it is also the foundation of a government by the people. We see that if someone dares to speak their truth, particularly if it doesn't align with the prevailing thought, but even if it does there are many, many from various quarters that are ready to heap their condemnation and in some cases rage upon that one. So divided we have become and it's not helped with social media, that impersonal way to criticize someone else.

    Interestingly enough even if you are hailed by many for speaking your truth and begin to become a popular voice truly reflecting people's views, there are the ever vigilant watchers who just wait for you to slip and say something that can be twisted and construed as being offensive to some individual or segment of society. Then begins the destruction of a character or a career that might otherwise have helped lead us to a higher way of thinking and living. Or worse yet, take your statements out of context or twist them until you don't even recognize them and then push an agenda that hardly even matches your original intent.

    Unfortunately, we have separated ourselves so much from each other that we no longer respect the viewpoints and perspectives of our fellow citizens let alone others from differing cultures when they do not agree with ours. That's the key word here respect. Rather than seeing diversity as the balanced contribution to a society that governs itself, diversity has become divisive.

    It separates races, nationalities, age groups, political views, lifestyle choices, and just about any other aspect of life you can think of. All of this keeps us collectively focused on agitation, turmoil, and confusion rather than on how we and our neighbors can enjoy prosperity and happiness. So, we must ask ourselves what are we afraid of? How is it that we have become so conditioned that we do not trust ourselves or one another? How have we gotten to this point and what can we do about it? Well, this is the age-old tactic of divide and conquer as I see it, and we've fallen for it again and this time really in a much bigger way.

    Our society has become sliced up into segments that everyone wants to neatly place each of us in their little box in proper place. But ask yourself what exactly defines you as a person? Is it your race, your gender, your religion, political beliefs, family, career, economic level?

    Aren't these all elements of who you are but does any one of these or even all of them together really define you as a person? Or are all of these things just you expressing yourself in this life? It's really time to dig deep within your heart and soul and discover who you are and what you're meant to contribute to this world, if you've not already done that. Now it may be as simple as fulfilling a career, raising your family, or simply being a light unto the world.

    But whatever it is, it's time to discover it, and speak your truth. William Shakespeare in Hamlet said, “This above all to thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day thou canst not then be false to any man.”

    But who or what is thine own self? Who do you think you are? No doubt you and probably just about everybody else has asked the question at one time or another, Who am I? I know I have, and it began at a young age for me. It's through this exploration that I've learned how to tap into a greater part of myself that is not visible in this physical world.

    As we explore this question of who we are, let's take a look at the world we are living in right now and some of the current thoughts about who we are, and how sometimes common sense is lost with some of our beliefs by which we have constructed our reality.

    Take for instance quantum science. It tells us that everything is a manifestation of energy, which can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change forms. So from a scientific perspective, energy is a common denominator of all things in our physical universe. The Big Bang Theory suggests that at some point all matter in the universe was contained in a single point.

    Now look at our spiritual traditions. They refer to the source of life, or God, as light. The concept that there's but one God, one light, one source, from which all things were created parallels the scientific concept of all things being a manifestation of energy, and at one time being contained in a single point.

    Nevertheless, science and religion are at odds with one another. Science wants to believe in only what it can see, but is that logical? I mean, because we all believe in things we cannot see.

    For instance, do we see the energy that Thomas Edison captured to create the light bulb? No, but we see a manifestation of that energy—the light bulb. Do we see the radio frequencies that our cell phone uses? No, but we see a manifestation of those frequencies—the cell phone. Do we see love? No, but we see expressions of love, the manifestation of love in our lives.

    You know, it's no different with you and me. We do not see the power that we are either, but we see each other, the manifestation of that power. So that's science.

    Now, on the religious side, many religions of the day say that we are sinners and separate from God. Yet the Bible says we were made in the image and likeness of God, and that the kingdom of heaven is within us, and we can do even greater things than Jesus did. Now, agreed, none of us are perfect, and we have all made mistakes, but we do not identify with our mistakes. Rather, we need to identify with our true being and live life from that perspective.

    So what is this Source within us? It is the part of you that is of the one pure, crystal light energy of the Source from with all things come. It is the part of you that was created in the image and likeness of God, or Source, or All That Is, or whatever term you wish to give it. That one Source individualizes itself.

    When God speaks the words, I AM, a unique manifestation or presence made in His image comes into being. And that I AM Presence is you and me. It is the Source individualized as each one of us. Whether you call the Source God or energy matters not. There is only one Source from both the scientific and religious perspectives.

    So it's time to step into a larger dimension of yourself. Stepping into a larger dimension of yourself means to awaken to that part of yourself that exists beyond the physical dimension, and then truly connecting with that part that is the individualization of the Great Universal Source of Life from which all things come. It is your I AM Presence.

    Once awakened and connected to this reality, you are then able to access the love, the wisdom, the power of the Divine Presence that resides within you for guidance, inspiration, and powerful, deliberate creation. As we've already established, everything is energy. It can neither be destroyed or created. It can only change forms. So from a scientific perspective, energy is the common denominator of all things in our universe, as we've already said.

    Now let's look at an example of how one substance can take on various forms. For instance, H2O, which is water. It's commonly in its liquid form. But if you increase its vibrational frequency with heat, it becomes steam. If you slow down its vibrational frequency with cold, it becomes ice. But it's still H2O.

    You too have varying vibrational frequencies.

    Your physical body is dense matter. Your thoughts, emotions, and memories are energy that vibrates at a higher vibration than your physical body. Therefore, you do not see them with your physical eyes, yet you experience them and, except for your subconscious, are consciously aware of them acting within you.

    But then there is a part of you that is of a higher vibrational frequency yet, and that is the part of you referred to earlier as being made in the image and likeness of the One Source, or God. It is your super intelligence, or super conscious, or divine self, however you choose to look at it, or what you choose to call it. If you consider the life forms that live on earth, humans are the only ones that can say, I AM.

    Humans are the only ones that can make conscious choices that impact who they are or who they can become. While all other life forms have sensitivity and survival instincts, and some even have higher levels of intelligence, they are basically subject to their nature. Yes, some have exceeded the usual boundaries of their species, but still, they do not possess the power to choose, as men and women do. This ability that we have to make conscious choices is the key to breaking free from the tyranny of unhinged political correctness.

    In our next episode, we're going to go further into the understanding and study of who we are, but from a holistic perspective, where we'll explore deeper into our divine nature, and how to consciously tap into it for protection, guidance, and personal empowerment. Until then, may you be blessed with an open mind, a generous heart, and a powerful spirit.

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