In this episode we discuss Christian explanations for the origins of life.
In this episode we discuss the scientific explanations for the origins of life.
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In this episode we look at whether Scientific and Religious explanations for the Origins of the Universe can both be accepted through the principle of concordism.
In this episode we look at a religious explanation for the existence of the Universe - Genesis 1. We discuss different ways of looking at this account and the impact of those viewpoints.
In this episode we learn more about the scientific explanation for the origin of the Universe - The Big Bang Theory and the evidence scientists have gathered.
In this episode, Mrs Crichton and Miss Reid explore the first mandatory heading in the 'Origins' section - the role of the creator - and provide a quick overview to this topic.
In this episode, Mrs Crichton and Mr Simpson discuss deterrence and moral issues that could arise from it. We also explore possible religious and non-religious responses.
This is a short podcast on the Existence of God designed for revision purposes for S2.
In this episode, pupils from the Higher RMPS class join me as we talk about Islamic Beliefs about God - the first bullet point from the mandatory Higher Islam section.
In this series, we explore the topic of Morality and Justice at both National 5 and Higher level. In this episode we look at one purpose of punishment - protection. We discuss moral issues arising from punishment, and moral responses to that.
In this episode, we discuss Jewish beliefs about Freewill and then invite some pupils to discuss connection style questions.
In this episode we explore the three main criticisms of utilitarianism, and discuss three problems with making moral decisions on the basis of predictions.
In this episode we discuss JS Mill's development of Utilitarianism with a focus on his 'Higher and Lower Pleasures' we then discuss possible exam questions and responses.
In this episode, we discuss Jeremy Bentham's Hedonic Calculus, and potential questions in the N5 Philosophy exam. Did you know that philosophy can also be maths? Mathosophy!
This episode is a discussion about the Jewish beliefs related to the 'dual nature of humanity' and includes a discussion with pupils about analysis skills.
This episode includes a discussion about The Greatest Happiness Principle and it's main features. A discussion with pupils about potential exam questions then follows.
In this episode we introduce National 5 Judaism by discussing 'beliefs about God' this is followed up by a discussion with two pupils about 'knowledge and understanding' and exam style questions.