
  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: A ditadura da beleza e a revoluço das mulheres [The Dictatorship of Beauty and the Revolution of Women]Author: Augusto CuryNarrator: Rosanna Lucido AliprandiFormat: UnabridgedLength: 7 hrs and 34 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-23-18Publisher: Audible StudiosGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Com mais de oito milhes de livros vendidos no Brasil, Augusto Cury retrata nesta nova obra o cotidiano de mulheres que sofrem as consequências de uma cruel realidade do mundo moderno: a ditadura da beleza.Apoiando-se em sua vasta experiência como psiquiatra e pesquisador, Cury dá um grito de alerta contra essa forma de opresso que vem prejudicando seriamente mulheres, adolescentes e até crianças.Influenciadas pela mídia e preocupadas em corresponder aos inatingíveis padres de beleza apresentados, milhares de mulheres mutilam sua autoestima - e muitas vezes seus corpos - em busca de aceitaço social.Ao tratar um tema to atual, este audiolivro faz com que o ouvinte se identifique imediatamente com as personagens e sua luta em busca de uma vida mais plena. Luta esta onde cada pessoa deve se sentir livre para ser o que é, sem se envergonhar de sua aparência e sem se comparar a ninguém. Cury nos leva a compreender que a beleza está nos olhos de quem vê, e que devemos ter um romance com nossa própria história, pois cada ser humano é único no palco da existência.Please note: This audiobook is in Portuguese.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: Agir et penser comme un chatAuteur: Stéphane GarnierNarrateur: Sylvère SantinFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 2 hrs and 38 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 01-22-18Éditeur: Éditions ThélèmeGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:Le chat a tout compris, copions le chat ! C'est cette évidence qui a inspiré à Stéphane Garnier ce manuel de développement personnel pas comme les autres. Le chat est libre, calme, observateur, prudent, élégant, charismatique, indépendant, fier, autonome... Autant de qualités enviables que vous pouvez développer facilement en vous inspirant de lui au quotidien. Alors, laissez-vous guider par Stéphane Garnier et son compagnon Ziggy qui vous expliquent, pas à pas, comment mieux vivre juste en regardant votre chat. À votre tour d'être curieux, zen, exigeant. À vous la liberté d'agir, de penser, de demander ! À vous de ne plus céder aux ordres ni aux pressions du quotidien ! Au bureau, en famille ou entre amis, le chat va vous aider à mieux résister au stress, à cultiver votre indépendance, à booster votre charisme... Stéphane Garnier et Ziggy nous offrent un guide pratique étonnant, bourré d'astuces, de phrases félines à méditer et de conseils malins... qui vont vous changer la vie !©2017 Opportun (P)2017 Éditions ThélèmeContactez-moi pour toute question: [email protected]

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  • Escuche este audio libro completo gratis en http://audiobookspace.com/free Título: FelicesSubtitular: La felicidad, a tu maneraAutor: Elsa PunsetNarrador: Belén Roca, Neus Sendra, Carlos VicenteFormato: AbridgedDuración: 6 hrs and 1 minIdioma: EspañolFecha de publicación: 01-22-18Editor: Ediciones DestinoCategorías: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationResumen del editor:Una fantástica mezcla entre inspiración y conocimiento nos acerca a la felicidad a través de un gran viaje. Con una calidez excepcional, este libro consigue dar herramientas al lector para llegar a la felicidad a través de la sabiduría que ha ido acumulando la humanidad a lo largo de los siglos y a lo ancho del mundo. Un libro abierto y vital que nos invita a hacer un viaje fascinante y nos da mil y una posibilidades para que cada uno encuentre su propia manera de sentirse bien.La autora emprende el viaje primero a través de las civilizaciones perdidas del mundo. ¿Qué hacían los antiguos griegos o los romanos para sentirse mejor? Nos sumerge también en la herencia de amor que nos han legado los grandes poetas, artistas, científicos y otros sabios de nuestros días, a través de los cuales podremos aprender a conocernos mejor a nosotros mismos. Sin olvidar las importantes lecciones de vida que podemos aprender viajando por el mundo: cada parte del planeta esconde sabiduría, y conocerla es tener maneras diferentes de mejorar nuestro día a día.Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.Contáctame para cualquier pregunta: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: The Science of Effective Communication: Improve Your Social Skills and Small Talk, Develop Charisma and Learn How to Talk to AnyoneSubtitle: Positive Psychology Coaching Series, Volume 15Author: Ian TuhovskyNarrator: Randy StreuFormat: UnabridgedLength: 4 hrs and 35 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-22-18Publisher: Ian TuhovskyGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Discover the powerful way to transform your relationships with friends, loved ones, and even coworkers, with proven strategies that you can put to work immediately on improving the way you communicate with anyone in any environment.From climbing the career ladder to making new friends, making the most of social situations, and even finding that special someone, communication is the powerful tool at your disposal to help you achieve the success you truly deserve.In The Science of Effective Communication, you'll learn how to develop and polish that tool so that no matter who you are, where you go, or what you do, you'll make an impact on everyone you meet for all the right reasons.Discover the Secrets Used by the World's Most Effective CommunicatorsWe all know that one person who positively lights up any room they walk into, who seem to get on with everyone they meet, and who lead a blessed life as a result. Yet here's something you may not know: Those people aren't blessed with a skill that is off-limits to the rest of us. You too can learn the very same techniques used by everyone from Tony Robbins to Evan Carmichael to that one guy in your office who everyone loves, and put them to work in getting what you want - without bulldozing over everyone in your path.Bursting with actionable steps you can use IMMEDIATELY to transform the way you communicate, this compelling, highly effective book serves as your comprehensive guide to better communication.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: The Happy Mind: A Simple Guide to Living a Happier Life Starting TodayAuthor: Louis Fourie, Kevin HorsleyNarrator: Dan CulhaneFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 9 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-22-18Publisher: TCK PublishingRatings: 5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Happy Mind, Happy LifeThe search for happiness is fundamental for all humans, and the answers lie within the depths of your mind. What is happiness? What causes it? How do you hold on to it? What makes it go away? These questions have led to many philosophical debates over thousands of years.The philosophers of Greece were famous for their quest to define the pillars of "the good life". Faith-based movements have painstakingly crafted dogmas and prescribed behaviors in pursuit of ultimate peace and joy. Academic studies have been concentrated on finding the answer to "the optimal life experience". Governments have professed to craft policies to promote the overall well-being of their citizens. Every day, ordinary dinner table discussions are, at heart, dialogues in search of a happy life.We All Experience Happiness DifferentlyWhat makes one person happy may make another miserable. There is no one key to happiness for everyone. Instead, the answers lie within you. In The Happy Mind, you'll learn to find your own personal answers to your most important questions. What makes you happy? What changes can you make to bring more happiness into your life? And how can you let go of old habits, beliefs, and situations that no longer fulfill you?The aim of this book is not to push a specific definition of happiness. Instead, you'll discover valuable insights that will allow you to create lasting happiness instead of being driven by short-term pleasure-seeking.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Essentialism: The Art of LessAuthor: James LathamNarrator: Carl SolomonFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 28 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-19-18Publisher: James LathamGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:The world today has evolved to become a fast-paced whirlpool of conflicting thoughts, hopes, vanity, expectations, failure, and success into which the human race has been embroiled. The average man is constantly on different pursuits simultaneously, but unfortunately, most of them are not even worthy of his attentions, and sadly enough, he doesnt know. Born free with a clean slate, he is brought up from childhood to chase after everything within reach, to take every action he can take, to blur the difference between needs and wants, and to diversify his efforts.Society does not teach him that he has a choice to choose whether to do, or not to do. He does not know that he can conserve energy and concentrate his efforts on a select few number of pursuits for a greater chance of success. He is running hard, but he is not being chased.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Grow Up and Be a ManAuthor: Mr. Monk E. MindNarrator: David GilmoreFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 16 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-19-18Publisher: Grinning Monkey PublishingGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Grow Up and Be a Man is really not so much about my opinion on what "being a man" is, but more of learning from example, from our own experiences, and then setting our own course. Life doesn't come with instructions, and folks are pretty much responsible for writing their own book of "care and feeding", or they're likely to live a life wholly instructed by others. That's not always so bad, and sometimes can be quite good. But...in each life there comes a time when one has to pull up their anchor, unfurl their sails, and chart their own course. It helps to have a compass and a sextant if one wishes to be a pathfinder. There are also lighthouses, beacons, and buoys along the way to guide us on uncharted waters. But ultimately, we find that we are the captain of our own ship.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Memory ImprovementSubtitle: The 10 Best Tips for Lasting Memory Improvement - Learn Faster and Learn MoreAuthor: Lucas BaillyNarrator: Tim CarperFormat: UnabridgedLength: 17 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-18-18Publisher: Lucas BaillyGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Discover how to master memory improvement for life.Forgetting names? Left your phone in the cab? Forgot your grocery list? The thing is, you are not alone. Everyone loses track of time. We feel that as we age, our minds and memories dont work like they used to while we were young. This is not true, and there are many ways by which you can improve your memory power. The choices we make in our life and whether we use memory boosting techniques in our daily life makes a great impact on the overall health of our brain function as well as memory capability to remember both old as well as new information.The truth is, if you are suffering from memory problems and haven't been able to change, it's because you are lacking an effective strategy and haven't yet come across the right help that shows you how much better your life could be. This audiobook goes into a step-by-step strategy that will help you improve your life by a lot and help you to be able to live life to the full potential.Here is a preview of what you'll learn....Download your copy today! Take action right away to overcome memory loss by downloading this audiobook.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: 21 jours sans se plaindre : changez d'habitude, changez votre vie, changez le mondeAuteur: Will BowenNarrateur: Alexandre StankéFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 4 hrs and 30 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 01-17-18Éditeur: CoffragantsGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:Avez-vous remarqué à quel point les plaintes, les sarcasmes et les critiques contaminent nos vies ? Selon Will Bowen, auteur et instigateur du mouvement "A Complaint Free World", notre propension à nous plaindre est tellement exacerbée qu'elle nous prive d'une vie satisfaisante.©2015 Éditions de l'homme (P)2015 Éditions Alexandre StankéContactez-moi pour toute question: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: The Last 60 MinutesAuthor: David McCraeNarrator: David McCraeFormat: UnabridgedLength: 4 hrs and 17 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-15-18Publisher: David McCraeGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:There are two times in our lives when we will realize what is truly important.During the last 60 minutes of our own lives, and watching the last 60 minutes of someone else's.On Friday, July 24, 2015, my dad lost his fight with cancer. I sat by his bedside for the last hour of his life and watched him slip away.I was just 22 years old, and this event sparked a radical shift in my perspective. In those last 60 minutes, there were three vital truths about life that I learned. When I realized that this was going to be the last time I would ever speak to my dad, there were three things I wanted to tell him:"I'm grateful for the fantastic job you did of raising me; I'm incredibly proud to be your son; I love you Dad."From these three statements, I recognized three principles that I wanted to live the rest of my life by, three principles that would honor my Dad's memory: gratitude, identity, and love.Living by these principles can create a radical shift in your life. This audiobook will shift your mindset and teach you strategies so that you can experience more joy, greater self-esteem, and deeper connection with others. You will learn how to enhance your mood and positivity, express yourself with confidence and belief, and enjoy vibrant, exciting relationships. A happier and more meaningful life is possible for you.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Escuche este audio libro completo gratis en http://audiobookspace.com/free Título: LA VIDA y la prosperidad humana sin vida [LIFE and Lifeless Human Prosperity]Autor: Fredo VelazquezNarrador: Fredo VelazquezFormato: UnabridgedDuración: 2 hrs and 6 minsIdioma: EspañolFecha de publicación: 01-15-18Editor: Author's RepublicCategorías: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationResumen del editor:Las palabras que componen esta obra son, indudablemente, implacables burlas e incesantes desdeños hacia los caminos humanos que han suscitado nuestra presente inarmónica relación con la Totalidad de la Vida. Desde tiempos inmemoriales, los intereses de estos caminos han opacado nuestra inocente e inclusiva naturaleza y más bien han engendrado una raza que dedica desesperadamente su fugaz existencia intentando alcanzar esperanzadores ideales como lo son el cielo, el nirvana, el éxito, la felicidad, la salvación, el samadhi, la iluminación, entre otros.Así mismo, los versos de esta obra ridiculizan una y otra vez a nuestros fervientes deseos de apropiarnos de la eternidad y de comprender los misterios universales. Y es debido a tales esfuerzos quiméricos que la humanidad (en general) ha desperdiciado la relevancia de su histórica existencia ideando, construyendo, reconstruyendo, promoviendo, y defendiendo conceptos, mitologías, filosofías, religiones, dioses, ismos, e innumerables verdades que han engatusado a nuestra vitalidad haciendo que veamos la belleza de esta maravillosa Creación como un medio para alcanzar un fin; por lo tanto, no hemos sabido participar con la Vida noble e incluyentemente a través de nuestra expresión; todo lo contrario, se nos ha escapado la reciprocidad.El autor, por medio de sátiras, cuentos y versos, desprestigia muchos de los métodos, practicas, doctrinas, y sistemas creados por el miedo y la incertidumbre del hombre que se han dedicado en la mayoría de los casos, a florecer la prosperidad humana sin considerar todas las otras formas de Vida que comprenden esta bella ecología que nos acoge. ¿No es eso autodestructivo?Nuestros caminos sagrados, nuestras dignas intenciones, y nuestros propósitos divinos, son la representación más clara de los enraizados caminos humanos que han, desde larga data, desorientado nuestra compasiva y natural esencia. De modo que, ante el desaliento de tan funesta y perversa realidad, ¿qué puede uno hacerPlease note: This audiobook is in Spanish.Contáctame para cualquier pregunta: [email protected]

  • Hören Sie sich dieses volle Hörbuch kostenlos bei http://audiobookspace.com/free Titel: 10 Tipps für Motivation [10 Tips for motivation]Untertitel: Wie Sie der Lustlosigkeit und Antriebslosigkeit entfliehen um neue Lebenskraft durch Motivation zu schöpfenAutor:: Manfred WerlingErzähler: Gitta WerlingFormat: UnabridgedSpieldauer: 19 minsSprache: DeutschVeröffentlichungsdatum: 01-10-18Herausgeber: Manfred WerlingKategorien: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationZusammenfassung des Herausgebers:Neue Lebenskraft durch Motivation schöpfenLesen Sie in diesem Buch, wie Sie endlich zu neuer Motivation gelangenStagnieren Sie gerade im Leben oder suchen Sie einfach nach neuer Motivation?In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit ganz simplen Tipps schon morgen neue Lebenslust verspüren!Heute ziehen SIE auf die ÜberholspurWas Sie erwartet:Sichern Sie sich noch heute Ihre Ausgabe!Zögern Sie nicht und schlagen Sie bei diesem unschlagbaren Preis zu!Bitte teilen Sie mir im Anschluss mit, ob Ihnen das Buch gefallen hat. Ich bin offen für jegliche Art von Kritik.Auf Ihren Erfolg,Manfred WerlingPlease note: This audiobook is in German.Kontaktieren Sie mich für Fragen: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Ingredients of Young Outliers: Achieving Your Most Amazing FutureSubtitle: The Outlier SeriesAuthor: John ShufeldtNarrator: Kaleigh ShufeldtFormat: UnabridgedLength: 4 hrs and 1 minLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-10-18Publisher: Outliers PublishingGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Outlier: An exceptional person for whom excellence is merely a starting point toward a destination far beyond our normal definition of achievement.Ingredients of Young Outliers serves as a surrogate mentor for teens and young adults to achieve their most amazing future. Become a standout in a sea of peers.Each chapter honors traits that contribute to a young person's success:Ingredients of Young Outliers won the Silver award in Children's nonfiction by Living Now Book Awards in 2014. This humorous, authentic, and inspirational guide shows how to be a student colleges request and employers seek to hire.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Man: Transforming Our Families, our Communities, and Our WorldAuthor: Cedric DukesNarrator: Tom JohnsonFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 11 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-08-18Publisher: Cedric DukesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:What makes a man tick? What makes him act out of character? Is it him, his surroundings, or was he born with the short end of the stick? In some cases in our attitudes, traits, and character we, men, are not living up to our purpose. When a man understands his purpose and walks in it, he impacts his family, community, and world. This only happens when a man has a transformed heart and mind. A transformed man demonstrates love and respect toward others. A transformed man uses his ability, talents, and strengths to provide for his family. A transformed man becomes accountable for his actions. Finally, a transformed man leaves a legacy to his family, community, and world.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: A Guide to Becoming SuccessfulAuthor: James David RockefellerNarrator: Tony AclandFormat: UnabridgedLength: 25 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-08-18Publisher: James David RockefellerGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Success can mean a variety of things for different people. However, most people associate it with fame and fortune. If an individual is financially rich or possesses certain types of movable and immovable assets, we often consider him or her to be successful.But the fact is that this is not just what success means. Success basically means to achieve a desired goal. Success can mean to reach that goal you set for yourself in your career. It could also refer to a successful relationship. It could also mean doing well academically. It could also mean doing well financially.For some people, success is about having a faithful spouse and a loving family. For others, it is about reaching the highest of levels in their career. Still others believe that success is about touching that magical annual income mark. You may also think that having a lovely group of friends is what success is all about. Or maybe doing charity and volunteering and seeing the smiles on the faces of people you help is what success is.What is success for you? What are your core values? What are your self-limiting beliefs? What makes people successful? How can you acquire skills to succeed? How can you achieve success, not just in one, but in different areas of your life?Find out the answers in this audiobook and use it as a guide to be more successful in each aspect of your life.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Ascolta questo libro audio completo gratuitamente su http://audiobookspace.com/free Titolo: Autodisciplina quotidiana: Abitudini ed esercizi quotidiani per formare l'autodisciplina e raggiungere gli obiettiviAutore: Martin MeadowsNarratore: David MosconiFormato: UnabridgedDurata: 3 hrs and 23 minsLingua: ItalianoData di pubblicazione: 01-04-18Editore: Meadows PublishingCategoria: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRiepilogo Editore:Questi abitudini ed esercizi vi aiuteranno a formarvi una determinazione e un'autodisciplina ferreeVi ponete obiettivi ma vi scoraggiate quando i piani non funzionano? Conosciamo tutti certe persone che sembrano proprio nate per avere successo. Forma fisica, salute, affari: raggiungono tutti i loro obiettivi. Anche voi volete avere successo, e sapete che potete farcela ma come?Ovunque vi giriate, ci sono ostacoli a bloccarvi il cammino. Avere successo non significa evitarli, significa affrontarli a testa alta e superarli. Avete bisogno dell'autodisciplina e della forza di volontà per arrivare fino in fondo. Avete bisogno di strumenti che vi permettano di avere quell'autodisciplina e quella forza di volontà. Autodisciplina Quotidiana vi fornisce questi strumenti.All'interno, imparerete i metodi per:Ogni pagina di questo libro è stata pensata per aiutarvi a costruire l'autodisciplina che porta alla resilienza e alla forza mentale di cui avete bisogno quotidianamente. Semplici esercizi quotidiani e pratiche per creare abitudini vi insegneranno le abilità necessarie per superare gli ostacoli e avere fiducia in voi stessi e nel vostro cammino verso il successo.Contattami per qualsiasi domanda: [email protected]

  • Hören Sie sich dieses volle Hörbuch kostenlos bei http://audiobookspace.com/free Titel: Viel los mit wenig MoosUntertitel: Ein inoffizieller Leitfaden für LebenskünstlerAutor:: Uwe KleinErzähler: Daniela ThelenFormat: UnabridgedSpieldauer: 2 hrs and 38 minsSprache: DeutschVeröffentlichungsdatum: 01-02-18Herausgeber: Uwe KleinKategorien: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationZusammenfassung des Herausgebers:Wir haben vergessen, wo wir herkommen. Keineswegs ging es den Menschen in unserem Land immer so gut, wie heute. Die Regel war früher die Armut, der tägliche Überlebenskampf Routine. Der allgemeine Wohlstand kehrte viel später ein, seine Blüte erlebte er in den 50-er/60-er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts. Auch heute geht es uns gut, aber immer mehr Unzufriedenheit macht sich breit. Warum ist das so? Die Frage lässt sich ganz leicht beantworten: Konsum ist nicht gleichzusetzen mit Zufriedenheit. Kaufen ist Ersatzbefriedigung, aber er fordert uns als Menschen nicht heraus. Wir bekommen alles geboten und müssen uns eigentlich nur noch zurücklehnen und genießen. Tatsache ist, dass die Unzufriedenheit wächst, was auf den ersten Blick erstaunlich ist. Auf den zweiten Blick wird klar, dass Konsum nichts mit der Sinnhaftigkeit des Lebens zu tun hat.Ein Lebenskünstler ist also für mich keineswegs jemand, der gerne auf Kosten anderer Menschen lebt und mit möglichst wenig Aufwand durch das Leben kommen will. Ganz im Gegenteil.Wir alle kommen als fertige kleine Menschen zur Welt, mit allen Möglichkeiten. Natürlich ist es Sache der Eltern, die richtigen Bahnen anzusteuern. Eine fehlerhafte Erziehung ist aber kein Freifahrtschein, denn wir alle sind erwachsen und dürfen darüber nachdenken, was für uns Sinn macht. Das dürfte für jeden etwas Anderes bedeuten. Der übermäßige Konsum jedoch ist absolut Sinn-los. Er fordert und fördert uns nicht. Er berauscht nicht die Sinne, er umnebelt höchstens den Verstand. Viele Talente und Gaben kommen zum Erliegen, weil wir sie nicht mehr gebrauchen. Dieses Buch soll dabei helfen, wieder ein wenig zurück zu den Wurzeln zu finden und mit wenig Geld, aber viel Kreativität trotzdem gut zu leben, ohne echten Verzicht.Please note: This audiobook is in German.Kontaktieren Sie mich für Fragen: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Enlighten Me: 2-Book SeriesAuthor: Alice LangholtNarrator: Kathleen HolemanFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 7 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-02-18Publisher: Alice LangholtGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Welcome to the Read this When...:Empowering Messages for Powerless Moments and Find Yourself Here: Musings on the Meanings in Existence two-book set. We hope you find these messages uplifting and inspiring for your daily life. May you find much to ponder and restored optimism as you listen.From Book 1:Powerless moments can feel overwhelming. These moments hurt. We often react to them by experiencing even more emotions: despair, frustration, anger, hopelessness.... Sound familiar?I noticed that when I'm experiencing one of those moments, writing a message to myself helps me feel more empowered. Sometimes the message is a prayer to my higher wisdom, or a poem, or a series of affirmations.After a while of doing this, I had a little collection of them. So, I started putting them into categories organized by what powerless feeling I was trying to change by writing that particular message. I realized that the writings were becoming something cohesive; a little guide to choose an empowering message based on the situation I was facing in the moment.I hope that when you're feeling powerless, or any of the unpleasant emotions that often follow, that you'll listen to this audiobook, identify how you feel, and hear something that speaks to you in such a way that your powerless feeling is replaced by something better.From Book 2:You were never lost. But, if you feel lost, listen to this audiobook to help you reconnect with your true essence, purpose, and the rich meaning in this experience called life.Use this audiobook when you feel disconnected. It will remind you that there's something bigger than what's on the news. There's more to life than chores, bills, work, and worries. So much more.Let the words gently guide you back to a place of knowing who you are and why you're alive.You were never lost. Find yourself here.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: La maîtrise de soi-même par l'autosuggestion : La méthode CouéAuteur: Émile CouéNarrateur: Cyril GodefroyFormat: AbridgedDurée: 13 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 12-27-17Éditeur: Club PositifGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:La célèbre méthode d'Émile Coué, père de la suggestion positive et de l'autosuggestion. Sa méthode et ses succès ont guéri des centaines de personnes de son vivant, et a donné naissance, entre autres, à :À l'origine pharmacien, Émile Coué découvre l'effet placebo en suggérant la guérison rapide aux clients à qui il vend des médicaments, puis développe la suggestion positive et l'auto-suggestion. Découvrez comment améliorer votre vie quotidienne, guérir certaines de vos blessures physiques et de vos soucis de santé. Améliorez votre vie en adoptant la suggestion positive d'Émile Coué.© Domaine Public (P)2017 Club PositifContactez-moi pour toute question: [email protected]

  • Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: À corps et à cris (Collection Jacques Salomé)Auteur: Jacques SaloméNarrateur: Jacques SaloméFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 1 hr and 12 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 12-21-17Éditeur: Compagnie du SavoirGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:Grâce à cette conférence l'auteur vous permet de comprendre : comment vos maladies sont des cris du silence, comment les blessures les plus profondes sont celles que nous n'avons pas pu médiatiser par la parole, la mise en mots, comment nous sommes "partie prenante" de tout ce qui nous arrive. Le corps dont la mémoire est inaltérable peut traduire des fidélités, des loyautés à tel ou tel parent pour tenter de réparer les blessures cachées de ces mêmes parents. Les maladies psychosomatiques expriment notre désir étouffé, notre besoin d'exister, d'être aimé, considéré à tout prix...©2017 Compagnie du Savoir (P)2017 Compagnie du SavoirContactez-moi pour toute question: [email protected]